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Tag Archives: social media

2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Social Media for Continuous Professional Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Angela McDurmon
Location: Athens, Georgia

Presentation Description: The presenter attests to the benefits of using social tools for continuous professional learning.

Participants will learn to:

* Find educational conversations (discussion groups) to participate in on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Edmodo.
* Search for issues, content, and sites that are trending in social media platforms.
* Use common educational hashtags.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:


2015 2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Meeting Parents and Students Where They Are

Published by:

Presenter: Josh Allen
Location: Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA

Presentation Description: The need to communicate and share has always been valuable, but how we do it today should be different. This session covers how to utilize Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Flipboard at a classroom and district level. I will also cover some ways to make those tools work together, allowing you to post to multiple places, reaching multiple audiences, without having to take the time to visit each site.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:


2015 2015-Stories of Connection

What Can Social Media Aggregation Contribute to Advocating for Education? Getting all A’s in School

Published by:

Presenter: Thomas Ho
Location: Whitestown, Indiana USA

Presentation Title: What Can Social Media Aggregation Contribute to Advocating for Education?

Presentation Description: We in education just don’t often do a very good job of telling others what a great job we’re doing, do we? We can harness social media to get that job done so learn WHY we should do it and HOW we can do it!

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:



2014 2014-Passion-Driven Learning

Trust and Transparency

Published by:

Presenter: Bart Miller
Location: Tokyo, Japan

Presentation Title: Trust and Transparency

Presentation Description: Support self directed, interest and passion driven learning in your classroom by building trust. Using simple tools and strategies to maximize transparency, we can empower students to explore their passions to engage in deeper learning and authentic inquiry.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

2013 Open Learning

Social /Library Media Project Based Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Harry Brake, Hay Chhoem, Alexandria Smith, Jack Little, Danielle J., Alexandra Salaman, Natalia Clarke
Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Presentation Title: Social /Library Media Project Based Learning

Presentation Description: With incorporating the skills of a 21st Century Library and the activation of Social Media, armed with a collection of students wanting to make changes, project-based learning can soar above all expectations. By initiating a school-wide project through the magazine Repentino., students begin to use the tools of 21st Century Literacies to communicate with the worlds outside of their own country as well as within.

Through the power of showing that art is not ornamental, but fundamental to project-based learning, providing an arena for learning through the internet as well as in the real world, and implementing 21st Century skills as problem solving, creativity, analytical thinking, collaboration, communication, ethics, action, and accountability, these students show that the sky is the limit with the correct approach to education.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

PAVEing a Blog
Repentino magazine on Tumblr
Repentino on Twitter
Repentino on Facebook

Additional Information:
In publishing the 2012-2013 Repentino, the second year of a renewed literary/art magazine, now reaching the world, students have learned the following: Inventing, creating, designing a Gala to promote this publication, creating organizational documents on Trello, Google Docs, Dropbox, Google Hangouts, and InDesign to move a project-based Initiative forward. In addition, students have created their own Google email attached to the magazine, worked through Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook to promote the magazine and continue to get the word out in promoting their magazine.

In doing so, the platform is being set to be a social and cultural influence on various cultures, to obtaining a better understanding of the needs of other cultures, through the vehicle of a magazine. This has been stage one, establishing a permanent foundation for the magazine, and phase two will be impacting social change with various cultures once a mass population is familiar with Repentino; ultimately using ART as the key component of communication through the above-mentioned tools will change the power of these students in the process.

Contacts for this project can be the below:

See above and also contact us at asflitmag@gmail.com

2013 Open Learning

Crowdsourcing Your Professional Development

Published by:

Presenter: Tanya Avrith, Holly Clark
Location: Montreal, Canada and San Diego, California
@edtechschools, @HollyEdTechDiva

Presentation Title: Crowdsourcing Your Professional Development

Presentation Description: Tanya Avrith and Holly Clark co-hosts of the eduslam.me vodcast show discuss how they are using their networks to crowdsource for best practices and professional development using some of the most innovative educators in the world. In this segment, they interview Jennie Magiera from Chicago, Illinois and David Theriault from Huntington Beach, California to demonstrate how they are harnessing the power of their social networks to crowdsource their personal learning, as well as the learning of their students.

