(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
K12 Online Conference » Blog Archives

Author Archives: wfryer

2011 2011-Team Captains


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Presenter: George Couros
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Presentation Title: Playing in Public

Presentation Description: As social media continues to grow, the opportunity to engage in our own learning publicly and learn from others, grows with it. In this presentation, George Couros shares some examples of people “playing publicly” and learning with no end in sight. To be comfortable in doing this, leaders must show that they are risk-takers and lead by example in this environment. George shows how when leaders are willing to learn in such a public manner, it trickles down to all educators, and most importantly, our kids.


iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Feel free to connect with George either on his blog (georgecouros.ca) or Twitter (@gcouros)

2011 2011-Keynote

2011 PRECONFERENCE KEYNOTEThe Sandbox Manifesto

Published by:

Presenter: Angela Maiers
Location: Clive, Iowa

Presentation Title: The Sandbox Manifesto

Presentation Description: The “Rules of the Sandbox” are not just for kids. There is much we can learn as teachers, leaders, and citizens of the web and world.

See how playing nice and playing well is not only good behavior it is good strategy for success on the Social Web. Join me as we explore how the tenets of “The Sandbox Manifesto” can serve us in our classrooms and communities.


iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

YOU MATTER- 2 World Changing Words

12 Ways to Let People Know They Matter

The Social Web: Presentation and Resources

Social Media: The New Digital Divide

2011 Announcements

Talking K12Online11 on Classroom 2.0 Saturday November 12th

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Please join organizers of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference on Classroom 2.0 Live this Saturday, November 12, 2011 for an invigorating conversation about this year’s conference! Local times in North America for this live webinar will be:

  • 9:00am Pacific
  • 10:00am Mountain
  • 11:00am Central
  • 12:00pm Eastern

Use this time converter link to determine the time in your local area if you live outside these time zones. We’ll meet in Elluminate Live/Blackboard Collaborate. Use this link (or this longer one) to connect “live” to the webinar. Complete details are on live.classroom20.com. Hope you can join us to learn about this year’s “Afterglow Live Event” and more elements which will make this year’s conference on “Purposeful Play” in the classroom an outstanding professional development opportunity!

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2011 Announcements

Announcing 2011 Conference Keynote Speakers

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The organizer team of the 2011 K-12 Online conference is pleased to announce our outstanding lineup of keynote speakers for this year! We are also happy to share our 2011 marketing flyer (available in PDF) which provides information about the dates of this year’s conference, our theme, and our keynoters. Selected presenters will be announced next week. Please share this marketing flyer with other educators you know!


The 2011 K-12 Online Conference theme is “Purposeful Play,” and this year our conference will be entirely asynchronous. This means we will not have any “live events,” but all presentations will be posted online for participants to view and comment on days and at times of their choosing. As in the past, all conference presentations will be available for online viewing as well as offline/mobile viewing via our iTunesU channel.

Our 2011 conference will start on Monday, November 21, 2011 with an inspiring pre-conference keynote by Angela Maiers. Angela blogs at www.angelamaiers.com.

Following Angela’s pre-conference keynote the week of November 21st, four different educators will share keynotes in the strands of our conference. Our 2011 keynote speakers are:

Next week we’ll be announcing our 36 selected presenters of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference, who will round out our strands with 9 more presentations per strand, for a total of ten presentations each. Overall this year we’ll have 41 presentations including the pre-conference keynote.

Our first “regular” conference week will be November 29 – December 2, and week 2 of the conference will be December 5 – 9.

In addition to sharing this announcement about our exciting lineup of keynote speakers, I also want to give a word of thanks for our WONDERFUL organizer team this year for K-12 Online. Our organizers in 2011 include:

This year I’m convening “Team Captains.” This group of organizers is a super bunch to work with, and their hard work is appreciated.

Look for some upcoming changes to our websites and conference procedures this year as well. We’re working on simplifying things. It’s going to be a GREAT K-12 Online Conference in 2011.

Many thanks to Naomi Harm for designing and creating our conference marketing flyer this year.

K12Online 2011: Purposeful Play

2011 Announcements Featured

K-12 Online Conference 2011: Late November / Early December

Published by:

Due to a variety of factors, the 2011 K-12 Online Conference dates have moved from October to late November – early December. Our pre-conference keynote will be published on Monday, November 21st. Week 1 conference presentations (Story Time and Team Captains strands) will be published the week of November 28 – December 2. Week 2 conference presentations (Sandbox and Level Up) will be published the week of December 5 – 9.

Since the conference dates are later in the year, our proposal submission deadline has been extended to Monday, October 17th. Please consider submitting a proposal and encouraging others you know to submit proposals using our Google form. Full details about the conference (including strand descriptions) are available on our August Call for Proposals post. Selections will be announced October 28th.

Our slate of keynote speakers is almost finalized and we will be announcing those individuals soon!

Please answer our 2011 call for volunteers to pitch in an assist with the conference! Remember to follow K-12 Online on Twitter (@k12online) and like us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/k12online) to stay updated!

