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2015 2015-Stories of Connection

A Little Help From Teachers Near and Far: Creating A Global PLN

Published by:

Presenter:  Chris Turnbull

Location:  Saint Paul, Minnesota


Presentation Title:  A Little Help From Teachers Near and Far: Creating A Global PLN

Presentation Description:

In the past teachers were limited to seeking out advice from their colleague across the hall or a department chair during lunch or after school. Now teachers can use a variety of social media tools and apps to find and tap into the collective knowledge of educators near and far for new ideas, resources, and ways to hook and engage students in academic learning. Learn about a variety of ways to expand your professional learning network and revitalize your teaching with a little help from a global line-up of educators.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


Additional Information:




2015 2015-Maker Ed

Getting Started with Maker Ed!

Published by:

Presenters: Barbara Johnson and Jenny Lussier
Location: Colchester and Durham, CT, USA
@technojohnson, @jluss

Presentation Title: Getting Started with Maker Ed!

Presentation Description: School libraries are leading the way as innovators in the area of Maker Ed. Join two elementary library media specialists as they share their experiences in creating makerspaces in their buildings. Whether you are a classroom teacher looking to incorporate different types of making in your classroom, a media specialist looking to get making going in your library space or an administrator looking for ways to begin this process in your school, this session will introduce you to the ideas behind Maker Ed, resources, including materials and guides, and how to incorporate them into your students’ learning. Hear from students about their experiences with making and learning. Specific examples of student work will be included to give a complete picture of what Maker Ed can be!

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2015 2015-Stories of Connection

What Can Social Media Aggregation Contribute to Advocating for Education? Getting all A’s in School

Published by:

Presenter: Thomas Ho
Location: Whitestown, Indiana USA

Presentation Title: What Can Social Media Aggregation Contribute to Advocating for Education?

Presentation Description: We in education just don’t often do a very good job of telling others what a great job we’re doing, do we? We can harness social media to get that job done so learn WHY we should do it and HOW we can do it!

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

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2015 2015-Maker Ed

Merry Makers

Published by:

Presenter: Steve Sherman
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Presentation Title: Merry Makers

Presentation Description: As the Head of the Imagination Chapter in Cape Town, I get to help young students and their parents get in touch with their creative juices every week. I then connect with other chapter leaders around the world and we share our ideas and experiences. I will include footage and photos in my presentation, share ideas and give you a small taste of some of our projects. I hope that you are encouraged to create a maker space at school and promote making activities to your students.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Living-Maths-191424357561419/timeline/

2015 2015-Maker Ed

There is Now a 5th Law of Robotics

Published by:

Presenter: Harrison McCoy
Location: Arlington, Texas

Presentation Title: There is Now a 5th Law of Robotics

Presentation Description: “Who doesn’t love a robot? Viewers at this session will learn how to add robotics to their makerspace with the Lego Mindstorm EV3 robots. Regardless of grade level robotics can ignite the imagination and capture the attention of almost any student.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

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2015 2015-Stories of Connection

The Power of the PLN in Your Own Backyard

Published by:

Presenter: Ben Rimes
Location: St. Joseph, MI, United States

Presentation Title: The Power of the PLN in Your Own Backyard

Presentation Description: Connected educators have done an amazing job of flattening their learning experiences for students, and bringing the world into their classrooms. But what happens when we leverage social media to bring about real change locally in our own communities? How do we bring our connections back down out of the cloud to create opportunities for members of our communities to grow and learn together? View three different examples of individuals coming together on regional and state levels through social media to bring about real change and create lasting memories.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Links related to the video:

Write a House Project – http://writeahouse.com

Pure Michigan Sing-a-Long – https://vimeo.com/54867886

Voices of #michED – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGpkibXv9iBjqc3oAhcXdA-lunzYZRpGx

#michED Twitter Chat – http://miched.net


2015 2015-Maker Ed

Game Jams: Students as Designers

Published by:

Presenter: Matthew Farber
Location: Branchburg, NJ, USA

Presentation Title: Game Jams: Students as Designers

Presentation Description: Game jams have been growing in popularity. In a game jam, teams are challenged to design a game in a short period of time. In essence, game jams are a game about making a game. Students apply systems thinking, user empathy, collaboration, storyboarding, and iterative design, while also learning how to tackle broad, open-ended problems. Matthew Farber, author of Gamify Your Classroom: A Field Guide to Game-Based Learning, will discuss his use of game jams in his middle school social studies classes, as well as digital game jams in the after school club he advises. He will share resources from the Moveable Game Jams he attended in the New York area this year, including Quest to Learn, in New York City, as well as the A. Harry Moore School Game Jam Day, in Jersey City, NY, which he facilitated.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


2015 2015-Maker Ed

Creator’s Studio

Published by:

Presenter: John Umekubo
Location: Pacific Palisades, CA, USA

Presentation Title: Creator’s Studio

Presentation Description: Creator’s Studio is a 7th/8th grade elective course taught by John Umekubo, Director of Technology for St. Matthew’s Parish School. This video explores the essential elements of this course, from electronics, to mechanical motion, and robotics. Students work through these three modules before taking on their own personal project. Hear reflections from the instructor and students as you view a number of sample student projects.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Course blog can be found at http://www.creatorsstudio.org/course-blog. For more information on PBL at St. Matthew’s, here are two more project websites: DEEP, Diving Enrichment Education Program and The Lucas Scholars Program.


2015 2015-Stories of Connection

Building Bridges: Connecting Students and Teachers to the World through Innovative Technologies

Published by:

Presenters: Fran Siracusa and Jennifer Williams
Location: Clearwater, FL, USA


Presentation Title: Building Bridges: Connecting Students and Teachers to the World through Innovative Technologies

Presentation Description: In this video recorded session, participants will be introduced to ways to connect students to the world through innovative instructional practices and integrated technology. Likened to building a bridge, participants will be guided through the entire process of global collaboration through the Plan, Design, Constructors, Tools, and Connection. Specific examples of global projects and connection to national and international standards of instruction will be examined and tech tools and apps for collaboration will be demonstrated. Participants will be directed to explore and try out all technologies digitally throughout the session. Nearpod will be used in coordination with the videocast to offer an example of innovative teaching practices. Participants will leave with ready-to-use ideas for instruction and with ways to create global projects in their classrooms. Join for a fun and exciting session that will help to build the bridges that will bring innovation, connection, and inspiration for the future!

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2015 2015-Stories of Connection

The #WalkMyWorld Project: Exploring the use of digital texts and tools as a means to connect, collaborate, & share

Published by:

Presenter: W. Ian O’Byrne
Location: Charleston, SC, USA

Presentation Title: The #WalkMyWorld Project: Exploring the use of digital texts and tools as a means to connect, collaborate, & share

Presentation Description: The purpose of this session is to bring together multiple perspectives and participants to conceptualize #WalkMyWorld as a space to explore avenues for pre-service teachers, as a tool for focusing on media literacies, and as an exploration of a community of writers. Evolving pedagogical models for new literacies and emerging technologies allow texts to unfold in new reading and writing spaces. These studies explore an evolving “community of inquiry” called #WalkMyWorld. This cross-platform poetry project cut across chronotopes of time and space as participants explored various lifeworlds by responding to and authoring multi-modal poetry.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:
The #WalkMyWorld Project

Additional Information:
For more information on the project, learning events, and tutorials shared please visit the following website: https://sites.google.com/site/walkmyworldproject/.

All of my personal posts about the #WalkMyWorld Project can be viewed here: http://wiobyrne.com/tag/walkmyworld/