Tanya and Holly share their story and how they came up with the concept of eduslam.me and demonstrate examples of how powerful the concept of open learning can be.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Tanya Avrith’s Blog is found at tanyaavrith.com, Holly Clark can be found at hollyclark.net.

Please follow us on twitter: @edtechschools, @hollyedtechdiva and @eduslam. You can also follow David Theriault @davidtEDU and Jennie Magiera @msmagiera

Read more about eduslam on our interview with Jennie Magiera :

2012 Getting Started

Leveraging the Power of Social Media in the Classroom

Published by:

Presenter: Elaine Plybon
Location: Bedford, Texas USA
Twitter: @eplybon

Presentation Description: Teenagers spend 80% of their time on the internet involved in social networking websites. This presentation explores the ways educators can utilize their understanding of these venues to create engaging lessons that will help students gain content knowledge, assist teachers in assessing student progress, and provide opportunities for discussions about the students’ own digital footprints. The presentation is designed with the educator who has to deal with restrictive internet filters and even a total lack of internet availability for students.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Elaine Plybon’s web site: http://www.elaineplybon.net/

2010-Leading the Change

LEADING THE CHANGE KEYNOTELiderando el Cambio: Escuela 2.0, Educando la Participación

Published by:

Presenter: Dolors Reig
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Twitter: @dreig

Presentation Title: Liderando el cambio: Escuela 2.0, educando la participación  Leading the Change: School 2.0; educating in participation

Presentation Description: Open Social Learning, escuela y revolución cognitiva, social y creativa en la web. School and cognitive revolution, Social and Creativity on the web

Presentation with English Transcription:

DotSub Video Presentation Link

YouTube version (in Spanish / en Espanol)

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

Dolors Reig Hernández.

Docente, Consultora distintas Universidades / Centros / Empresas Educator, Consultant for various universities, business and other centers.

Experta en Comunidades, Social Media, Tendencias web, Innovación educativa.  Expert in online communities, Social Media, Web tendencies, and education innovation.

Blog: El caparazon

SlideshareFacebookTwitterBlog RSS

2009 2009-Leading the Change

Slippery Rocks & Hard Places: Twelve Bridges and Learning Matters

Published by:

Presenter: Dennis Richards
Location: Andover, MA, USA
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: Slippery Rocks & Hard Places: Twelve Bridges and Learning Matters

Presentation Description: To begin, I want you to know I created a wiki that expands upon the notions I discuss in this presentation/video. If you find what I say worthy of further reflection, carry your learning beyond the boundaries of the .mov and visit tr.im/bridginggaps.

If you wonder what a “well-educated” student will look like in our constantly shifting, interconnected, globalized society; if you want to know what teachers and administrators need to know about teaching and learning in the 21st Century; if you are ready to learn about newer, more effective ways of teaching that engage, challenge and inspire students; this is the session for you. In this video I will present a vision for teaching and learning in the 21st century that is evolving as I explore the intersection of pedagogy and the digital culture. There are twelve critical bridges that span competing conditions I have experienced that we must all acknowledge, experience and understand if we are to move toward the emerging new story of learning.

1. Building Learning Communities: Distant ~ Flat
2. Community Norms: Reserved ~ Confident
3. Boot Camp: Learned ~ Learning
4. Learning and Teaching: Compliance ~ Community
5. Read-Write Web: Repository ~ Participatory
6. Building a Network: Possess ~ Share
7. Leadership and Planning: Consistent ~ Innovative
8. Mental Models: Informed ~ Wise
9. Establishing Identity: Directed ~ Autonomous
10. Presentation Skills: Deliver ~ Engage
11. Learning Environment: Contained ~ Open
12. Map of Community Values: Change ~ Transformation

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
innovation3 blog: tr.im/i3blog
education week leadertalk blog contributor: tr.im/i3leader
innovation3 wiki: tr.im/i3wiki
twitter: dennisar
email: dennisar [at] gmail [dot] com