(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.

Category Archives: 2015

2015-Beyond the Core

Fairytale Compositions

Published by:

Presenter: Samuel Wright
Location: Daejeon, South Korea

Presentation Description: Grade 5 students embarked on a journey of composition that revolved around writing for characters, objects, places and more. They investigated music of other cultures, used iPads and developed their own iTunesU Course with work-samples showing their amazing creations from Chinese themes to Little Red Riding Hood.
In this video I will walk you through our lessons, student feedback and the creative process as well as the method I use to integrate iPads successfully into the music-storytelling-classroom. Visit Grade 5’s compositions on YouTube here http://bit.ly/1OtMfoj and leave your own discussions on our iTunesU Course ‘Fairytale Compositions’ as feedback – we would love to see what inspires your students to compose.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Music Educator and Apple Distinguished Educator

2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Robots in Class: Mimetics’s Experience

Published by:

Presenter: Michael Predko
Location: Toronto, Canada

Presentation Description: Thinking about using robots in your classroom?

Robots can be a very powerful tool to interest and engage students in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (aka STEM). Unfortunately, they’ve often only being used with a small number of enriched students who are already interested in STEM and will not get the full benefit that other students will get from a fun, interactive program that brings the practical side of STEM to students.

Girls, who are normally much less interested in STEM than boys, benefit from robotics programs, gaining experience, knowledge and confidence that will help them consider a STEM career in their future.

Mimetics cofounder and Chief Designer, Myke Predko discusses what they’ve learned after almost 15 years bringing robots and STEM education to 15,000 students.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Please feel free to contact Myke at myke.predko@mimetics.ca for any questions, comments or suggestions.

2015 Announcements

K12ONLINE CONFERENCE Day 7: October 27, 2015

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k12 online badgeWelcome to day seven of the 2015 K12Online Conference. All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Week Two – Today we have three presentations. Take your time to enjoy them. Share what you learn with your colleagues. You can always come back to view sessions you missed or those you want to see again. Everything is archived. Why not add a comment after watching the session!

Today’s sessions:


Web Literacy Map V 1.5: Read, Write, and Participate for a Better Web
Ian O’Byrne, Greg McVerry

Beyond Teaching and Learning: Leaving a Legacy
Janine Campbell


Tackkling SAMR: Appsmashing Apptivities
Courtney Kofeldt

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and “like” us on FacebookSubscribe to our email list if you’re not already receiving email updates from us.

Also remember all video presentations are available in iPad / iPhone / iPod touch compatible format in our iTunesU Portal!

If you tweet about the conference please use the Twitter hashtag #k12online15.

2015 2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Tackkling SAMR

Published by:

Presenter: Courtney Kofeldt
Location: West Chester, PA, US

Presentation Description: This presentation will provide information on the tool Tackk, and how you can use it as a springboard to get your students to the redefinition level of SAMR. It will also discuss the tools that easily integrate into Tackk such as Thinglink, Google Apps and various other tools. The examples provided can be used across multiple content areas.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

2015 2015-Beyond the Core

Beyond Teaching and Learning: Leaving a Legacy

Published by:

Presenter: Janine Campbell
Location: Dorr, MI, USA

Presentation Title: Beyond Teaching and Learning: Leaving a Legacy

Presentation Description: Janine Campbell presents a question –  “What happens when the school year is done?” What legacy have students left behind and what will they take along with them when they have gone? Explore these questions and more in this session that will provide examples for thinking beyond the 60 minutes or 180 days you have in a classroom and asks you to start building your legacy with students today.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


2015-Beyond the Core

Web Literacy Map Version 1.5: Read, Write, and Participate for a Better Web

Published by:

