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2013 Building Learning

20 Creation Apps in 20 Minutes

Published by:

Presenter: David Lockhart
Location: Atlanta, Georgia


Presentation Title: 20 Creation Apps in 20 Minutes

Presentation Description: Are you tired of going to a PD session and only getting one idea or app? Do you like to play with the technology before you use it in the classroom? Then this session is for you. We give you 20 apps to create new and wonderful things for your classroom. Put them in your teacher toolbox!

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2013 Leading Learning

If You Want Data to Transform Learning, Present It as “Over-the-Counter”

Published by:

Presenter: Dr. Jenny Grant Rankin
Location: Laguna Beach, California, USA

Presentation Title: If You Want Data to Transform Learning, Present It as “Over-the-Counter”

Presentation Description: Educational leaders understand the importance of data as a tool to inform decisions. However, despite proactive steps educators already take to improve data use (such as professional development and staff supports), research suggests many educators are still analyzing data incorrectly. A largely-overlooked culprit is the manner in which data is communicated to educators. Data systems and reports most educators use to analyze data usually display figures without supporting guidance concerning the data’s proper use. This is akin to providing over-the-counter medication without any labeling or supporting documentation to guide people in the medicine’s proper use. In this presentation, the education data-equivalent to over-the-counter medicine is termed over-the-counter data: essentially, enlisting medical labeling conventions to pair education data reports with straightforward verbiage on the proper interpretation of report contents. The researcher in this quantitative study explored the inclusion of such supports in data systems and their reports. Respondents’ data analyses were found to be 307% more accurate when a report footer was present, 205% more accurate when an abstract was present, and 273% more accurate when an interpretation guide was present. These analysis supports followed specific guidelines to improve their success. Attendees will learn how to add these supports to their own data systems and reports so that educators using the data can do so with significantly increased accuracy.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Website: http://overthecounterdata.com

Facebook: http://facebook.com/overthecounterdata

Google+: plus.google.com/u/0/b/117931157580458678473/117931157580458678473

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/groups/OvertheCounter-Data-OTCD

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/otcdata

Twitter: @OTCData (twitter.com/OTCData)

2013 Building Learning

Building Learning Keynote – Making the Case for Making in Schools

Published by:

Presenter: Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA


Presentation Title: Building Learning Keynote – Making the Case for Making in Schools

Presentation Description: The Maker Movement is a revolutionary global collaboration of people learning to solve problems with modern tools and technology. Adults and children are combining new technologies and timeless craft traditions to create exciting projects and control their world. The implications are profound for schools and districts concerned with engaging students, maintaining relevance, and preparing children to solve problems unanticipated by the curriculum. The technological game-changers of 3D printing, physical computing and computer science require and fuel transformations in the learning environment. K-12 educators can adapt the powerful technology and “can do” maker ethos to revitalize learner-centered teaching and learning in all subject areas.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2013 2013 Keynotes Leading Learning

Developing Leadership in Classrooms, Schools and Communities

Published by:

Presenter: Larry Ferlazzo
Location: Sacramento, CA

Presentation Title: Developing Leadership in Classrooms, Schools and Communities

Presentation Description: I’ll be suggesting that developing the leadership potential of our students, teachers and parents is a key strategy to develop more learning, better teaching, and improved engagement for all. And I’ll be providing ideas for specific actions we can take to develop that leadership.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2013 Open Learning

Writing – It’s All about Collaboration and Sharing

Published by:

Presenter: David Wells, M.Ed.
Location: Montpelier, Vermont, USA

Presentation Title: Writing – It’s All about Collaboration and Sharing

Presentation Description: Educators are of two minds when it comes to standards – love them or leave them. But there is good news when it comes to modern writing standards. Today’s writing standards, such as the Common Core State Standards in the United States insist on sharing and collaboration. Authentic digital age writing experiences remain an essential cornerstone for our 21st Century students. Having students share their thoughts with a global audience has never been more important. In this video presentation, I will share the standards based argument for providing students open and collaborative opportunities for sharing their writing. Participants will met educators and students who have transcended the walls of the classroom and have reaped the benefits of open and collaborative writing. In addition to my video presentation, I will provide participants with links and resources that will support open and collaborative writing experiences for students in a standards based classroom.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

2013 Outside Learning

Place-Based Education: The Greenspire School

Published by:

Presenter: Erin Fitzpatrick
Location: Traverse City, MI




Presentation Description: Teachers with little experience or a wealth of experience can come to gain knowledge regarding place-based education. Its seamless integration into a PBL environment makes for global citizens who know more about the world around them, and who can educate the community about everything from the ground up!

