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2010 PRECONFERENCE KEYNOTESharing: The Moral Imperative

Presenter: Dean Shareski
Location: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
Twitter: @shareski

Presentation Title: Sharing: The Moral Imperative

Presentation Description: This keynote looks at the new obligation of sharing for educators. With stories from the a variety of sources, the fact that we now have the ability to teach and share beyond our classrooms is moving from “nice to do” to “necessary to do”. See if you agree.


DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Connect with Dean:
Blog: Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
Twitter: @shareski


  1. Melanie Holtsman

    What a powerful message, Dean! Thank you for sharing it so completely and eloquently. I can’t wait to pass the message on to the teachers in my building and the readers of my blog. 🙂

  2. Chris Smith


    Firstly, hope my Scottish accent doesn’t confuse too many viewers of your video!!

    In the spirit of your message, I’ll be sharing the video with my colleagues and newsletter subscribers!


  3. Katie Warren (TechyNana)

    Thanks for sharing such an important message. All the examples and people you included in your video make powerful statements that others need to hear. I’m glad I found this so I can share it at our Tech Leaders meeting tomorrow.

  4. Sherry Haddox

    Thanks Dean for the information on transforming learning from the inner to the outer. Skype might be fun to share my class with another. I love blogging to but never thought of using it as a learning tool by the personal things that I might post. Got some thinking to do. I love the idea of story sharing like the two kids did. I thought of how this might be utilized in the artroom and how it might transform our learning into a teachable moment with another class!!!

  5. Alan Levine

    Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, in both message and delivery. A hole in one! A grand slam! A…. (reaching for more sports analogies…)

    @Chris- We heard ya! At first I was saying to myself, “I know he is speaking English!” but it clicked in loud and clear, a great story of sharing.

  6. Paula Naugle

    Thank you for making us all aware of the effects our sharing can have. It is imperative in education today to extend our lessons beyond our classroom walls. Our students need to see how we can connect and collaborate with others down the hall, across the country, or around the world.

    This is a great way to get the 2010 K12 Online Conference started. Bravo!

  7. Carole

    I get it! I’ve been a bit shy about blogging, and just tend to lurk and listen, but what you say makes so much sense – even Chris 🙂
    (As an exiled Scot, that was an unexpected treat)
    Many thanks for the inspiration, and I will also be passing it on.

  8. Royce Siggard

    Wonderful message.

    After watching, I discussed this with my wife, who works with special ed kids in a K-5 school. Conversations with her yielded much of the content of my book.

    The school was once designated a California Distinguished School, and is part of a top school district.

    A third grade teacher raised his own grant money, and has been using computer-based instruction for over 6 years. His enthusiasm fell on deaf ears in his school and the district. The school is starting it’s first full year using a computer based reading program by Pearson, but it’s implementation has been flawed, and most teachers are frustrated at a system that rarely works (it’s poorly administrated by an understaffed central IT department).

    The dilemma is how to get the conversation started so sharing can begin, when most teachers aren’t even out of the starting gate yet in regards to their proficiency and interest in technology based learning?

  9. Jenny Power

    Thanks Dean for opening this K12 Online conference with such an appropriate presentation. This is my third year at K12 online, one of the best professional learning experiences I’ve had in 25 years of teaching and all thanks to the generosity of presenters like yourself. You’ve got me thinking that it’s time I started sharing beyond the staffroom at school. Many thanks for the nudge.

  10. Ginny

    I like the way you shared not only ideas but also production techniques. Totally in the spirit of your presentation. What a great start to the conference!

  11. Pingback: Waiting For the Three Amigos | The Principal of Change

  12. Pingback: More Than Something to Share(ski): Make a Mark - CogDogBlog

  13. Chua Zhuo Rui

    Thank you for sharing the video “Moral Imperative” with educators as a thought-provoking opening for the conference.

    I feel that educators should not be bogged down by the “ethical obligation” problem of sharing and using edtech in teaching .

    To suit the learning needs of 21st century learning, “obligation” should be seen as a necessary “habit” to be inculcated in teachers.

