(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
2011 2011-Team Captains

Hardware is not Enough – The Teacher/Facilitator Partnership

Presenters: Kim Cofino & Chrissy Hellyer
Locations: Yokohama, Japan; Bangkok, Thailand

Presentation Title: Hardware is not Enough – The Teacher/Facilitator Partnership

Presentation Description: Building and sustaining 21st century teaching and learning practices to develop purposeful play requires a new kind of support structure, focusing on human relationships and pedagogy. Many schools label this position as a Technology Facilitator, but there are a surprising number that don’t yet see the need for this role. It is the partnership between the teacher and facilitator that brings out the full potential of any technology-rich classroom, particularly a 1:1 learning environment.

Chrissy Hellyer (Grade 5 classroom teacher) and Kim Cofino (Technology and Learning Coordinator) will describe and share examples of their successful Facilitator-Teacher partnership at (and beyond) the International School Bangkok in this video presentation. Chrissy will offer insights, examples and resources from the perspective of the practicing classroom teacher. Kim will offer strategies, processes and resources from the perspective of the technology facilitator.

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

Kim Cofino blogs at kimcofino.com & Chrissy Hellyer blogs at teachingsagittarian.com.


  1. Heather Davis

    Thanks for a great presentation with so much valuable information. I have just accepted a job for next year as an Integrating Tech Coach and while really excited it suddenly dawned on my yesterday that I really wasn’t all that sure of how to proceed. Kim, I was considering dropping you a note to ask for your help and suggestions and then I looked at today’s presentations and there the two of you were answering my questions. I have already listened to it twice and am taking notes. Thanks for the just in time learning.


  2. Pingback: Facilitators r Rockstars

  3. Valerie Burton (@MsBisOnline)

    Kim and Chrissy,

    Thanks for being my cheerleader. I am a teacher who facilitates because I want everyone to try out tech tools and integrate them into their classrooms. I play with tons of tools and then I talk about them to anyone who will listen. You guys helped me to feel empowered and eager to continue talking to teachers about ways to use technology to bring their classroom into the 21st century. Thanks for reminding me about the importance of what we do.

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  5. Pingback: Week 12: K12 Online Conference « Delmy Orellana

  6. Pingback: » Week 14: K12 Online: Lead the World and Hardware is not Enough Lexie Thurman

  7. Pingback: » Week 14: K12 Conference: What If the Story Changed? and Hardware is not Enough – The Teacher/Facilitator Partnership Angela Graves

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  9. Pingback: K12 Online Hardware is Not Enough: The Teacher-Facilitator Partnership | Casey Flax

  10. Pingback: » Week 14 Reflection 2: K12 Conference Nicole Stuckey

  11. Pingback: Alberto Vinent » Week 12 Playing in Public, Hardware is Not Enough: The Teacher-Facilitator Partnership

  12. Pingback: Week 14: K12 Online Playing in Public and » Mandy Stansfield

  13. Pingback: K12 Online: Hardware is not Enough – The Teacher/Facilitator Partnership | Drew Kershner

  14. Pingback: Week 13 Reflection – k12 Online Hardware is Not Enough. The Teacher/Facillitator Partnership | Sarah McKay

  15. Pingback: » K12 Online: Hardware is not Enough – The Teacher/Facilitator Partnership Lauren Bode

  16. Pingback: Reflection 12-K12 Online | Afton Gnadt

  17. Pingback: Week 13 – K12 Online Conference | Be Educated

  18. Pingback: K12 Online – Hardware isn’t Enough – Brian Fibelkorn

  19. Pingback: K12 Online Conference Reflection | Thomas Colwell

  20. Pingback: Week 14: K-12 Online and Hardware is Not Enough- The Teacher/Facilitator Partnership | Tiara Williams

  21. Pingback: Somewhat Tech Savvy Educator -

  22. Pingback: Middle School Technology - Thing 13—Hardware is not Enough/Tech Facilitator Role from K12 Online Conference

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