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2012 Kicking It Up a Notch

Creating Seven Habits of Highly Effective Professional Development Learning Experiences

Published by:

Presenter: Naomi Harm
Location: Brownville, MN USA
twitter:  @nharm

Presentation Description: Do you sometimes struggle to provide meaningful professional development opportunities to inspire your teachers? The capabilities of educational technology has the potential to radically change instructional strategies to bring about socially meaningful learning. This online webinar will showcase how an organization can move to deeper and more creative staff development practices through a kaleidoscope of blended learning opportunities.

Join Naomi Harm as she explains the potential of seven online highly collaborative tools and how you can model the use of these reflective tools and resources to build and sustain creative and meaningful staff development experiences. She will cover how to develop a vision of Web 2.0 for achieving your district’s technology literacy goals, as well as how to provide support for an online community-based reflection portal for educators to share their collective wisdom and voice, and just in-time learning for educational uses of Web 2.0.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


Additional Information:
Blog: http://blog.innovativeeducator.us

Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/naomilharm

Naomi Harm, Master of Education in Professional Development, ME-PD, best known as an 21st century educational technology literacy specialist, welcomes every opportunity to share her expertise and best practices relating to technology infused teaching and learning environments. Her dynamic career focus includes many exciting and cutting edge jobs which include: an Intel National Senior Trainer, SMART certified trainer, certified online instructor, and manages her own “Innovative Educator” consulting corporation. Naomi provides customized staff development technology workshops, grant writing expertise, and designs and delivers online graduate course work for universities. She also has a well-known specialty and expertise area of delivering motivational international keynote presentations focusing on emerging technologies, 21st century skills and assessments, mobile learning technologies, and inspired and transformative educational technology leadership. Naomi is truly passionate about building global relationships with educational technology leaders, while engaging in meaningful and collaborative conversations to meet the needs of today’s diverse learners.

2012 Student Voices

Beaucoup de Cool Student Projects

Published by:

Presenter: Audrey McLaren McGoldrick
Location: Dorval, Quebec, Canada
Twitter: @a_mcsquared

Presentation Title: Beaucoup de Cool Student Projects

Presentation Description: This presentation is about the year-long process that my math students undertook to create independent research assignments. Their projects unlocked their creativity, either artistic or mathematical, and the final products were as much about the students as they were about math.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


2012 Announcements

K12Online12 Day 7 Presentations: 30 October 2012

Published by:

Welcome to day seven of the 2012 K-12 Online Conference! All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Day 7 presentations include:


Ben Rimes
Video Story Problems 



Janine Campbell
Remix Teaching Through Blended Online Learning

Richard Beach
Using iOS App Affordances to Foster Literacy Learning in the Classroom 


If you’re not already, be sure to follow us on Twitter and “like” us on FacebookSubscribe to our email list if you’re not already receiving email updates from us. Also remember all video and audio presentations are available in iPad / iPhone / iPod touch compatible format in our iTunesU Portal! If you tweet about the conference please use the Twitter hashtag #k12online12.

2012 Kicking It Up a Notch

Using iOS App Affordances to Foster Literacy Learning in the Classroom

Published by:

Presenter: Richard Beach and Jill Castek
Location: Minneapolis, MN, US/Portland, OR, US
Twitter: @rbeach   @jillcastek

Presentation Description: This presentation describes students’ uses of iOS app affordances to foster collaborative reading, writing, and speaking/listening literacy practices in the classroom given the need to determine how apps can be used to foster literacy practices. By app affordances, we mean those literacies fostered through how apps are employed in activities. These affordances are not “in” apps, but rather are fostered through creating engaging activities.

We illustrate how these affordances are fostered through activities with specific examples of how California 5th and 7th graders students’ to engage in certain literacy practices. Students used the Popplet Lite concept-mapping app to identify and elaborate on relationship between concepts to address the question, what is gold? The used the Diigo and DocAS annotation apps for highlighting sections of essays about the positive and negative aspects of using wind turbines for energy use and then adding annotations posing questions about essays, annotations used for later summary writing. They used the VoiceThread app for creating presentations arguing their case for whether volcanoes, an asteroid, or a supernova led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. And, they used the ShowMe app for creating screencast presentations illustrating Mendel’s genetics theory.
One key affordance in use of these apps is the multimodal integration reading, writing, and speaking/listening. For example, they used the ShowMe app to create doodle drawings serve as visual illustrations of their voice-over talk about genetics, illustrations that, in turn, served to focus and foster elaboration of their talk.
Another key affordance is that the mediate collaborative construction of ideas and presentations. For example, in using the VoiceThread app, pairs of students would take turns in responding to the same images, as well as share their presentations with other students for their comments.
All of this suggests the importance of teachers creating activities that exploit the affordances of iOS apps in the classroom to foster literacy learning.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Blog: Apps For Learning Literacy

Wiki resource site for using apps to foster literacy learning http://usingipads.pbworks.com

2012 Kicking It Up a Notch

Remix Teaching Through Blended Online Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Janine Campbell
Location: Byron Center, MI USA
Twitter: @campbellartsoup

Presentation Description: Learn how you can kick it up a notch by adapting a blended online learning system. Through incorporating an online Learning Management System to organize content and engage students in class, see how I have been able to differentiate instruction and meet students’ needs. In this presentation you will see how using a blended method of instruction where traditional and digital tools combine improve productivity and solve issues that have long plagued classrooms.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
You can find more information about this topic on my blog at www.janinecampbell.weebly.com

2012 Student Voices

Video Story Problems

Published by:

Presenter: Ben Rimes
Location: St. Joseph, MI, USA
Twitter: @techsavvyed

Presentation Description: Traditional story problems are dull. They’re usually disconnected from real world scenarios and learner’s experiences, and are presented in an artificial manner. Through the use of video, students and teachers can capture genuine moments of curiosity and real world examples for use in the classroom.

