Presenter: Harry Brake, Hay Chhoem, Alexandria Smith, Jack Little, Danielle J., Alexandra Salaman, Natalia Clarke
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Presentation Title: Social /Library Media Project Based Learning
Presentation Description: With incorporating the skills of a 21st Century Library and the activation of Social Media, armed with a collection of students wanting to make changes, project-based learning can soar above all expectations. By initiating a school-wide project through the magazine Repentino., students begin to use the tools of 21st Century Literacies to communicate with the worlds outside of their own country as well as within.
Through the power of showing that art is not ornamental, but fundamental to project-based learning, providing an arena for learning through the internet as well as in the real world, and implementing 21st Century skills as problem solving, creativity, analytical thinking, collaboration, communication, ethics, action, and accountability, these students show that the sky is the limit with the correct approach to education.
Link to presentation’s supporting documents:
PAVEing a Blog
Repentino magazine on Tumblr
Repentino on Twitter
Repentino on Facebook
Additional Information:
In publishing the 2012-2013 Repentino, the second year of a renewed literary/art magazine, now reaching the world, students have learned the following: Inventing, creating, designing a Gala to promote this publication, creating organizational documents on Trello, Google Docs, Dropbox, Google Hangouts, and InDesign to move a project-based Initiative forward. In addition, students have created their own Google email attached to the magazine, worked through Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook to promote the magazine and continue to get the word out in promoting their magazine.
In doing so, the platform is being set to be a social and cultural influence on various cultures, to obtaining a better understanding of the needs of other cultures, through the vehicle of a magazine. This has been stage one, establishing a permanent foundation for the magazine, and phase two will be impacting social change with various cultures once a mass population is familiar with Repentino; ultimately using ART as the key component of communication through the above-mentioned tools will change the power of these students in the process.
Contacts for this project can be the below:
See above and also contact us at