(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.

Category Archives: 2007


Classroom 2.0 “Release the Hounds”

Published by:

Chris Harbeck
Winnipeg,Manitoba Canada
Blog: http://makeitinteresting.blogspot.com/ and http://sargentparkmathzone.blogspot.com/

Chris Harbeck teaches grade 8 math to approximately 140 students each year. He has been teaching middle school students for over a decade and is in his third year of using 2.0 applications and “21st Century Learning” in his classroom. With his strong focus on conceptual understanding, Chris has discovered that using 2.0 tools and applications make math fun and interesting.

Bio Page

Presentation Title
“Release the Hounds”

This presentation takes participants along my journey into integrating 2.0 applications and “21st Century Learning” into my pedagogy. The presentation will show how teacher driven assignments and projects teach students some of the skills they need to use these new technologies to enhance their learning. Scribe Posts, Growing Posts and E-Portfolios will provide participants with three different activities to do with their students. The final part of my presentation takes participants into “unprojects”. Participants will learn how to create “unprojects”. For the veteran teacher who is using 2.0 in their classroom this is for you. See how students are more creative and show more enthusiasm towards assignments when they are in charge of their learning.

iPod ready
http://k12online.wm.edu/eportfolios.mp4 (4:31 Run Time, mpeg4, 3.4 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/growing.mp4 (6:09 Run Time, mpeg4, 4.7 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/scribeposts.mp4 (7:10 Run Time, mpeg4, 4.8 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/unprojects.mp4 (8:47 Run Time, mpeg4, 6.5 MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/eportfolios.mp3 (4:09 Run Time, mp3, 3.9 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/growing.mp3 (5:58 Run Time, mp3, 5.5 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/scribeposts.mp3 (7:08 Run Time, mp3, 6.6 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/unprojects.mp3 (8:42 Run Time, mp3, 8 MB)

Supporting Links
Scribe Posts

Growing Posts


Unproject Sites

Release the Hounds Wiki

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“Take My Hand”

Access Help Desk

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Classroom 2.0 “Initiating and Sustaining Conversations: Assessment and Evaluation in the Age of Networked Learning”

Published by:

Konrad Glogowski
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Blog: http://www.teachandlearn.ca/blog

Konrad Glogowski is a PhD Candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. His doctoral dissertation focuses on building online communities of learners to facilitate the development of literacy skills at the senior elementary level. Konrad also teaches Language Arts to grades 7 and 8 at a K-8 school just outside Toronto, Canada. He has been documenting his research and classroom experiences on his blog of proximal development since February 2005.

Bio Page

Presentation Title
“Initiating and Sustaining Conversations: Assessment and Evaluation in the Age of Networked Learning”

This presentation aims to address some of the challenges associated with assessment and evaluation in Web 2.0 classrooms. Specifically, it will address how to develop strategies and tools that engage students in the assessment and evaluation process, and help them stay in control of their learning and their progress. Consequently, a strong emphasis will be placed on developing assessment and evaluation procedures and habits that not only complement but also foster the interactive and learner-centric environments afforded by the interactive tools of the read/write web. The presenter will share strategies to assess and evaluate student work on blogs, wikis, and discussion forums.

iPod ready
http://k12online.wm.edu/kglogowskivideo.mp4 (36:02 Run Time; mpeg4, 36.3 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/kglogowskivideo.wmv (36:02 Run Time; wmv, 33 MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/kglogowskipresentation.mp3 (36:02 Run Time; mp3, 33 MB)

Supporting Links
blog of proximal development » Blog Archive » Replacing Grading with Conversations

blog of proximal development » Blog Archive » Making Assessment Personally Relevant

blog of proximal development » Blog Archive » Instructional Scaffolding

What is “Take My Hand”?
“Take My Hand”

Access Help Desk

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New Tools “Second Life: K-20 Educators Exploring Virtual Worlds – Panel”

Published by:

Kevin Jarrett
Northfield, NJ, USA
Blog: http://www.storyofmysecondlife.com

Kevin is a K-4 Technology Facilitator at Northfield Community School in Northfield, NJ. He works closely with classroom teachers on engaging projects across the curriculum. Kevin also teaches online at Walden University’s Graduate School of Education. He has been exploring Second Life since March 2007 thanks to a $10,000 Faculty Excellence grant and expects to publish his findings in the fall.

