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2011 2011-Sandbox Play

Tools to Create, Produce and Publish

Presenter: Valerie R. Burton
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Presentation Title: Tools to Create, Produce and Publish

Presentation Description: This presentation demonstrates how to use a variety of tools for teachers to help engage students and for the students to produce creative work. We examine the uses of:
1. Google Docs for collaboration, Google Forms to gather information
2. Weebly.com for ePortfolios and easy websites
3. Wordle.net for avatars, presentations and prior knowledge assessment
4. Kidblog.org for student blogs
5. WordPress.com for an assignment blog
6. Edublogs.org for a class blog
7. Photopeach.com for photomovies
8. Audacity for podcasts
9. Screenr.com for how to videos
10. Twitter.com for updates
11. PBWorks.com to create on online classroom
12. Wallwisher.com to gather ideas and other online tools

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Blog: http://2blog2share2learn.edublogs.org/
Presentations Site: http://msbisonline.weebly.com/


  1. Pingback: K12Online11 Day 9 Presentations: 8 December 2011 | K12 Online Conference

  2. Jose Rodriguez Post author

    Hi Valerie,

    Had not realized the potential for these tools as part of my classroom / teacher toolkit. I can see how Weebly can be used for creating eportfolios for students. I started using kidblog with my students this year. My fifth graders love it!

  3. Pingback: K12 online conference summary | 803k12blog

  4. Martha Lackey

    Thanks for sharing all your great finds. I too love kidblog and have an account for my class. We are blogging about our read aloud book that I am reading in class and students are posting their discussion question responses for each chapter. I’m using blooms taxonomy guide for questioning skills. Wordle is great for ELL learners and bilingual learners. I use wordle as well for subject content!

  5. Valerie Burton


    Thanks for ‘attending’ my session and leaving a comment.

    I am so happy that your kids are blogging and using wordles. I hope that you can ‘play’ around with some of the other tools and you will see that many of them will quickly become part of your everyday teacher toolbox.

    Thanks again and you are awesome,
    Valerie Burton

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