Elaine Newton, Nelson, New Zealand
Blog :http://elaineece.blogspot.com
Bio: Elaine Newton is a facilitator on the New Zealand Ministry of Education funded Early Childhood Education I.C.T. Professional Learning (ECE ICT PL) Programme. She works with teachers at ten early childhood services in the upper south island of New Zealand.
Bio link:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Elaine+Newton
Presentation Title: “Action Research as Catalyst for Change in Teacher Practice and Outcomes for Children”
Description: Discussion of outcomes for children, teachers and families at two early childhood centres that are engaged in action research focused on introducing I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technologies) into teaching and learning programmes (and a brief description of the ECE ICT PL programme, and some features of early childhood education in New Zealand).
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Original (19:42; mov, 14.9 MB)
iPod Video (19:42; mp4, 22.5 MB)
Audio only (19:42; mp3, 5.4 MB)
Supporting Links: References and links are on bio page and Elaine’s blog http://elaineece.blogspot.com/
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