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2008 2008 - Getting Started

Getting Started “I Like Delicious Things: An Introduction to Tagging and Folksonomies”

Chris Betcher Sydney, Australia
Blog: http://www.betchablog.com

Bio: Chris has been teaching for over 20 years and is currently the ICT Integration Specialist at Presbyterian Ladies College in Sydney, Australia. Originally trained as an art teacher, Chris has drifted away from that role and into the teaching of computing and multimedia, professional development for teachers, network administration, and even corporate training for companies like Microsoft.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Chris+Betcher

Presentation Title: “I Like Delicious Things: An Introduction to Tagging and Folksonomies”
Description: Using simple examples from a number of tag-driven websites, this presentation looks at how tagging and the subsequent creation of folksonomies are changing the way we think about information. Starting with obvious tagging systems used on sites like Flickr and Delicious, it examines how tagging enables information to be classified, sorted and managed in ways that make it more accessible, easier to manage and more self-aware. It also explores how tags can be aggregated across large collections of information to provide a snapshot into the overall zeitgeist of collective thinking.

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Extra information, videos and links can be found at http://betchablog.wikispaces.com/DeliciousThings

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  1. Silvia Tolisano

    Enjoyed your presentation tremendously. Thank you Chris.

    Your use of the word “Zeitgeist”, especially resonated with me and makes perfect sense the more I think about it. The spirit of the times… a snapshot of what is important to us.


  2. Nancee Wilson

    Great presentation and use of technology. I’ve spent some time looking at the websites from this presentation and find them most interesting. Using flickr and delicious for our yearbook publication will be a great asset for student to combine online organization while keeping a current record of pics for our new yearbook. Thanks for the insight.

  3. Scott McLeod

    This was an AMAZING presentation. Not just the content on tagging (which was fabulous, by the way) but how impressively seamless all of the technology transitions were. If I may ask, what software package(s) did you use for this (can you tell I’m a PC guy?!).

    Thanks, Chris. You did an excellent job with this and have set a high bar for the rest of us!

  4. Chris Betcher

    THanks everyone for the feedback. It’s nice to hear it was useful, and that it came across ok. The fact that you could understand my accent is a bonus too. 🙂

    In order…

    JenW – Thanks, yes the Presidential speeches thing is very cool. I’ve used that a few times to show people about tagging and it seems to be a really Ah-ha! example… people who don’t “get” tagging seem to get it after seeing that one. I thought it was interesting that the Bush speech that had words like Terror and Al-Queda seems to be conspicuously missing the words Education and Learning. Just saying is all…

    Silvia – I like that word Zeitgeist too. I think I just like the way it sounds. 🙂

    Alex A – Good on you for blogging more about tagging. The software I mainly used was Screenflow. It’s Mac only and is just awesome. It was the first time I’d used it (I downloaded it the day I started making the preso) so that ought to tell you how easy it is to use.

    Nancee – Thanks! Good thinking with the yearbook idea. You could get your staff and kids to upload and tag photos with something unique like “schoolcode_yb_08” (as an example) and then set up a tag feed using something like http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/schoolcode_yb_08. Just subscribe to that feed via RSS and the photos will come directly to you.
    There was so much more I would have like to have added to that presentation about how to manage the tag feeds with RSS, but there’s only so much you can do in 20 minutes.

    Scott – Thanks! Yes it was done on a Mac, which I find manages video so much better than my PC. Basic workflow was done using Screenflow (Mac only) which captures both the fullscreen capture and the iSight camera simultaneously, in amazing high quality. It then has a very simple timeline-based interface that allows the zooming in and out of different parts of the screen. It can do heaps more, but I was just using it in a basic way. Probably towards the end I was starting to figure it out a bit more.
    The opening scene outside the Opera House was shot on my Nokia N95 cell phone and then embedded into a Keynote slideshow so the animations and text could be added. Then I exported that sequence out of Keynote as a Quicktime file (something that PowerPoint can’t do). I ended up later just creating Keynote files (like the tag speech bubbles at the end) and capturing them with ScreenFlow… it was just easier.
    Once all these sequences were created they were edited together in iMovie and overlays, transitions and titles, etc were added.. I was planning on using Adobe Premier originally, but iMovie was actually quite competent for what I wanted so I decided to keep it simple.
    The hardest part was getting the presentation down from the original 26 minutes long to the 20 minutes required by the conference organisers! In the end I got it to 20:00 😉
    Hope that helps… Thanks for the comment and the question.

    Kelly – Excellent! Leave a comment here or on the Voicethread and let us know what you come up with!

  5. LangLabCindy

    Great presentation – thanks for sharing! Two key ideas for me – 1. Using creative tags to better sort information (Wow for pictures to rate them) and 2. Being able to use the tag cloud to see other patterns. Just introduced teachers to Wordle for text – the tag clouds can give the same sense for how folks have tagged pictures – what the main theme of a set of pictures is.

  6. Pingback: Digital Magic #17 « ‘Practic-All’

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  8. Pingback: Visualise your Delicious Bookmarks | Using ICT in Further Education

  9. Pingback: K12 conference presentation #2 « Jocelynskogberg’s Weblog

  10. Pingback: Betchablog » Blog Archive » Still Quite Delicious

  11. Pingback: Tagging « Fusion Finds

  12. kim thomas

    Teacher, teacher, my brain is full! I have spent several hours with Chris’ presentation. He talked Flickr, I had to open an account. Then on to my delicious account to learn more about tagging. What a great day of learning! Can’t wait to share this with the teachers in our district.

    Kim T.
    Phoenix AZ

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  17. Pingback: Thing 13- Thoughts and opinions about Chris Betcher’s presentation on “Delicious things such as tagging, folksonomies, and tag clouds. | Potts's Summer Blog

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  21. Pingback: Delicious | Tech Tuesday

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  23. Pingback: Thing 13- Tagging and Folksonomy | Fancy Nancy's Blog

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