Bio Page

Sylvia Martinez
Torrance, CA, USA
Blog: http://blog.genyes.com/

Sylvia Martinez is president of Generation YES, working to empower students in K-12 schools through digital technology. Sylvia has designed educational games, curriculum, and online experiences for teachers and students. Sylvia speaks and writes on subjects such as the use of technology, simulations and games to enhance educational opportunities and enable youth voice.

Bio Page

Presentation Title
“Second Life: K-20 Educators Exploring Virtual Worlds – Panel”

In a modest two-story home in one corner of the metaverse, a group of K-20 educators, bloggers and futurists has gathered to build a community devoted to exploring the educational implications of the multi-user virtual environment (M.U.V.E.) known as Second Life. This panel presentation will focus on the educational uses of Second Life and its implications for K-20 education. Utilizing Voicethread.com, this presentation will include voice- and text-annotated comments by the presenters as well as visitors, extending the conversation in ways other presentations simply cannot!

iPod ready
http://k12online.wm.edu/k20secondlife.mp4 (1:45:25 Run Time; mpeg4, 82.4MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/k20secondlife.mp3 (1:36:34 Run Time; mp3, 22.2 MB)

Supporting Links





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“Take My Hand”

Access Help Desk

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New Tools “Flat Agents of Change”

Published by:

Cheryl Oakes
Wells, ME, USA
Blog: http://www.cheryloakes.com/

Cheryl Oakes is currently a Content Coach for Technology K-12 in the Wells Ogunquit CSD, where she has taught for 10 years and previously as a K-4 technology integrator in the same district. Cheryl is a member of the Seedlings@bitbybit group, a member of WoW2, a Webhead and a Webcaster with the Worldbridges and Edtechtalk networks. Cheryl also blogs with the TechLearning.com/blog group. You can find her skiing in the snow or kayaking on any available waters in Maine.

Bio Page

Bob Sprankle
Wells, ME, USA
Blog: http://www.bobsprankle.com/

Bob Sprankle is a Technology Integrator in Wells Elementary School in Wells, ME, USA. His students have received world-wide recognition for their “Room 208 Podcast.” Bob was awarded Maine’s Technology Teacher of the Year in 2006 from ACTEM. Bob has his own podcast, “Bit by Bit”, to help teachers incorporate technology into their classrooms. Both podcasts can be found at www.bobsprankle.com.

Bio Page

Alice Barr
Kennebunkport, Maine, USA
Blog: http://alicebarr.com/

Alice Barr is the instructional Technology Integrator for Yarmouth High School in Yarmouth, Maine. She facilitates a 1:1 laptop environment in grades 9 – 12. Alice also teachers in the summer at The University of Southern Maine and provides professional development sessions during the year. Alice is also a member of Seedlings@bitbybit

Bio Page

Presentation Title
“Flat Agents of Change”

This presentation is for those folks who are starting out.
All participants will join our ning, seedlings@bitbybit.ning.com. Go to the address for the ning and follow the numbered steps with movies on how to join. The structure for our show will be displayed from the planning to the presentation on ning in order that any teacher could reproduce the journey in their own content or classroom area. By engaging the participants in the ning social network the conversations will continue, as well as the support to become a proficient podcaster and blogger. As with everything we do, we will talk about the purpose and how important this is to the final piece.

http://k12online.wm.edu/Start_with_a_tour.mov (1:32 min. Run Time; mov; 25.7 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/part1.mov (6:29min. Run Time; mov; 46.1MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/part2.mov (4.20min. Run Time; mov; 30.4MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/part2.1.mov (3:22min. Run Time; mov; 33.1MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/part3.mov (2:29min. Run Time; mov; 17.6MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/part5.mov (2:38min. Run Time; mov; 35.7MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/FlatAgentsofChange.mp3 (28:45 Run Time; mp3, 20 MB)

