Kurt Paccio Northampton, Pennsylvania, USA Blog: http://weblog.techruminations.org/ Bio
Bio Page |
James Gates Lemoyne, Pennsylvania, USA Blog: http://tipline.blogspot.com/ Bio
Bio Page |
Presentation Title
“The Electric Slide! Twenty-First Century Style”
Kurt and Jim will focus on two web 2.0 tools that we feel have the potential for immediate impact in the classroom. Kurt will show sPresent and Jim will show Splashcast. The main part will be to show how the site works, but at the end of the presentation Jim will talk about how they might look in the classroom by talking about using them for student assessments and for engaging students in the conversations about the content.
iPod ready
http://k12online.wm.edu/ElectricSlidePart1_iPod.m4v (15:01min Run Time; m4v; 19.3MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/electricslidepart2_iPod.mp4 (15:49min Run Time; M4p; 6.5MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/ElectricSlidePart1.mp3 (15:01min. Run Time; mp3; 7.3MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/electricslidepart2.mp3 (15:49min. Run Time; mp3; 6.9MB)
Supporting Links
What is “Take My Hand”?
“Take My Hand”
[tags]k12online07nt07, k12online07[/tags]
These are two fantastic tools! I think this is the best web PowerPoint creator that I have seen. I really like that you can embed YouTube, Flickr, and audio files into these presentations! So much better than Zoho.
I also like Splashcast. It is so simple to create and share. Thank you for such a fun presentation and two new user-friendly tools for the classroom!
I recorded a short reflection and some feedback on part 2 of this presentation by Jim about Splashcast:
I also added this to the K12Online07 Professional development tracker database as a new entry! 🙂
I’ll add a second reflection later on your portion, Kurt. I am viewing and listening to your presentation out of order!
When I click on the second part, I got a 404 error. Is there another place where part 2 can be downloaded?
I cannot get to Part 2, either.
I thought the audio on the powerpoint slide was good. I thought that the graphics were great and it seemed easy to use. It was great how you can link it to you tube.