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Prove It “Action Research as Catalyst for Change in Teacher Practice and Outcomes for Children”

Published by:

Elaine Newton, Nelson, New Zealand
Blog :http://elaineece.blogspot.com

Bio: Elaine Newton is a facilitator on the New Zealand Ministry of Education funded Early Childhood Education I.C.T. Professional Learning (ECE ICT PL) Programme. She works with teachers at ten early childhood services in the upper south island of New Zealand.
Bio link:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Elaine+Newton

Presentation Title: “Action Research as Catalyst for Change in Teacher Practice and Outcomes for Children”
Description: Discussion of outcomes for children, teachers and families at two early childhood centres that are engaged in action research focused on introducing I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technologies) into teaching and learning programmes (and a brief description of the ECE ICT PL programme, and some features of early childhood education in New Zealand).

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Original (19:42; mov, 14.9 MB)
iPod Video (19:42; mp4, 22.5 MB)
Audio only (19:42; mp3, 5.4 MB)

Supporting Links: References and links are on bio page and Elaine’s blog http://elaineece.blogspot.com/

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Using Online Argument Role-Play to Foster Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn in a High School Composition Class”

Published by:

Richard Beach, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Blog: http://teachingliterature.typepad.com/

Bio: Professor of English Education at the University of Minnesota. He is author or co-author of Teaching Writing through Blogs, Wikis, and Other Digital Tools(Christopher Gordon, November, 2008), Teachingmedialiteracy.com: A Resource Guide to Links and Activities, and Teaching Literature to Adolescents.
Bio Link:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Richard+Beach

Presentation Title: “Using Online Argument Role-Play to Foster Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn in a High School Composition Class”
Description: I describe the use of online role-play in a 12th grade high school composition class using a class blog and a Ning forum. In a role-play, students adopt fictional roles associated with competing positions associated with influencing a final decision on an issue. Students were highly engaged in a Ning role-play on the issue of student Internet access in their school because they were assuming different voices, writing to multiple audiences versus just the teacher, and developing arguments to make proposals for actual changes in the school’s Internet policies.


Original (19.52; mp3, 18.2 MB)
Audio only (19:52; mp3, 18.2 MB)

Supporting Links:
Richard has developed the following resource sites for teachers interested in teaching media and digital writing:
media literacy
media literacy wiki
teaching digital writing

Written script for his audio presentation

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “We Like Our Blogging Buddies: The Write Stuff with Blogging Mentors”

Published by:

Kathy Cassidy, Moose Jaw, SK, Canada

Bio: Kathy Cassidy is a grade one teacher at Westmount School in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada who is very interested in the ways in which technology can support and augment the learning in her primary classroom.
Bio Page:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Kathy+Cassidy

Patrick Lewis, Regina, SK

Bio:Patrick Lewis is an associate professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Regina, SK. He is a storyteller-teacher-researcher interested in good stories.
Bio Page:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Patrick+Lewis

Presentation Title:” We Like Our Blogging Buddies: The Write Stuff with Blogging Mentors”
Description: In the winter of 2008, Patrick Lewis’s university class of pre-service teachers were blogging mentors for Kathy Cassidy’s grade one students. This presentation talks about that collaboration and the results of the research that was conducted about the effect this mentorship had on the students’ writing.

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Original (18:04 Run Time; mov, 104 MB)
iPod Video (18:04 Run Time; m4v, 100 MB)
Audio only (18:04 Run Time; mp3, 12.8 MB)

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Throwing the Box Away”

Published by:

Barbara Bray, Lafayette, CA
Blog: Rethinking Learning

Bio: Barbara Bray writes a regular column on professional development for OnCUE, moderates the PDQs (Professional Development Quick Tips) for Techlearning.com, is President of My eCoach, and coach.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Barbara+Bray

Pat Lusher, Pinellas County Schools
Bio: Pat Lusher is the Supervisor of Academic Computing for Pinellas County Schools.

Cecelia Nauda, Pinellas County Schools
Bio: Cecelia (Charli) Nauda is EETT Grant Coordinator, Curriculum and Applications for Pinellas County Schools.

Donna Blanton, Largo, Florida
Bio: Donna Blanton, 3rd grade teacher at Pinellas Park Elementary.

Presentation Title:“Cross-Age Cross-Curriculum Projects Change Teaching Practice”
Description: 109 K12 teachers and eMentors at Pinellas County Schools, Florida developed six 6 week cross-age cross-curriculum projects for their EETT grant in 2006-2007. This presentation describes the professional development and resources necessary for successful projects. Learn how teachers collaborated with teachers from other grade levels and designed standards-based real-world activities that engaged all students in the learning process. Examples, strategies, and evidence will be shared.

Audio Presentation

Original (20:09 Run Time; mp3, 18.4 MB)

Supporting Links: Video Teaser; Cross-Age Cross-Curriculum Projects (summary) Blog Post with additional links, enhanced podcast, and PowerPoint presentation.

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Promise into Practice”

Published by:

Sara Kajder, Virginia Tech University, Virginia, USA
Blog: http://reasonstowrite.wordpress.com

Bio: Sara Kajder, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of English education where she coordinates the English Education program and serves as a literacy affiliated faculty member. Her research examines the nature of teaching English in standards based contexts, the integration of new literacies and emerging technologies to support teaching and learning, and the nature and development of adolescents’ literacy identities.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Sara+Kajder

Presentation Title: “Promise into Practice: What it Now Means to Teach Adolescent Readers”
Description: It is a daunting and exciting time to teach English – especially as we consider the “shifts” in how we define literacy, and the toolset for our work as readers and writers continually expands. This session investigates one teacher’s work in studying her practice and students’ learning when she worked to bridge new literacies into “traditional” classroom practice.