Also remember to save the date for Saturday, October 8, 2011 12:00noon EDT/9:00amPDT: A Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinar will feature the 2011 K12 Online Conference (intro/overview/history; upcoming features and keynote presenters).

Please plan to join in our conference learning in late November and early December for “purposeful play!”

'primary importance' photo (c) 2008, Chie - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
2011 Announcements Featured

2011 K-12 Online Conference Call for Proposals and Announcements

Published by:

The 2011 K-12 Online Conference is coming to a computer near you soon! This year’s FREE online conference will take place the weeks of November 28th and December 5th, 2011, with a pre-conference keynote on Monday, November 21st. The 2011 theme is, “Purposeful Play.” Educators and students worldwide are invited to respond to our 2011 call for proposals. Presenters create twenty minute, engaging video presentations shared during our two week conference. Please check out some of last year’s presentations. Not sure what the conference theme “Purposeful Play” includes? Bud Hunt provided a great description on his blog. “To play on purpose is to take risks.  To challenge what you know.  To ride the edge between what is and what might be, what never was and what should’ve been. How are you making time for play in your learning? And we mean “play” in the best sense of the word.  Fiddle.  Tinker.  Explore.  Discover.  Try.  Fail.  Reengage. ”

'sandbox with a sand castle entrance!' photo (c) 2010, Torley - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Deadline for proposal submissions is October 17th at midnight PDT. Selections will be announced October 28th. Ten presentations will be featured in each of our four strands for 2011, for a total of forty presentations. (*Note these dates have been revised as of Sept 19th.)

Sandbox Play – Just as children need a sandbox to explore and playtime to learn together and try out new ideas, we as teachers need sandboxes to try new things, risk, and sometimes fail in safe and collegial spaces on the web. Presentations in this strand will be appropriate for beginners new to the use of technology in the classroom. Jose Rodriguez is the strand convener.

'Sandbox play' photo (c) 2005, Alex Kerney - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Story Time – Everyone loves story time. Presentations in this strand will focus less on communicating large amounts of information and more on sharing compelling stories about the effective uses of technology to increase student engagement, global collaboration, and improve learning.

'Campfire songs and stories' photo (c) 2011, David Veksler - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Team Captains – Playgrounds and schools need good leaders. Presentations in this strand will address key leadership issues for visionary school leaders. Students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members all play important leadership roles in the school community. Wesley Fryer is the strand convener.

'Paul, Gill and Andy - British Dragons captains at Queen's Baton Relay Event' photo (c) 2010, Graham Hills - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Level Up – In games, players ‘level up’ or gain ‘experience points’ by completing quests, overcoming obstacles, and for successful role-playing. Those who have taken student learning to new levels of engagement with technology will share their expertise. Ginger Lewman is the strand convener.

'OZ_  1318' photo (c) 2005, marco antonio torres - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

We would love presenters to involve students and include student voices when appropriate in presentations. (Student participation is NOT required or expected, but is welcomed.)

The 2011 Conference: What’s the same?

  1. Price: Free!
  2. Basic format: Each weekday of the two weeks of the conference, four presentations (two per strand for that week) will “go live” / be published on our conference blog.
  3. Pre-Conference Keynote: Still the week prior to the “˜regular’ conference. this year it’s on November 21st.

The 2011 Conference: What’s different?

  1. We are not going to have a separate “student voices” strand this year, but instead invite students to present with educators and individually in any of our four strands.
  2. We are simplifying the presentation submission process this year for our presenters. Rather than directly uploading to Blip.tv and DotSub.com, presenters will share their presentation via our conference Dropbox account. Strand conveners will upload videos to Blip.tv and iTunesU.
  3. Live Events: Our conference has always been primarily asynchronous (download videos and watch them whenever you want) but in the past as featured some live events. This year, however, we will not schedule any live events to coincide with the conference. We are encouraging people hosting live events focused on education to invite and feature many of our speakers, however.
  4. Presentations will be in English, and selected presentations (based in part on presenter wishes / requests) will be translated into Spanish via DotSub.com. Due to time demands, we’ve decided to back off the Spanish language presentations a bit this year.

How Can You Help?

  1. Spread the word! Share K12Online11 via your social networking connections, blogs, email, and face-to-face colleagues!
  2. Submit a proposal to present! We love first-time presenters. It’s a 20 minute recorded presentation. Screencasting tools are better than ever today. You can do this. Hundreds of educators worldwide want to hear your ideas and your voice!
  3. Encourage others to present! Each year many of our submitted proposals come after someone sends a personal invitation. If you know a teacher who should present, ask them to submit a proposal!
  4. Volunteer! Our 2011 Call for Volunteers form is also available.

Volunteers are needed for the following committees:

  1. Publicity / Public Relations
  2. Live Events
  3. Professional Development
  4. Accessibility
  5. Help Desk

Save the date for Saturday, October 8, 2011 12:00noon EDT/9:00amPDT: Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinar will feature the 2011 K12 Online Conference (intro/overview/history; upcoming features and keynote presenters)

2010 Announcements Echo Webcasts

K12Online Echo with Dr Tim Tyson

Published by:

Please plan to join organizers and other participants in the free K-12 Online Conference this Monday evening (North American time) for an interactive “Echo” webcast with Dr. Tim Tyson. Details for the event, including an RSVP link, are available on the Ning event for the Echo. The webcast will start at 9 pm EST / 8 pm CST / 7 pm MST / 6 pm PST. Use this link from dateandtime.com to check the start time in your local area. Dr Tyson presented “The Classroom Teacher As a 21st Century Instructional Leader” in the “Leading the Change” strand of the 2010 conference.