Presenter: W. Ian O’Byrne, J. Greg McVerry
Location: Charleston, SC


Presentation Description: The World Wide Web has become this generation’s defining technology for literacy. This technology facilitates access to an unlimited amount of online information in a participatory learning space. Multiple theories and years of research have investigated the literacy practices in these online and hybrid spaces. Yet, as early adopters, history’s first generation of “always connected” individuals do not have the knowledge and skills to critically explore, build, and connect online. Simply stated, students are often not provided with opportunities in school to practice the web literacies necessary to read, write, and participate on the web. The Mozilla Foundation and community of volunteers have worked to address this paradox by creating a Web Literacy Map. These efforts seek not to simply understand the web but to empower adolescents to help build a better open web.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
My blog is available at wiobyrne.com

2015 Announcements

K12ONLINE15 DAY 6: OCTOBER 26, 2015

Published by:

k12 online badgeWelcome to day six of the 2015 K12Online Conference, the first day of week two. All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Week Two – Today we have three presentations. Take your time to enjoy them. Share what you learn with your colleagues. You can always come back to view sessions you missed or those you want to see again. Everything is archived. Why not add a comment after watching the session!

Today’s sessions:


Strand Keynote: Let’s Draw Some Attention: Digital Sketchnotes for Learning
Karen Bosch


Strand Keynote: Overcoming Obstacles: From ‘Yes, But’ to ‘Why Not?’ and ‘How Can We?’
Scott McLeod

Reinventing Pre-Service Teacher Technology Courses
Panel with: Curby Alexander, Cyndi Danner-Kuhn, Dean Mantz, Wesley Fryer


Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and “like” us on FacebookSubscribe to our email list if you’re not already receiving email updates from us.

Also remember all video presentations are available in iPad / iPhone / iPod touch compatible format in our iTunesU Portal!

If you tweet about the conference please use the Twitter hashtag #k12online15.

2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Reinventing PreService Teacher Technology Courses

Published by:

Presenters: Cyndi Danner-Kuhn, Curby Alexander, Dean Mantz, & Wesley Fryer
Locations: Manhattan, Kansas – Fort Worth, Texas – Sterling, Kansas – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Presentation Description: Many pre-service teacher education programs at colleges and universities include at least one course focused on technology integration. In this presentation, a panel of current professors and instructors teaching preservice teacher educational technology courses discuss the challenges they face in reinventing the syllabi, projects, and topics used in these classes. They also discuss how they hope their courses continue to evolve and change in the years ahead. If you are a preservice teacher technology educator, send a Twitter reply to @wfryer so you can be added to this Twitter list: http://twitter.com/wfryer/lists/preservice-edtech/members. Please respond to this presentation by recording your own video, answering one or more of the questions addressed by the panelists. Post your video to YouTube and share it as a comment on the K12Online Conference blog, on the original YouTube video, or via Twitter.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Panelist websites:
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

Curby Alexander

Dean Mantz

Wesley Fryer

2015 2015-Beyond the Core

Let’s Draw Some Attention: Digital Sketchnotes for Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Karen Bosch
Location: Southfield, Michigan USA

Presentation Title: Let’s Draw Some Attention: Digital Sketchnotes for Learning

Presentation Description: Interested in exploring how Digital Sketchnotes can impact learning for both you and your students? This session will introduce what you need to get started with taking visual notes, including an overview of the process, equipment and apps, hints and techniques, and a wealth of resources. Lesson ideas and examples from students will be featured as part of the session.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:




2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles: From ‘Yes, But’ to ‘Why Not?’ and ‘How Can We?’

Published by:

Presenter: Scott McLeod
Location: Ames, Iowa, USA


Presentation Description: Whenever any sort of change or innovation is discussed, the ‘Yes, but…’ objections are inevitable. However, instead of allowing those resistance points to dominate and defeat promising ideas, teachers and administrators can reframe opposition into possibility by asking the questions ‘Why not?’ and ‘How can we?’ Effective educators focus on adaptation, forward progress, and collective effort and efficacy. The ‘yes, buts’ don’t do anything except keep us stuck. Too often we get mired in negativity and defeatism instead of recognizing that – both individually and collectively – we usually have the ability to do and be so much more than our current reality reflects. This keynote focuses on transformative leadership mindsets and features exemplary schools from around the world that are ignoring the ‘yes, buts’ to make amazing things happen for children and youth.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents: