The 2013 K-12 Online Conference organizer team is pleased to announce dates for this year’s conference as well as our call for proposals. Since 2006, K-12 Online has offered unique, free, entirely volunteer-powered opportunities for educators worldwide to share and learn together about innovative ways to use technology tools to enhance teaching and learning at all levels.
The theme for the 2013 conference is “Transforming Learning.” The conference will begin with a pre-conference keynote on Monday, October 14th. The next two weeks, starting on October 21st, 40 presentations will be published in four different strands, with four presentations posted per day. All K-12 Online presentations are published as pre-recorded videos, generally no longer than 20 minutes in length. The 2013 conference strands are Open Learning, Outside Learning, Leading Learning, and Building Learning.
Open Learning (convened by Karen Fasimpaur)
Open learning is about transparency, inclusiveness, sharing, collaboration, agency, and authenticity. It’s about how we make, share, and learn — together. If you are using or sharing open-licensed, shareable resources, participating in open communities for learning (PLNs, MOOCs, etc.), or otherwise encouraging participative learning that transcends the normal classroom boundaries, please share your stories!
Outside Learning (convened by Susan van Gelder)
Do you take mobile devices outside the classroom? Do you connect with others beyond your school and across the globe? Do you take your students on field trips (real or virtual). Have you brought in visitors via Skype or in person? Where do you go for your own learning? How do you bring the outside in and the inside out? Learn about how other teachers are opening up their classrooms and be inspired to take more of your learning outside!
Leading Learning (convened by Jose Rodriguez)
Leadership is a critical part of innovation in education, whether it is “driven” by leaders, self-directed, or led by informal means. In this strand, sessions will focus on the leaders of education who may or may not be in formal leadership positions. Participants will be encouraged to consider various types of leadership in the classroom, in the school, and in the community. Additionally, we’ll explore strategies to foster strong leadership in ourselves, our colleagues, and in our school families. Finally, we’ll look at the impact that leadership has upon the growth of the profession and ultimately, the world.
Building Learning (convened by Ginger Lewman)
In the real world, we build things. Hands-on learning is intrinsically authentic, building upon learners’ previous knowledge. Sessions in this strand will address the literal construction of artifacts, digital or otherwise, and maker-spaces, as well as the idea of building learning through a constructivist approach. Participants will explore ideas and strategies for creating and sustaining a “building learning” environment.
Please see our “Presentation Guidelines” for more information about formats and requirements.
Please consider submitting a proposal for the 2013 K-12 Online Conference by July 31st August 16th, and personally invite other educators you know to submit a proposal. K-12 Online offers great learning experiences every year because of our fantastic presenters. Your encouragement to others to present, as well as your own willingness to present, will make K-12 Online 2013 our best year ever!