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2009 2009-Getting Started

Little Kids, Big Possibilities

Presenter: Kelly Hines
Location: Washington, North Carolina, USA
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: Little Kids, Big Possibilities

Presentation Description: Learn about the what’s, how’s and why’s of using web 2.0 tools and social networking with elementary age students to enhance learning and student engagement.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Blog: http://keepingkidsfirst.wordpress.com

Twitter: kellyhines


  1. Kelly Hines

    3 Essential Questions for Little Kids, Big Possibilities:

    1. What is one idea that you can see using with your students tomorrow in your classroom? How will you use it?

    2. What challenges can you see in implementing some of these strategies with your students? How might you overcome them?

    3. Please share an idea of something that you already teach that could modify to incorporate one of these tools.

  2. Pingback: Little Kids, Big Possibilities « Keeping Kids First

  3. Elisabeth

    I am a library technology person. I would like to use comics.com with my 4th graders to assess some of their research skills comparing online and paper encyclopedias. I think the humor aspect would really engage them and have them share with their classmates.

  4. Pingback: K-12 Online Conference for Monday, December 7 | Creating a Path for Learning in the 21st Century

  5. Gail P

    Very well done presentation here. Many thanks to Kelly Hines.

    There were no tools presented that I would use with a kindergarten class tomorrow. This is an ongoing challenge for early childhood educators. Can I create materials to enhance the learning using some of these tools? Yes, but I am looking for tools that the students can use with greater independence. That’s where the learning is.

  6. Pingback: Response to Little Kids, Big Possibilities « Computer Teacher

  7. Pingback: K12 Online Conference Session | What I've learned.

  8. Kelly Hines

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. It’s been a joy to learn with you. Gail, you bring up an excellent point. I have twins in the first grade and it’s a challenge for me to find things that aren’t just educational games for them.

  9. Kathy B

    I am a kindergarten teacher and I had totally forgotten about wordal.com. We are currently working on sounding out and writing cvc words and sight words. This would be a fun way to share some of the words we can write. The biggest challenge I face is the age of my kids. We do as much as we can though!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Pingback: Exciting Week Ahead! | Miller Memo

  11. tara ethridge

    Kelly, Great presentation. Informative, great pacing and just enough tools to get people excited.

    I’m a librarian and I plan on using the wallwisher (love it!) as a way for us all to track our thinking about a video clip or with books.

    Thanks for your hard work. 🙂

  12. Pingback: Reflecting on the K12 Online Conference | Kevin's Meandering Mind

  13. Pingback: K12 Online Conference Session | Teacher 18's Blog

  14. Pingback: Langwitches Blog » K12 Online LAN Party Jacksonville 2010

  15. Karen Foux

    I am a sixth grade art teacher…
    I could see using the comics.com to have students make illustrations summarizing what we learn about art history.

  16. Pingback: Langwitches Portfolio » K12 Online LAN Party Jacksonville 2010

  17. Pingback: K12 Online Conference 2009 | K12Online Echo Webcast with Kelly Hines

  18. Pingback: Thing 13- k12 online conference | Paula's Palabras

  19. Pingback: K12Online Conference Echo Webcasts « Moving at the Speed of Creativity

  20. Derick Jones

    Kelly Hines, I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation. I loved to learn about wallwisher. Since we have several online teaching and online learning training courses, it can be a wonderful tool.

  21. Pingback: WallWisher for data collection, backchanneling and more « NeverEndingSearch

  22. Pingback: Thing 13 ****Online Conference Site | Annette's Adventures in Web 2.0

  23. Pingback: Thing 13 – Online Conferencing | Technology as tool

  24. Pingback: Thing 13 | The Daly News

  25. Pingback: K-12 Online Conference | CED 580

  26. Kate Newton

    I loved this online class! Coincidentally, I had just learned about wallwisher and wordle, so being able to see those in further detail was enriching, but comiqs and edmodo were new for me.

    In response to the three key questions:
    1. I was thinking about using wall wisher or the edmodo polling tool as a way to connect with parents as well as students. I could set up a wall wisher for responses to our upcoming Intervention Convention to give parents a way to express their thoughts as well as give them an opportunity to share ways they would like to see the function change for next year. Similarly, I would like to use the edmodo tool to poll parents in order to collect statistical data for a variety of purposes.
    2. The only challenges I thought of in using these with my Kindergarten students would be the feasibility of them actually typing and spelling the words right now. As the year progresses, and their knowledge of letters and sounds progress, I think they would be able to independently use all of these tools. In the mean time, I loved the idea of creating ABC books on comiqs, as that is what we are focusing on right now.
    3. I currently do a lot of sharing/reflection activities with my students, and I want to start using wordle to display their responses to whether or not they liked a certain activity, or what they liked most about a particular books, etc.

    These tools are wonderful and I will be incorporating them into my classroom daily!

    Thank you!

  27. KristyK

    1. What is one idea that you can see using with your students tomorrow in your classroom? How will you use it?
    I can’t wait to use Wordle to enter information about an artist and have my students figure out who it is-what a great way to quiz them in a fun, informal way! I’ve used this application to create binder covers and things like that but never thought of an application like this for it-thanks!

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