Presenters: Shannon McClintock Miller and Meridan Boyd
Location: Van Meter, Iowa, United States
Presentation Description: As educators, it is so important for us to stop and really listen to the young people we work with everyday. In this keynote, Shannon McClintock Miller tells the story of being inspired by a moment when she truly stepped back to watch and listen to what her students wanted and needed. She shares several thoughts and ideas from the voices of young people all over the world and tie it into what is happening within her school in Van Meter, Iowa. By embracing the voices of our young people, we all can transform education and make a difference in the world. Shannon’s friend and student Meridan Boyd, Van Meter 4th grader, adds her voice and perspectives in this keynote presentation.
Link to presentation’s supporting documents:
Additional Information:
Van Meter Library Voice
Van Meter Library Voice on Twitter @vmlibraryvoice
Shannon McClintock Miller on Twitter @shannonmmiller
Van Meter Voice Facebook
Email is shannon.miller [at] vmbulldogs [dot] com
Absolutely fabulous. Thanks for the inspiration and possibilities. You have lifted me up on this Saturday morning in Colorado!
I am trying to help out at my daughter’s school so I intend to apply the same principle by LISTENING to the teachers who I talk to, but it can be difficult to find time to talk to them because they are so BUSY!
In the meantime, I hope to talk to the students themselves directly to find out what they want to do to take responsibility for Royaltheir own learning!
My reflection:
I appreciate that you brought student voice directly into your presentation, and it was a great way to kick off the conference.
Thank you
What website do you use for the student portfolios?
Excellent pre k12 conference kickoff! So many fabulous ideas shared. Meridan, you may be one little voice–but it’s enormously powerful and connected! Thank you for sharing your amazing work Shannon!!!
Shannon and Meridan: I loved your presentation and have watched it twice, I’m going to be sharing it with my wife this week (who is also a teacher). My favorite part was the story of how you talked about “being with your people” at the student tech conference, Meridan! I can relate to that because I feel that way sometimes when I get together with other teachers who are very passionate about using technology to learn, connect and share. This is one of my favorite K-12 Online Conference presentations EVER, because of how strongly you shared the importance of student voice and many ways students can be empowered to share and learn. The students at Van Meter are VERY blessed to have you as their teacher-librarian, Shannon. Thank you SO much for sharing this fabulous presentation. You’ve both inspired me to find ways to help more students participate in conferences and professional learning experiences with teachers.
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Shannon Miller totally rocks and I’m so pleased to be able to catch up with her and her work and her passion for teaching with this keynote. Thank you for choosing this marvelous human being for your keynote speaker. I didn’t get to “play” this year but I’m so thankful that you are here for us and for our students.
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Thanks Shannon! I feel totally inspired to activate my students’ voices. I look forward to collaborating with my students and connecting them to the world. Meridan, Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with others.
I feel we can make a difference and transform education by asking our students to share what they want from teachers. We need to spend more time listening.