Graham Wegner
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Presentation Title
“No Teacher Left Behind – The Urgency Of Web 2.0”
Graham is an ICT Coordinator in a primary school in suburban Adelaide with a focus on inquiry based learning and interactive whiteboards. He sees that information literacy and Web 2.0 technologies go hand in hand and will have a significant impact on his role. As well as working with students who are comfortable in the digital world, his role also involves helping his colleagues come on board with the effective use of technology for learning in the classroom.
The changing information landscape of the 21st Century demands that our students develop new skills of information literacy and become knowledge producers as an integral component of their learning. But what of the professionals charged with these students’ education? Can they be convinced of the need for personal change to keep pace with their students’ world? Are they even aware of the exponential changes taking place? How would they get started in their classrooms? This online presentation will explore some of the barriers faced by educators seeking to improve and influence their colleagues’ perceptions of the internet, and Web 2.0 in particular, as a vehicle for learning. It will pull together various resources that could be useful as starting points for discussion and explore some of the concerns and trepidations of average teachers struggling already with a heavy workload. This presentation will use a wiki as its base and seek to leverage the online Conference participants to help create some possible answers and resources for those of us who recognize the need for our colleagues to be at our sides, providing best practice for our digital age students.
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Noon says Flea…Jukes says Sardine…
Great recommendations for us to consider!
and I love your voice!
Hi Graham,
I agree with Kerrie and have promoted your presentation (loved the collaboration) widely as well as adding a quick comment on my blog.
Well done!
Thanks for your kind words, Glenn and Vonnie. The North American twangs sound exotic to us in the southern hemisphere – maybe my Aussie nasal drone can be a gimmick to get people to listen in!! Hopefully, my message was informative and you have just reminded me to go and post the link to Doug’s flea post on the wiki. Remember, even just influencing one person is a step in the right direction.
Hi Graham
It’s great to see you out there and spreading the word. Thanks for inviting me to contribute my bit amongst so many distinguished Australian and New Zealand educators who are passionate about the power of web2 apps in today’s learning. I really appreciate the succinct yet comprehensive way you introduce and summarise your own learning and (through audio/blog-screenshots) the thoughts and beliefs of 8 other bloggers. Brilliant use of easily read graphics. Even more, I love the way you point out that students already use this technology and that “they need ALL the teachers they have throughout their schooling to model appropriate, responsible and high level best practice” YET most of us currently act in isolation.
Well done creating an easily accessible reminder and extension of ideas for those of us already exploring web2. More importantly I believe you present issues and solutions for those just starting to ‘dip their toes in.’
*** I encourage all educators to have a look and listen … then a think ***
[Right-mouse-click either presentation link above and ‘Save target As …’]
Well done mate,
Cheers, Al
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The presentation was simple and straight forward. I shared your presentation with many of my colleagues. Many of them are not engaged in Web 2.0. I agree that ALL teachers should be responsible for modeling appropriate and high level use. Most teachers I work with are hesitant because they feel they lack the skills to be confident — especially when interacting with their students.
Mark — very cool work you’re doing with 3rd graders. I checked out their blog/wiki entries and was impressed with their entries.
Rachel — I agree with the “I don’t have time” attitude as a big barrier to change. We are challenging culture right now in our district at certain levels. I think the teachers understand the importance of how web 2.0 engage students but fear the change because they are uncomfortable with the skills needed.
Greg — Thanks for your thoughts on Web 2.0. I have found students that are hesitant to participate in class are usually the ones that shine in the online environment.
Judy — Thanks for the reminder of who our students are and what they need from us as teachers.
Doug — Cool perspective on adults not understanding the world that is being created for our kids.
Jo –
Jedd –
Al — Teachers do need to be more responsible for learning web 2.0 tools and time is a huge barrier. Thanks for the reminder that not all teachers need to be passionate about technology — but they do need the skills.
Thanks for articulating the barriers involved in teachers getting comfortable with web 2.0 tools. Many of my colleagues see me as a flee — I cherish the opportunity to facilitate change.
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Hi Graham. I am a teacher at St Helens District High School in Tasmania. 2 years ago, a couple of our teachers heard you speak at the National Literacy Conference in Adelaide. I was very interested in your Smart Board Maths Problem website that provides one Ma prob for every day of the year. Is this still available for general use?
Lisa Neubecker