Join our presentation Ning at http://bitbybitseedlings.ning.com/

What is “Take My Hand”?
“Take My Hand”

Access Help Desk

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Classroom 2.0 “Motivating Student Writers by Fostering Collaboration through Tagging and Aggregating”

Published by:

Vance Stevens
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Blog: http://writingmatrix.wikispaces.com

Vance Stevens is a computing lecturer at The Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi, and founder, coordinator, and frequent contributor to Webheads and other online communities of practice and distributed learning networks. He presents, publishes, and blogs on topics such as multiliteracies and aggregation of content on the Internet and their impacts on computer mediated communications and pedagogy.

Bio Page

Nelba Quintan
La Plata, Argentina
Blog: http://writingmatrix.wikispaces.com

Nelba Quintana is a Teacher of English Language and Literature who is working as a web and blog content developer, and teacher trainer. She is a Webhead member.

Bio Page

Doris Molero
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Blog: http://writingmatrix.wikispaces.com

Doris Molero is an EFL Professor at Universidad Dr. Rafel Belloso Chacin, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Bio Page

Saša Sirk
Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Blog: http://sasasirk.blogspot.com/

Saša Sirk is a Webhead since 2005, an EFL teacher at Vocational College of Tehnični šolski center in Nova Gorica and a member of The Slovene Association of LSP Teachers. She likes exploring Web 2.0. tools and connecting to the world. Her class blog is at http://www.rostilj.blogspot.com/ and personal at http://sasasirk.blogspot.com/.

Bio Page

Rita Zeinstejer
Rosario, Argentina
Blog: http://writingmatrix.wikispaces.com

Rita Zeinstejer is a teacher in Argentina, and Self Access, Laboratory and Multimedia Coordinator at the Asociacion Rosarina de Cultura Ingles, Rosario, Argentina.

Bio Page

Presentation Title
“Motivating Student Writers by Fostering Collaboration through Tagging and Aggregating”

The presenters play with boundaries through the simple expedient of having student bloggers in different countries tag their blog posts with the unique tag term writingmatrix. Searching on that tag in Technorati, the student bloggers in four locations in three different countries have managed to locate one another’s posts, leave comments for one another, and have subsequently interacted in other ways as well. The presenters explain how they started the project and how it has branched into other online and even face to face activities involving the students in the participant countries. The presentation is made not only through the voices of the presenters, but with the students themselves lending their voices through their blogs and videos.

iPod ready
http://k12online.wm.edu/writing_matrix.mp4 (38:02 Run Time; mpeg4, 76.6 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/writing_matrix.wmv (38:00 Run Time; wmv, 8.2MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/writing_matrix.mp3 (38:01 Run Time; mp3, 34.9 MB)

Supporting Links

What is “Take My Hand”?
“Take My Hand”

Access Help Desk

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Classroom 2.0″Putting the Pedagogy into the Tools”

Published by:

Anne Davis
McDonough, Georgia, USA
Blog: http://anne.teachesme.com

Anne Davis is an educator with over 20 years experience as an elementary classroom teacher, an instructional lead teacher, a reading specialist, and an instructional technology specialist. She currently works at Georgia State University in the Instructional Technology Center in the College of Education as an Information Systems Training Specialist. Anne has created numerous blogging projects with students and teachers over the past five years.

Bio Page

Presentation Title
“Putting the Pedagogy into the Tools”

This presentation includes specific ideas, tips, and mini lessons centered on the pedagogical use of web 2.0 tools. All teachers need ways to easily and effectively weave these tools into the curriculum/instruction. These are quick takes on an activity that could be done with the tools in an engaging way. Most are quick, easy to implement and designed to have beginning web 2.0 teachers feel “Yeah, I could do that!” Those of us who have been using the tools could think “Yeah, what a great idea. I’m going to do that too!” or “I know just the teacher who would love trying this!”

http://k12online.wm.edu/putting.mov (2:00 Run Time; mov, 2.8 MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/putting.mp3 (2:03 Run Time; mp3, 12 MB)

Supporting Links

What is “Take My Hand”?
“Take My Hand”