Additional Information:

2013 Open Learning

Any Device Will Do! Best Practices of BYOD Implementation

Published by:

Presenter: Naomi Harm
Location: Brownsville, MN USA

Presentation Title: Any Device Will Do! Best Practices of BYOD Implementation

Presentation Description: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is more about instructional design and delivery, rather than tools, devices, or applications. Teachers who implement BYOD effectively also facilitate and nurture learning communities in their classrooms while recognizing the immediate needs of today’s digital age learners to collaborate, communicate, create, and think critically. This online webinar will model effective mobile teaching and learning scenarios to implement a BYOD program in your K-12 schools and classrooms. The session is designed to increase your understanding of BYOD in order to lead to greater student engagement in learning and to empower teachers to design and create new compelling and motivating lessons and assignments.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Blog: http://blog.innovativeeducator.us

2013 Outside Learning

Blogging with Little People

Published by:

Presenter: Bess Altman and Terra Bodkins
Location: North Myrtle Beach, SC USA

@Bessaltman    @TerraBodkins

Presentation Description: Teachers often want creative and effective ways of taking their classroom learning outside of the classroom walls and into the future. In this presentation, you will learn about the benefits of blogging, what you can do with blogging, how to get started and how to stay connected.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Blogging in the Elementary Classroom by Horry County School District (a course on iTunesU

Additional Information:
Bess Altman:

Terra Bodkins

2013 Open Learning

Social /Library Media Project Based Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Harry Brake, Hay Chhoem, Alexandria Smith, Jack Little, Danielle J., Alexandra Salaman, Natalia Clarke
Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Presentation Title: Social /Library Media Project Based Learning

Presentation Description: With incorporating the skills of a 21st Century Library and the activation of Social Media, armed with a collection of students wanting to make changes, project-based learning can soar above all expectations. By initiating a school-wide project through the magazine Repentino., students begin to use the tools of 21st Century Literacies to communicate with the worlds outside of their own country as well as within.

Through the power of showing that art is not ornamental, but fundamental to project-based learning, providing an arena for learning through the internet as well as in the real world, and implementing 21st Century skills as problem solving, creativity, analytical thinking, collaboration, communication, ethics, action, and accountability, these students show that the sky is the limit with the correct approach to education.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

PAVEing a Blog
Repentino magazine on Tumblr
Repentino on Twitter
Repentino on Facebook

Additional Information:
In publishing the 2012-2013 Repentino, the second year of a renewed literary/art magazine, now reaching the world, students have learned the following: Inventing, creating, designing a Gala to promote this publication, creating organizational documents on Trello, Google Docs, Dropbox, Google Hangouts, and InDesign to move a project-based Initiative forward. In addition, students have created their own Google email attached to the magazine, worked through Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook to promote the magazine and continue to get the word out in promoting their magazine.

In doing so, the platform is being set to be a social and cultural influence on various cultures, to obtaining a better understanding of the needs of other cultures, through the vehicle of a magazine. This has been stage one, establishing a permanent foundation for the magazine, and phase two will be impacting social change with various cultures once a mass population is familiar with Repentino; ultimately using ART as the key component of communication through the above-mentioned tools will change the power of these students in the process.

Contacts for this project can be the below:

See above and also contact us at asflitmag@gmail.com

2013 Open Learning

Radically Learner-Centered: Badges at P2PU

Published by:

Presenter: Vanessa Gennarelli
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Presentation Title: Radically Learner-Centered: Badges at P2PU

Presentation Description: How can your students use Badges in the classroom? P2PU has built a learner-centered platform for your classroom community to give feedback to each other and recognize skills.

Peer 2 Peer University has a different take on measurement: we see assessment and learning as one loop, with peers constantly giving feedback to each other and learning in that process.

As such, we’ve build a very different kind of assessment platform: our Badges enable feedback and conversations. This presentation will walk through our platform and present a use case in how Youth Voices Summer Program used Badges for learners to assess each other.
Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Vanessa Gennarelli is a qualitative researcher, learning designer and maker of things. She’s the Learning Lead for Peer 2 Peer University, a grassroots group leading experiments in how we learn online. She’s worked on innovative projects such as the Mechanical MOOC and Badges for Lifelong Learning. She holds a Master’s of Education from Harvard University and is a former Research Intern with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. You can contact her directly at mozzadrella.me, @mozzadrella or vanessa@p2pu.org.