    Sharing and using innovative resources in teaching and learning should be seen as voluntary and interesting, so that teachers are motivated to try them out. Obligation sometimes kill the passion.

    Allow teachers to see successful examples of how edtech is integrated into the curriculum.

    More time and patience for educators to accept the new learning platforms and ideas available. Blogging would probably be the first simple tool for teachers to interact with students.

  14. Sonny Joiner

    Thanks Dean for an appropriate message. Your topic is timely and well presented. As others have commented, the problem is getting larger numbers of classroom teachers learning through this medium. Simply developing lessons using technology isn’t enough. Teachers have to shift the way that they learn before they can encourage their students.

  15. Elaine Cova

    Thank you for sharing this! I think you’re so right and the examples made clear the fact that it’s definitely a necessity sharing as much information as we can in order to provide ideas and expand knowledge between us.

  16. Pingback: A Recipient in the Sharing Revolution «

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  18. Dean Shareski


    I hear what your saying and agree that obligation seems to take the passion away. But at the same time, the act of teaching is sharing and we all know we’re obligated to do that. I’m trying to make the point that the obligation of teaching/sharing has to extend beyond our classroom.

    In the same way that most teachers recognize extra-curricular work as critical to the success and culture of a school. While it’s not an official obligation or duty in most schools, there is an unwritten rule in many that teachers feel obliged to participate. In the vast majority of those cases, teachers choose an area they are passionate about and it moves from something they have to do to something they want to do. Not always but most of the time.

    Chris Smith, who is interviewed in the keynote from Scotland, told me that schools there are evaluated on how they share practice. So for them it’s an official district mandated obligation and I applaud that. This is my desire, that teachers begin to see sharing as something that have to do as part of their job and I believe, becomes something they want to do as well.

  19. Pingback: K12 Online Conference Begins! | YIS IT Department

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  21. Patti Rodger

    Hey Dean,
    This was a great thought provoker! Very applicable to what our goals are in PLP too. The building of a network with which to share is imperative because, just as you demo’d in the keynote, it is so important to give feedback and reflection to others who are blogging. I often think about my first attempts at blogging for our parents. I don’t think one person commented for four months of dedicated weekly blogging. So I quit. But now, I make a commitment to be more in tune to the social networking sites for the coming year (to begin) in order to build the networks as well as the learning.
    Thanks again.

  22. Pingback: The Making of Sharing: The Moral Imperative «Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech

  23. Tamara

    Thank you, Dean “Share”-eski for reminding us (and me) why I am in the teaching profession, and how valuable it is to expand and participate in my PLN.

  24. Lynn Stephenson

    I agree that we all need to share; I believe the medical world has advanced so much in the past 50 years because researchers can share and discuss thoughts and theories via online methods of communication.

    In my experience as an Advisory Teacher, the idea of sharing is accepted but some are not always willing to put themselves up as ‘a sharer’ incase they are labelled as an ‘expert’. But this would be more about encouraging them to take a small step outside of their comform zone and hopefully with positive feedback, they would be more willing the next time and so on.

    I agree that not sharing is no longer an option, we can all learn from each other.

    Thanks for the presentation, definately food for thought.

  25. Pingback: David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts » Moodle Schmoodle and no point to Sharepoint

  26. Pingback: K12online Conference – “Student Voices” | Be A Techie:)

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  28. Pingback: Sharing and Shareski | 1educator's Blog

  29. Pingback: Get Ready – It’s Almost Time! « TeachingSagittarian

  30. Eileen

    I do believe in the message given in this video. The best form of learning is to share ideas and concepts with others and in return gain new knowledge and ideas. Half the battle in attempting to teach students is to not only keep their interest but help them grasp what is being taught. Sharing can give an educator so many other ways to accomplish this.

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  35. Ellen

    Impressive presentation. I am still trying to come to grips with that type of sharing, however. I can identify with the barriers of sharing (time, money, geography), but you have made a believer out of me!

  36. Pingback: Share and Share Alike | Bacon Bytes Blog

  37. Zoe

    My class came back in from art and asked what I was doing. I said I had been to America, Scotland, Canada and Indonesia to learn about teaching things. My world has never seemed so big and I have spent a career teaching in many countries.
    Thank you.
    I have never shared in a blog because I never thought people would be interested, it always seems for ‘clever stuff’, even though I share all the time with colleagues.You have changed my perspective. I now see it in a completely different light.

  38. Pingback: Ed Tech Crew » Ed Tech Crew 139 – Flashed, whistled & banged

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  40. Sue

    Great stories, great thoughts and encouragement! Even if that’s a typo at the end… I liked the twist – the people in our learning network are the ones we lean on!

    I planning to share this video with the teachers I work with to promote more open doors in schools and beyond.

    Keep up the great sharing, Dean!

  41. Anna Olguin

    Thank you for your inspiring words Dean. As a new teacher, sharing is an important part of what I have learned thus far. Look forward to sharing with you and others!

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  45. Jon

    As I watched the video I considered the positive impact a group I once participated in had for our members. It was developed around the safe sharing of lessons and reflection. Our group fell apart due to the exact reasons you mentioned, time and resources. We constantly had to fight to keep time during PD days to continue our work. Eventually, the group dissolved. That was a sad day. The sharing among our members was some of the most powerful, insightful and reflective PD I have ever given my time to.

    So what, right? Your keynote gave me the idea to use online conferencing software to try to bring our group back together. Just listening to your ideas and reflecting on your message of sharing have given me the impetus to move forward with this. Thank you for sharing.

  46. Dean Shareski


    I put that typo in on purpose, just to see if anyone knew. 😉

    You should win some type of prize.

    Actually I didn’t but it many ways, they are my “leaning” network as I lean on them for many things.

  47. Pingback: Principal’s Conference- Lake Rotoiti | Life is not a race to be first finished

  48. Pingback: Podcast Week 6 Reflection: 2010 Pre-conference Keynote Sharing: The Moral Imperative « Inspiretomorrow10's Blog

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  55. Joanie

    Thanks, Dean. Your video made me recall a favorite quote by poet Michael Teal.
    ~ If you share your light with the world, truth and goodness will be your constant companions.

  56. Pingback: Principal as Lead (Networked) Learner | The Principal of Change

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  59. Denise Lindstrom

    This is a link to a study that found teachers who collaborate are more likely to adopt constructivist teaching practices, encourage collaboration among their students, and use technology innovatively in their classroom. Just some hard data to support your claim that teachers who dare to share are more effective than teachers who don’t. 😉

  60. Pingback: November LAN Party Links | LAN: Learning Is Social

  61. Pingback: Sharing: The Moral Imperative – keynote | Integrated Middle Years Learning Framework

  62. Pingback: Math Class Needs a Makeover with Dan Meyer | LAN: Learning Is Social

  63. Pingback: Create, Share, Learn! « Reflections From the Middle (of Education)

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  77. Kathy Balek

    Thanks so much for renewing my commitment to sharing. I was fortunate enough to attend @langwitches and @edtechworkshop’s LAN party last night. We watched your presentation and Skyped with you.
    You made so many good points but the one that stuck was that this was about making connections to people. You told a newbie to start with 5 people and commit to just those. This is key to not being overwhelmed with information in the beginning. Thanks for sharing!

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  88. Tammy (@tdikeman)

    Thank you for providing such a compelling purpose for sharing. I have already forwarded your blog to my staff. Sharing has always been a part of my teaching and admin practice and I am now moving that into the online world.

  89. Francisco Rodriguez

    Thank you very much Dean. Before listening to this video, I never realized the nature of sharing is innate to educators. I believe sharing without expecting monetary compensation is natural in most educators around the world. Those who might think of getting money for their ideas, I believe, are not real educators, they are business people. Thanks again for this valuable and morally correct piece of information.

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  91. Pingback: Sharing: The Moral Imperative | Education Viewport

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