Presenter: W. Ian O’Byrne
Location: Charleston, SC, USA
Presentation Title: The #WalkMyWorld Project: Exploring the use of digital texts and tools as a means to connect, collaborate, & share
Presentation Description: The purpose of this session is to bring together multiple perspectives and participants to conceptualize #WalkMyWorld as a space to explore avenues for pre-service teachers, as a tool for focusing on media literacies, and as an exploration of a community of writers. Evolving pedagogical models for new literacies and emerging technologies allow texts to unfold in new reading and writing spaces. These studies explore an evolving community of inquiry called #WalkMyWorld. This cross-platform poetry project cut across chronotopes of time and space as participants explored various lifeworlds by responding to and authoring multi-modal poetry.
Link to presentation’s supporting documents:
The #WalkMyWorld Project
Additional Information:
For more information on the project, learning events, and tutorials shared please visit the following website:
All of my personal posts about the #WalkMyWorld Project can be viewed here: