(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
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2014 2014-STEAM

STEAMmaker: Merging Classroom STEM and Afterschool MakerEducation

Published by:

Presenter: Ginger Lewman
Location: Hutchinson, Kansas, USA

Presentation Description: If we truly believe that teachers teach how they are taught, then our professional learning should look radically different than most inservices and workshops currently do. This presentation outlines one approach to helping teachers learn and experience what a MakerSpace might look like inside either a STEAM classroom or as a club outside the regular school day.

At our STEAMmaker camp, students and teachers become true learners, as they experience a hands-on learning environment unlike their traditional school classroom. Here, they get to think, ideate, prototype, test, and publish answers to challenges that are issued to them, all while working on self-designed challenges. Students and teachers work in teams as parallel learners to create solutions to various challenges, all while fostering a sense of independence and joy inside collaborative learning. And as a result, both students and teachers develop understanding and leadership to be a core member of a STEAMmaker movement in their own schools/districts, should they choose to take summer camp back home!

If you want students and teachers to learn how to be risk-takers, to be hands-on tinkerers, to be active builders and growers, then you want a STEAMmaker Camp.

2014 2014-Passion-Driven Learning

Connected Learning Through Google Apps

Published by:

Presenter: Jennifer Bloomingdale
Location: Schuylerville, New York, United States

Presentation Title: Connected Learning Through Google Apps

Presentation Description: This presentation will focus on specific how-to’s of Google Apps that support Connected Learning for teachers and students. Learn which features of Google Apps help students create, collaborate and share their work.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2014 2014-STEAM

Programming in Primary

Published by:

Presenter: Sam Patterson
Location: Palo Alto, CA

Presentation Description: Join Sam to talk about how we can start in k-2 teaching students to program using blockly code. Sam will demonstrate using Scratch Jr and Hopscotch on the iPad to support content area learning.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2014 2014-Passion-Driven Learning

Passion-Based Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Joy Kirr
Location: Elk Grove Village, IL

Presentation Title: Passion-Based Learning

Presentation Description: What IS “passion-based learning?” It goes by many names, but it is authentic, student-driven time given during school hours. It is used to engage students in their learning, and let them know that their interests and inquiries matter. Once you start, you will find it permeates the rest of your teaching hours.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

“About Me” Web Address – http://joykirr.wix.com/portfolio

“About Me” bio: I currently teach 7th grade English Language Arts in a suburb of Chicago. I was first a special education teacher working with deaf & hard-of-hearing students, and next became a reading specialist and National Board Certified. I’m on my 20th year of teaching, but it’s always like my first!

2014 2014-Stories for Learning

How Schools Are Preparing Students To Be Real World Ready

Published by:

Presenter: Chris Turnbull
Location: Saint Paul, MN, United States

Presentation Description: “Real world ready” is a phrase that has evolved in the education world over the past several decades. Beginning with a focus on literacy and math skills needed to be successful adults and productive members of society and being revised over the years as norms and expectations for college enrollment changed and expanded to a larger section of graduating high school students and the knowledge and preparation they would need for the types of careers they might pursue changed. In my opinion, the phrase has now evolved to include all states of learning and tools, both in-school and beyond, that help the student gain knowledge or skills and make connections that will help him/her to understand the global, connected world better and to be prepare himself/herself for the life-long learning and adapting he/she will need to make connections, adapt, grow, evolve, and excel outside of the traditional classroom walls. Real world ready is an unending, changing state flexible enough to keep up with the advances of our society and limited only by students’ imagination and creativity and the impact that schools can have in either a positive or negative way. The technology that is evolving today has a direct impact on the jobs and careers available for our students’ futures. As educators, we have to ensure that we are preparing our students for 21st century careers and not those of the past. By integrating technology into our teaching, we can ignite students’ passions to engage them in school and build their skills in the areas of creativity, collaboration, research, and problem solving.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
What does “Real World Ready” mean to you? Contribute your thoughts here – http://playlearnteach.blogspot.com/2014/10/k12-online-conference-how-schools-are.html and share a recommendation of a great iPad app or interactive website.

Have a great project-based lesson that you have done with your students? Add it to the form in the blog and take away an idea or two to try with your class.