During the Echo webcast, we’ll be watching Tim’s presentation and discussing it in a text back-channel. We’ll also have an opportunity to interact with Tim afterwards and he’ll respond to participant questions. If you don’t already, follow Tim Tyson on Twitter @timtyson and subscribe to his blog, drtimtyson.com/blog. Tim’s K12Online10 message was both inspirational and challenging. This will be an echo webcast you won’t want to miss!

All K-12 Online Conference Echo Webcasts are archived on EdTechTalk.

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Closing Keynote: A Gardener’s Approach To Learning

Published by:

Presenter: David Warlick
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Link to David’s bio page

Presentation Title: A Gardener’s Approach To Learning

Presentation Description:

When I left the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction in 1995, the Internet was still a wilderness for the educators who even knew that it existed. I, and others, saw ourselves as trailblazers, establishing routes and landmarks for those who followed.
Then, for years, settling that wilderness became an allegory for an education institution that was, at last, starting to establish the means to move into this new environment and even beginning to expect educators to leave the established but increasingly irrelevant centuries old structures and move into a new and fertile landscape.
It might be usefully to extend this story from pioneers, then settlers, and talk about learning gardeners.  Our classrooms and extended learning environments have become great gardens of potential, and it has become our job to cultivate learning..
To cultivate the future.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Blog: 2cents.davidwarlick.com
Landmarks for Schools
Class Blogmeister
Twitter: @dwarlick

2010 Announcements

Reminder: Fireside Chat Today with Week 2 K12Online Keynoters!

Published by:

Remember you’re invited to join our week 2 keynote speakers, Darren Kuropatwa and Allanah King, in our fireside chat live event TODAY in Elluminate Live! The discussions begin at 7 – 8:30 pm GMT, which is 3:00 PM EDT, 2:00 PM CDT, 1:00 PM MDT, and 12:00 PM PDT. Use the following link to verify the time in your local area:


You can RSVP for the event in advance on our Ning Event:

The direct link to the Elluminate room is available on the Ning Event, and is:

We hope to see you online with Darren and Allanah!

Also remember to check out David Warlick’s closing keynote for the conference, which will be posted on Monday. The fireside chat with David, which will be our final live event of the 2010 conference, is scheduled for November 10th. More details and the RSVP is available on our Ning event:

All 41 of our presentations posted so far for the 2010 conference are now linked from our conference schedule. Presenters have shared a variety of fantastic and practical ideas, and of course it’s all FREE. We hope you’ll continue to learn with our presenters and community in the weeks ahead.

Also remember to take advantage of the accessibility provided by our K12Online iTunesU channel. This is the easiest way to download multiple presentations (in video and/or audio formats) to your computer:

Thanks for your continued participation and support of the K12 Online Conference!


Your 2010 K12 Online Conference Organizer Team
“Cultivate the Future”

2010 Announcements

Upcoming #k12online10 Live Events

Published by:

K-12 Online Conference Community:

We hope you’ve had time to watch and listen to some of the FANTASTIC presentations shared last week during week 1 of our 2010 conference! Remember our conference presentations are archived indefinitely, so while we encourage you to engage in live events and online discussions during the three weeks of our actual conference – the learning continues year round with K12Online! We now have over 170 presentations archived since our conference began in 2006. All our sessions for week 1 are linked from our 2010 conference schedule. If you have not already, please join our K-12 Online Conference Ning and follow @k12online on Twitter.

We have a variety of LIVE EVENTS coming up online tomorrow (Sunday, October 23rd,) Thursday, October 28th, Saturday, October 30th, and Wednesday, November 10th. These events will feature discussions with our conference keynote speakers including Colby Ratzlaff, Dolors Reig, Darren Kuropatwa, Allanah King, and David Warlick.

RSVP and get links to join each of these LIVE events on our Ning Events page.

Remember the K-12 Online Conference is now available on iTunesU! A very special thanks to Peggy George, whose hard work has made this possible. All presentations from week 1 are available now for download, both as iOS-compatible videos and mp3 audio-only files, on our iTunesU channel.

Please continue to SHARE the K-12 Online Conference with others in your school community. Our marketing flyer is available. Embed code to add the K-12 Online Conference badge to your own blog or other website is also available.

Thanks to our WONDERFUL 2010 presenters for K-12 Online! We look forward to continuing to learn with you next week and in the months ahead. Thanks for YOUR continued support of the K-12 Online Conference.


Your 2010 K-12 Online Conference Organizer Team
Amanda Marrinan
Jose Rodriguez
Kim Caise
Maria Knee
Peggy George
Susan van Gelder
Wesley Fryer

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