Access Help Desk

[tags]k12online07cl03, k12online07[/tags]


New Tools “Oodles of Googles”

Published by:

Sharon Betts
Industry, Maine, USA
Blog: http://sharonsshare.blogspot.com

Sharon Betts is currently an Educational Technology Coordinator in Turner, Greene and Leeds,Maine, where she has worked for 3 years. Sharon has been in education for over 30 years, having taught at Iran Dokht, a girls’ high school in Iran, Dept. of Defense schools in Germany, and public schools in Ohio and Maine. She believes that technology should be a staple, not a privilege and is always striving to bring her passions, children and technology, together for the betterment of both. Sharon is a member of WoW2, Women of Web, the Webhead Class of 2006, and a Discovery and MarcoPolo Educator. She has presented on Open Source and web tools in education at local, state and national conferences. Her offline time is spent with her family and two leonbergers in the hills of Maine.

Bio Page

Presentation Title
“Oodles of Googles”

This presentation is for teachers that wish to move student writing projects from paper to the web. Google applications will be demonstrated as tools for simplifying and collaborating through the four steps of producing a writing project: Investigation – research; Preparation – organization;Presentation – the product; and Summation – reflection / feedback / archiving. These tools are free and available with only an internet connection. Many colleges and businesses are beginning to take their work online. See how easy it really is.

http://k12online.wm.edu/intro.mov (43 sec. Run Time; mov; 2 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/investigation.mov (3:33 min. Run Time; mov; 38 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/preparation.mov (2:10min. Run Time; mov; 26 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/presentation.mov (4:33 min. Run Time; mov; 28 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/summation.mov (2:38 min. Run Time; mov; 25 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/summation_student.mov (2:38 min. Run Time; mov; 18 MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/googling.mp3 (13:13 min. Run Time; mp3; 6 MB)

Supporting Links

What is “Take My Hand”?
“Take My Hand”

Access Help Desk

[tags]k12online07nt03, k12online07[/tags]


CLASSROOM 2.0 KEYNOTE “Classroom 2.0 or You Live Where?”

Published by:

Clarence Fisher Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada
Blog: www.evenfromhere.org
Twitter: @glassbeed

Bio Clarence has been a classroom teacher for the past 13 years. He blogs professionally at remoteaccess.typepad.com, with his class at thinwalls.edublogs.org and has spoken at conferences across North America. Clarence has won several awards, including one of Canada’ highest teaching awards, the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching for his integration of technology into daily classroom life. Clarence’s innovative classroom practices have been featured online, in books, magazines, and newspaper articles. He is an advocate of classroom 2.0, learning spaces that take complete advantage of the tools that are available to learners in their quest to learn rather than having school be something that is done to them.

Bio Page https://k12online07presenters.wikispaces.com/Clarence+Fisher
Presentation Title
“Classroom 2.0 or You Live Where?”
Classroom 2.0 is a “slippery concept” that can look different in different communities and schools. But there are some basic concepts that bring value to these classrooms, a few basic ideas that need to be considered by teachers who are looking to make changes to their classrooms. These classrooms are not just about teachers allowing their students to have weblogs, but about what we consider to be basic goals for education, how learning happens in global networks and the possibilities for our students to be legitimate contributors in their own right. Where have we been so far on this journey of change? What are some of the big ideas that we need to consider and where do we need to go next?


iPod ready http://k12online.wm.edu/ipod_classroom2.0.m4v (19:02 Run Time; mpeg4; 108.1 MB)
Original http://k12online.wm.edu/Classroom2.0.mov (19:02 Run Time, mov, 88.5 MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/Classroom2.0.mp3 (19:02 Run Time; mp3; 2.1 MB)

What is “Take My Hand”?“Take My Hand” Access Help Desk
[tags]k12online07cl01, k12online07[/tags]


NEW TOOLS KEYNOTE “More Than Cool Tools”

Published by:

Alan Levine Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Blog: http://cogdogblog.com
Alan Levine is Vice President, Community and CTO for the New Media Consortium (NMC), an international consortium of more than 250 world-class universities, colleges, museums, research centers, and technology companies dedicated to using new technologies to inspire, energize, stimulate, and support learning and creative expression He is widely recognized nationally and internationally for expertise in the application of new technologies to educational environments and was a pioneer on the web going back to 1993. He has taken the dog theme to excess, appearing as one in Second Life, and will be circumnavigating Australia (not chasing dingoes) during the time of this conference.
Bio Page
Twitter: @cogdog

Brian Lamb Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Blog: http://weblogs.elearning.ubc.ca/brian/
Brian Lamb is Manager, Emerging Technologies and Digital Content with the Office of Learning Technology at The University of British Columbia. He teaches a course on “Text Technologies” for UBC’s Master of Educational Technology Program. He is also a Research Fellow with Utah State University’s Center for Open and Sustainable Learning. Brian maintains his weblog Abject Learning http://weblogs.elearning.ubc.ca/brian/, where he mutters ll-tempered observations on social learning, open education, disruptive technologies and other such things.
Bio Page
Twitter: @brlamb

D’Arcy Norman Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Blog: http://www.darcynorman.net
D’Arcy is an educational technology developer at the Teaching and Learning Centre, at The University of Calgary. He has been playing with educational technology in one form or another since the early days of the Vic20, and currently spends much of his professional time developing content and crafting tools for faculty and students to use to support their practices of teaching and learning.
Bio Page
Twitter: @dlnorman

Presentation Title “More Than Cool Tools”
There is no shortage of “Cool New Web Tools” out there and all three of us are guilty as charged for presenting them to teachers via the firehose effect. In our session, we will begin with a nostalgic nod to our presentation past where just 3 years ago we were talking up “Small Pieces Loosely Joined” – blogs, wikis, and a little RSS. Now there is so much more, almost too much. So we may talk about some cool tools, but more at a level of looking at the affordances which make them compelling, and why these and future breeds of tools and platforms matter to K12 teachers.


iPod ready http://k12online.wm.edu/K12Online_MoreThanCoolTools_ipod.mp4 (53:45 Run Time; mpeg4, 71.8MB)
Originalhttp://k12online.wm.edu/K12Online_MoreThanCoolTools_full.mov (53:45 Run Time; mov, 415.2 MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/K12Online_MoreThanCoolTools_full.mp3 (53:35 Run Time; mp3, 6.2 MB)
Supporting Links http://morethancooltools.wikispaces.com/

What is “Take My Hand”?“Take My Hand” Access Help Desk [tags]k12online07nt01, k12online07[/tags]


New Tools “Cell Phones as Classroom Learning Tools”

Published by:

Liz Kolb
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Blog: http://toytotool.blogspot.com

Liz Kolb spent 7 years as a classroom social studies teacher,high school technology coordinator and integration specialist. She is now an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Madonna University in Michigan as well as finishing her PhD in Learning Technologies at University of Michigan. She teaches courses for both preservice and inservice teachers concerning technology integration in schools. For more information on her background, please see her virtual CV at http://sitemaker.umich.edu/kolb_504.

Bio Page

Presentation Title
“Cell Phones as Classroom Learning Tools”

This presentation focuses on ways to connect students’ favorite digital toy with classroom learning. Cell phones have the capability to become the “Swiss army knife” for student research and organization. First, we explore using cell phones as data collection tools: audio recorders, digital cameras, and digital camcorders. Additionally, we consider how classroom projects can be developed for cell phones: creating ring tones, text messaging, mobile WebPages, and mobile surveys. Finally, we contemplate the future features of cell phones and how those features play a role in learning.

iPod ready
http://k12online.wm.edu/K12_Kolb_Cell.mp4 (1:10:00 Run Time; m4v; 176 MB)
http://k12online.wm.edu/K12_Kolb_Cell.mov (1:10:00 Run Time; mov; 298 MB)
Audio only
http://k12online.wm.edu/K12_Kolb_Cell.mp3 (1:10:00 Run Time; mp3; 81 MB)

Supporting Links

What is “Take My Hand”?
“Take My Hand”

Access Help Desk

[tags]k12online07nt02, k12online07[/tags]