(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.

Thank You PR Committee

We would like to publicly thank the K12Online Public Relations Committee for your dedication to the betterment of education in our increasingly digital world. Through a myriad of networks you were able to promote one of the most successful conferences education has ever seen.  On a GLOBAL scale.  This is no small accomplishment.  Your expertise in a variety of tools and ability to network has benefited far more than we could have realized.  So on behalf of the K12 Online conveners and the tens of thousands of educators and learners we, the PR team co-chairs, would like to thank you. 

Carolyn Foote  & Brian C. Smith
Co-Chairs, K12 Online Public Relations Committee


  1. Rocco Caradonna

    I’m so impressed by just the idea behind the k12 Conference never mind the outcomes. I had never heard of the conference until I took part in an online technology class, T@L in a Networked Classroom. I’m simply fascinated with the the ability to involve a conference between educators at a global level.

  2. Chris Betcher

    It was exciting and interesting to be a part of the PR committee this year. Working with people like Sheryl, Brian and Carolyn was really great and I know I learnt a lot from the process. The early morning Skype cats, the files going back and forth across the globe as we worked on them, the shared wiki to develop ideas… the thing about this conference is that it’s being put together by people who really do use the tools they are so passionate about.
    Thanks also for the chance to interview the convenors of k12 as part of the Virtual Staffroom podcast… it was a real privilege to talk with you all and I’m pleased that the podcast might have been able to help promote the event a little.
    Thanks again!

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