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Tag Archives: coding

2014 2014-STEAM

Coding/Making/Writing with Connected Learners

Published by:

Presenter: Melissa Techman
Location: Charlottesville, VA, USA

Presentation Title: Coding/Making/Writing with Connected Learners

Presentation Description: An overview of how to use Mozilla’s Thimble with students for creative approaches to writing. Thimble allows for easy website building and fun remixing of existing website templates. Following the success of Webmaker events with teens at the public library, Melissa Techman shares her forms, templates and methods so you can experiment with Thimble in the classroom. This creative approach to writing builds interest in coding and allows students of all abilities to have fun and experience collaborative and connected learning. While intended for grades 6 and up, the approach and the templates can be simplified for younger students.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2013 Building Learning

Coding for Kids

Published by:

Presenter: Chris Betcher
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Chris Betcher on G+

Presentation Title: Coding for Kids

Presentation Description: While not every student might want to write their own software, understanding the big ideas of coding is a skill that all students would benefit from, even the very young ones. Understanding the key ideas of computational thinking – identifying patterns, thinking algorithmically, manipulating data, solving real problems, etc – is an important step in helping our students build mastery over their world.
This presentation will take you on a guided tour through some of the resources available to your students to help them learn the principles of creating code. We’ll check out a range of desktop and iPad apps suitable for teaching very young students to program, through to tools and websites that can help your older students learn to hack code, and much more.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Chris Betcher is an Australian technology educator with a passion for helping students master their digital world. He is the technology integrator at PLC Sydney, where he helps students and teachers use technology in meaningful and authentic ways. He has a curious mind, asks way too many questions, and likes to build cool stuff out of zeroes and ones. Connect with Chris at www.chrisbetcher.com.

2013 Building Learning

Building Learning Keynote – Making the Case for Making in Schools

Published by:

Presenter: Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA


Presentation Title: Building Learning Keynote – Making the Case for Making in Schools

Presentation Description: The Maker Movement is a revolutionary global collaboration of people learning to solve problems with modern tools and technology. Adults and children are combining new technologies and timeless craft traditions to create exciting projects and control their world. The implications are profound for schools and districts concerned with engaging students, maintaining relevance, and preparing children to solve problems unanticipated by the curriculum. The technological game-changers of 3D printing, physical computing and computer science require and fuel transformations in the learning environment. K-12 educators can adapt the powerful technology and “can do” maker ethos to revitalize learner-centered teaching and learning in all subject areas.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents: