The conveners are excited to announce the K12 Online 2007 conference schedule! All times on the schedule are GMT with a link provided to a time converter. Both presentations and live events are included on the schedule. As the presentations are published, they will be linked from the conference schedule. You will find the conference schedule HERE. The conference schedule will also be linked in the “Asides” on the front page of the blog.Only eight days until the pre-conference keynote with David Warlick!
Mark your Calendars! Live Events Schedule
Plan to join us for the exciting Live Events of K12 Online 2007! Participate with the conference organizers and the keynote speakers in free wheeling open-ended Fireside Chats in Elluminate and in the culminating conference event “When Night Falls”, a chain of several 1 or 2 hour long skypecasts stretching over a 24 hour period; a 24 hour continuous K12 Online coffee break.
Mark your calendars today!
All dates and times are GMT and links to a time converter are provided for your convenience.

Fireside Chats
(image source)
Fireside Chat With David Warlick
The direct link to the time converter for this event:″
TO JOIN THE SESSION .jnlp?sid=2007095&password=M .E8E484E55C29AE1DE2356659DBF40CTHIS SESSION WAS RECORDED
To view the recording, click the link below:
Video– View the Elluminate Live! recording
Audio- coming later today
1:00 PM Saturday, October 20 GMT
Fireside Chat With Week One Keynoter and Presenters
The direct link to the time converter for this event:
TO JOIN THE SESSION .jnlp?sid=2007095&password=M .7115FA90A18944DFDE02B70CCAD62A
11:00 PM Tuesday, October 23 GMT
Fireside Chat With Week Two Keynoters and Presenters
The direct link to the time converter for this event:
TO JOIN THE SESSION .jnlp?sid=2007095&password=M .214C12CCC5DB9DCB930DCD20BD4050

When Night Falls (image source)
When Night Falls Begins
The direct link to the time converter for this event: JOIN IN
For more information on the Live Events CLICK HERE!
Technorati Tags:
Help Spread the Word!
download the flyer and share widely or add our badge code to your blog, wiki or other webpage!
“Creating PLE’s with TLC” Teaser
Brandi Caldwell
Strand: Professional Learning Networks
“Creating PLE’s with TLC”
“Webcasting for Educators: Expanding the Conversation” Teaser
Jen Wagner, Cheryl Oakes, Vicki Davis, Sharon PetersJen Wagner, Cheryl Oakes, Vicki Davis, Sharon Peters
Strand: Professional Learning Networks
“Webcasting for Educators: Expanding the Conversation”>
“Building a Yardstick for PD Success: Establishing Key Performance Indicators for Web 2.0 Personal Optimized Learning Environments” Teaser
Tag You Are It! Help us Spread the Word about K12Online07
3 Reasons Meme
Time for a new blog meme to help us spread the word about the upcoming K12Online07 conference. Please share either three (3) reasons to participate based on your experience from last year or (if you didn’t attend last year) three (3) things you hope to gain from the experience this year.
If you are new to memes–when you are tagged– simply create a blog post where you link to this flickr photo. Then write your 3 reasons and then tag several others who will do the same thing. After you tag someone in your post, please email them to let them know so they can help spread the word.
My Three Reasons
- Wonderful opportunities to meet new educational Yodas.
- Learn at your own pace, in your own space.
- Your school district isn’t offering professional development opportunities nearly this good.
Technorati Tags:
k12online07, k12online07tag
“The Promise of ICT: How Can It Be Realized” Teaser
Derek Wenmoth, Keynote
Strand: Professional Learning Networks
“The Promise of ICT: How Can It Be Realized”>
“Flat Agents of Change” Teaser
Cheryl Oakes, Bob Sprankle, Alice Barr
Strand: Personal Learning Networks
“Flat Agents of Change”>