Aren’t ready to start filming yourself in the aisles of your local grocery store or park to point out interesting problems? You can easily use video to produce more scripted variations of traditional story problems, provide many open ended questions all tied to a common concept, or start to your flip your classroom with a blending of both teacher and learner voices.

I wanted to provide a mixture of both student examples, teacher examples, and a bit of my thought process for creating this story problems. It’s certainly not limited to Math, as video story problems would work very well for exploring conceptual science problems and reflective language arts of social studies learning. As we all struggle to adopt the Common Core State Standards here in the United States, it’s important to remember that publishing, collaborating, and sharing with other learners online is now a requirement at almost all levels of K-12 education. Giving students a way to share their voice while connecting real world situations to classroom studies is a positive step towards a more student-centered classroom where exploration and curiosity is encouraged!

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


2012 Kicking It Up a Notch

Teaching Art in a Technology Rich and Connected Classroom

Published by:

Presenter: Tricia Fuglestad
Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA
Twitter:   @fuglefun

Presentation Description: Integrating technology, web 2.0, and interactive tools in the art room gives students the opportunity to enhance their 21st-century learning skills, practice creative problem-solving, and develop higher-level thinking as they create art. Showcasing student work through online venues opens your art room doors to an authentic global audience, connect students with others in collaborations, and enriches learning for all. I will share stories and examples from my technology rich elementary art room and how our online connections have enthralled, enriched and engaged my students.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Please take a moment to look around my website/blog to see all the exciting ways my K-5 art students use technology for instruction, art production, and connecting with a global audience. We would love to hear from you!
Website/blog: http://drydenart.weebly.com/fugleblog.html
I also share my interactive lessons with tutorials on this wiki: http://artisinteractive.wikispaces.com/Artisinteractive
Watch and use our award-winning Fugleflicks (Student-Created, Art-Related) videos: http://fugleflicks.wikispaces.com/Fugleflick_Index
and Check out my Creating on iPads page full of handouts/tutorials: http://drydenart.weebly.com/creating-on-ipads.html

2012 Student Voices

Quest Atlantis: Student Design and Ownership

Published by:

Presenter: Bron Stuckey
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Twitter: @bronst

Presentation Description: Students in the inaugural Quest Atlantis Student Congress worked to design, plan, program and build virtual worlds missions, games and activities to support the learning of peers around the globe. Much of Quest Atlantis is managed content and curriculum but in the Student Congress it is the students who design the curriculum based on their passions and interests. The teachers role is to support, scaffold and most of the time get out of the way and stop drawing boundaries to limit student creativity and learning 🙂 This video shows how kids built virtual world environments and activities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills and to support the learning of their peers.Your school can readily be part of this exciting program as any student can level up in the game and community to be part of this supportive and creative space. Digital citizenship IS a lived curriculum and activities like these in QA offer opportunities for leadership, mentoring, collaboration and healthy competition.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Teachers wishing to join Quest Atlantis should apply for an educator account to explore the program.

Then join an online teacher professional development workshop to become a Quest Atlantis certified teacher.

There is no $$$ cost to the program but there is a professional commitment to attend training and use the program as part of a rich inquiry classroom pedagogy.

2012 Kicking It Up a Notch

Keynote for Kicking It Up A Notch : It’s Not About the Apps

Published by:

Presenter: Mathew Needleman
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Twitter:  @mrneedleman

Presentation Description: As mobile devices take over we have to decide between replicating traditional classroom work with digital flashcards or infusing our classrooms with creativity. Mathew Needleman describes how taking pictures with an iPhone sparked a personal creative renaissance and how this might occur in our classrooms.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


Additional Information:
Follow Mathew Needleman on Instagram @needleworks:

2012 Student Voices

Keynote for Student Voices: Kids Teaching Kids

Published by:

Presenter: Tiana Kadkhoda
Location: Santa Monica, CA, USA
Twitter: @tianakad

Presentation Description: 17 year old student from Santa Monica, Tiana Kadkhoda, shares stories and experiences about how student-created videos and media can transform learning and equip students with digital literacy skills alongside traditional curriculum skills. She will also explain why student and teacher collaboration is the foundation to a productive classroom environment.


iPod video    audio mp3


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


Additional Information:
We love questions and participation! Please follow my former math teacher, Eric Marcos (@mathtrain), to find out more about what’s happening with mathtrain.tv and to ask any questions!