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Original (19:53 Run Time; mov, 61.6 MB)
iPod Video (19:53 Run Time; mp4, 46.3 MB)
Audio only (19:53 Run Time; mp3, 9.2 MB)

Supporting Links: http://www.bringingtheoutsidein.com

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Open, Social, Connected: Reflections of an Open Graduate Course Experience”

Published by:

Dr. Alec Couros, Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Regina, Canada
Blog: http://www.couros.ca

Bio: Dr. Alec Couros is a professor of educational technology and media at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Alec+Couros

Presentation Title: Open, Social, Connected: Reflections of an Open Graduate Course Experience
Description: The presentation unravels a recent open graduate course offering titled “Open, Connected, Social” that was offered at the University of Regina, Winter 2008. The presentation describes the theories influencing the course, types of open practice, reflections and outcomes, and goes on to the describe the emergence of “open teaching”.

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Original (19:53 Run Time; mov, 596 MB)
iPod Video (19:53 Run Time; mp4, 191 MB)
Audio only (19:53 Run Time; mp3, 11.9 MB)

Supporting Links: http://eci831.wikispaces.com

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Facilitating Technology Integration: A Synthesis of the Research”

Published by:

Jonathan D. Becker, J.D., Ph.D. Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia, USA

Bio: Jonathan D. Becker, J.D., Ph.D. is an assistant professor of educational leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University. He teaches courses on research design, technology leadership and school law. His research agenda lies at the intersection of technology, leadership, policy and equity in education.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Jon+Becker

Presentation Title: Facilitating Technology Integration: A Synthesis of the Research
Description: There is a very small but growing body of empirical research on facilitating technology integration in schools. This presentation brings together that research in the form of a critical synthesis. Dr. Jonathan D. Becker, a professor of educational leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), will discuss the major themes that have emerged from the research and place them within the context of his own research with technology integration specialists in the state of West Virginia. The major goals for this presentation are to make the research accessible and to provide educational technology practitioners relevant research-based data to inform their practice.

Link on dotsub.

(22:56 Run Time; mov, XXMB)
iPod Video
(22:56 Run Time; mp4, XXMB)
Audio only
(22:56 Run Time; mp3, XXMB)

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Student Creation of Digital Documentaries in History Classrooms: Research Findings”

Published by:

Glen Bull, Tom Hammond, and Curby Alexander, Virginia, USA
University of Virginia & Lehigh University

Bio: Glen Bull is co-director of the Center for Technology and Teacher Education in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. Tom Hammond is an assistant professor of social studies education at Lehigh University. Curby Alexander is a graduate fellow in the Curry Center for Technology and Teacher Education.

Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Curby+Alexander

Presentation Title: Student Creation of Digital Documentaries in History Classrooms: Research Findings
: PrimaryAccess is a free online digital documentary maker designed for social studies instruction. This presentation will provide a quick introduction to PrimaryAccess and then describe some of the research on its use in classrooms, focusing on students’ learning outcomes. The presentation concludes with recommendations for teaching with PrimaryAccess.

Link on dotsub.

Original (XX:XX Run Time; mov, XXMB)
iPod Video (XX:XX Run Time; mp4, XXMB)
Audio only (XX:XX Run Time; mp3, XXMB)

Supporting Links: www.primaryaccess.org

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2008 2008 - Keynote 2008 - Prove It!

PROVE IT KEYNOTE “Asking Bigger Questions About Assessment”

Published by:

Gardner Campbell, Waco, Texas, USA
Blog: http://www.gardnercampbell.net/blog1
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Gardner+Campbell
Twitter: @GardnerCampbell

Bio: Gardner Campbell is currently Director of the Academy for Teaching and Learning at Baylor University, where he also serves as an Associate Professor of Literature and Media in the Honors College.

Presentation Title: Asking Bigger Questions About Assessment

Description: How can we demonstrate that what we do with teaching and learning technologies makes a difference in student learning? My presentation doesn’t answer that question directly, but it does explore a larger historical and cultural context for the issue of student assessment. The aim is to start with complex questions of meaning and purpose so that we construct and choose our assessments wisely.

This presentation is audio-only so an embedded video is not available. The following slides accompany the audio file below:


Original (22:02 Run Time; mp3, 15.1 MB)
Audio only
(22:02 Run Time; mp3, 15.1 MB)

Supporting Links

A set of Google Presentation slides are included to illustrate the audio. The slides are embedded in a page on Gardner’s blog; conference participants can view it in the little window there, or click on the full-screen button (recommended) to get a larger image:


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Thank You PR Committee

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We would like to publicly thank the K12Online Public Relations Committee for your dedication to the betterment of education in our increasingly digital world. Through a myriad of networks you were able to promote one of the most successful conferences education has ever seen.  On a GLOBAL scale.  This is no small accomplishment.  Your expertise in a variety of tools and ability to network has benefited far more than we could have realized.  So on behalf of the K12 Online conveners and the tens of thousands of educators and learners we, the PR team co-chairs, would like to thank you. 

Carolyn Foote  & Brian C. Smith
Co-Chairs, K12 Online Public Relations Committee