2014 2014-Gamification

Five Steps to Level Up Your Teaching

Published by:

Presenter: Sarah Thomas
Location: Woodbridge, VA

Presentation Title: Five Steps to Level Up Your Teaching

Presentation Description: The face of instruction is changing, as educators often struggle to engage digital natives. Gamification, or applying game mechanics to non-traditional settings, has proved to be an innovative and effective way to capture the interest of today’s learners. In this session, educators will be provided with a simple framework to help them begin the process of gamifying their classroom. This video presentation will incorporate various resources to gamify for little or no money.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


Additional Information:
Blog: sarahdateechur.com
EduMatch Project: edumatch.education
App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/app-4-teechurs/id897181453?ls=1&mt=8

2014 2014-Stories for Learning

Collaboration with TwitCast

Published by:

Presenter: Dr. M. Monte Tatom
Location: Henderson, TN, USA

Presentation Description: Participants will learn creative ways to use TwitCasting for students, parents, community, administration, faculty, and staff. TwitCasting is a great way for students and teachers to share up-to-date information and receive feedback using the class hashtag.
ISTE Standards addressed:
ISTE Standard-S 2B: TwitCasting will provide students an opportunity to share information and ideas with classmates, students in other countries and their teachers.
ISTE Standard-T 3C: TwitCasting will give teachers the ability to share relevant information and ideas to students, parents, and peers.
ISTE Standard-A 2B: TwitCasting will give the administrator the opportunity to model and promote the frequent and effective use of technology for learning.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2014 2014-Stories for Learning

Out My Window

Published by:

Presenter: Leslie Pralle Keehn, Erin Olson
Location: Blairsburg



Presentation Description: Out My Window was born from a quest to have students gain global perspective. OMW classrooms share their story with the world. Inspired by the 5 themes of geography, students reveal cultural awareness & understanding through poetry & photography.

Goals for the session:
To involve more classrooms in the quest to gain global perspective
To showcase the power of content and concept convergence
To provide an example of meaningful technology integration
To honor student voice and ability to create for an audience

Our perspective is shaped by our experiences. Those experiences are shaped by where we live. The themes of geography can be addressed through personal narrative, and when that happens an appreciation for all that is experienced and all that is seen is heightened. Stories are the thread connecting us all. Using geography, photography, and poetry participants can share and celebrate their story. Because the project is about sharing all of this, an audience can gain also connect to the creator’s story.

Out My Window transforms how we look at and teach geography by making it a cross-curricular tool to connect with a global community. Honoring student voice and perspective in the process of not just consuming, but creating content also honors the power of the human story. Traditionally, geography is not viewed as poetic. The emotion poetry can incite connected to geography’s theme is transformative. Imagine if more students globally gained an appreciation for people and their perspectives…imagine how that would influence empathy.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


2014 2014-Stories for Learning

Digital Tools for Challenged Learners- Leveling the Playing Field!

Published by:

Presenter: Cheryl Oakes
Location: Wells, Maine, USA

Presentation Description: This presentation encompasses Cheryl’s passion for leveling the playing field for challenged learners by using digital tools to access their learning. Tried and true apps and extensions will be shared, student comments and student examples will be available as well.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:
Presentation links

Additional Information:
Cheryl’s web site: http://cheryloakes.com/
Cheryl Steele Oakes MEd., is an educator with 30+ years experience, a Google Certified Teacher since 2008, former technology educator, former technology and special education administrator and currently a high school resource room teacher. Cheryl also has experience as a former State of Maine- MLTI-SEED trainer, one third of the SEEDLINGs Podcast, and yearly co-host of Geek of the Week ACTEM. Cheryl has presented throughout NE, ISTE, ATIA, ACTEM and several GAFE Summits. Cheryl is passionate about Chrome Extensions and Apps as a way for challenged learners to succeed on an equal playing field.

2014 2014-Gamification

Gamification: It’s not all fun and games!

Published by:

Presenter: Avi Spector
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Presentation Description: Gamification can be defined as taking a closer look at the engaging and motivating aspects of video games and then applying these elements to a learning environment. Gamification incorporates positive reinforcement, collaboration, and recognition of achievements; it is not about bringing video games into a classroom! In this session, we’ll focus on seven key elements of Gamified classroom. We’ll also explore Gamification classroom models from two different language teachers.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


Additional Information:
Avi Spector is a pedagogical consultant with the Riverside School Board and the RECIT FGA Regional Service. He is also a member of the Adobe Education Leaders Program. With a strong belief that pedagogy should always drive technology in the classroom, Avi helps teachers find relevant and sustainable ways of using technology to enhance learning and develop student competencies. Avi has been an avid gamer since childhood and is thrilled to see how the engaging and motivating elements of his favorite pastime are now being applied (and taken seriously!) in education.

Connect with Avi on Twitter (@a_spector) or on his pedagogy focused website at www.beyondthetools.com