(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.


Please sign our guestbook by adding a comment and include:

  • Your name
  • Your location
  • Your educational role
  • Any comments you have about the conference!

Also remember to add your name and location to our 2008 Google Map.



  1. Jane Greenspun

    Am looking forward to this exciting event. As a Director of Technology I am anxious to have many of my teachers join as well. Looking for ways to guide some of them – perhaps by bringing them together to participate as a group – a little hand holding goes a long way. Anxious to learn the format so that I can plan how best to use this opportunity within our district.

  2. Dennis Richards

    Darren Kuropatwa introducted me to K-12 Online. I am a superintendent Massachusetts ASCD affiliate president who knows very little about Web 2.0 applications and pedagogies, but I see the potential and want to learn more. skype / twitter / diigo / slideshare / flatworld project / technorati / tags / rss / flickr ….. I am looking forward to the conference in October 2007.

  3. Nelba Quintana

    Vance Stevens introduced me to K-12 Online. I am a teacher of English. Actually I am using blogs in a course for adults and with members of my e-group.
    I am looking foward to such an online event where I am sure we will learn a lot a meet interesting people.
    Regards from Argentina.

  4. Fred Boss

    Heard all about this on a podcast and am interested in virtually attending. Originally and Art teacher, I now work with the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE), in Ireland.
    Am interested in web 2.0 and what schools are doing across the world with it.

  5. C.J. Cain

    I first became aware of K-12 Online after reading Tim Holt’s (El Paso ISD) blog. What a tremendous wealth of knowledge & collaboration here. As my company (InfoSource Learning) looks to expand upon its web-based offerings many of the topics discussed such as Web 2.0, podcasting, blogging, & wiki’s are topics I would like to better educate myself about. Also, as a proud parent of two I find value in learning more about the future and how my children will learn & collaborate.

  6. Beth Knittle

    Learned so much last year, can’t wait for this year! I am a K12 Technology Integration Specialist in Massachusetts. Web 2.0 tools have greatly influenced and enhanced my learning. My favorite tools for collaboration and learning (no special order) Skype, Twitter, Second Life, Blogs, Wikis, iChat, Flickr and Google everything.

  7. David Truss

    I can remember watching David Warlick’s K12 Online Conference Keynote “Derailing Education” last year. I watched it almost a month after it was originally presented… while doing the dishes. I had plastic Saran wrap over the mouse pad of my laptop so that I could back up the video when I wanted to hear something again. Before I knew it, I was writing a response in my blog.

    Warlick said,
    “This is why the foundation of education systems today should not be the rails, but it should be the side trips. It should not be the central standard curriculum, but it should be those directions that students, that learners, both teachers and students, can navigate to on their own. We have the ability to do that today.”

    I’m looking forward to the side trips this conference will take me on:-)

  8. Pamela Livingston

    Really looking forward to seeing presentations, participating in the fireside chats and jumping in soon. Should be great. Some of my students from Chestnut Hill College will be checking it out as well.

  9. Patrick Higgins

    Really looking forward to carving some time out of my own schedule for professional development at this level. Seeing the planning that is going into this has via Twitter and some of the folks blogs has really ramped up my excitement.

    As David Truss said earlier, really looking forward to “side trips.”

  10. Steven Shook

    I am the Executive Director of Instructional Technology for the Wichita Public Schools, Wichita Kansas – I am very interested in seeing and hearing how this conference plays out.

  11. Chan Bliss

    * Your name Chan Bliss
    * Your location Tampa, Florida
    * Your educational role Elementary Art Teacher
    * Any comments you have about the conference! I just hope it is not blocked by the district, I plan to spend my lunch/planning time attending. Now the question is how do I apply for CEU’s?

  12. Sonny Joiner

    I’m currently wearing a couple of hats. During the day, I’m Technology Director/Network Admin of a private K12 school on the Gulf Coast. At night I teach history/political science as adjunct at a local university. I’m looking forward to hearing Web 2.0 usage and strategies.

  13. Donna Bragg

    I am a high school Family and Consumer Science teacher in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania. I am also the Lehigh Valley Writing Project’s Tech Liaison. I am excited about “attending” K12 for a second year. I am been encouraging everyone to attend.

  14. Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

    I wear several hats as well. I am an educator who works to leverage technology for the benefit of all learners. I work with classroom teachers and future teachers. To quote Wesley Fryer, “I’m an educator, digital storyteller, blogger and educational change agent.”


    Today, in St. Louis it is Sunday around 3:30 in the afternoon…I feel like I’m six years old with one day left until Christmas!!
    I can’t wait to see, think, act and then SHARE with all my teachers…
    Thank you Santa(s)–WES et al –for making this happen!!
    Cindy Lane
    Instructional Technology Specialist
    Lindbergh School District

  16. Diane Hammond

    Last year’s K-12 Online Conference completely changed the way I look at PD. Never again will I sit through a one-off “sit and git” presentation. I’m so looking forward to this year’s conference, given what we’ve all learned this past year about active participation through all of the back-channelling, sharing, blogging, tagging, and twittering activities in which we’ve been involved. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in Canada; so no need to start the day with my nose to the grindstone. I can’t think of a better way to kick off the day than David Warlick’s keynote. To everyone who worked so hard on the organizing committees, to the presenters for continuing to share their insight, and to the bloggers and twitterers who will provide so much added-value, my thanks!!!

    Curriculum Consultant
    YES I Can! Science
    McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

  17. Ida Kelsey, Middle School Librarian, International School Bangkok

    I’m definitely looking forward to my first K12 online conference! Lots of learning to follow.

  18. Judi Wolf

    I am so appreciative of all of the time and energy that each presenter has put in to provide us with this forum. I know when I present workshops throughout the country for BER (Bureau of Education and Research), I will be carrying your information to 100’s of classroom teachers.

  19. L Sorenson

    L Sorenson
    Adjunct Professor
    School of Education
    Northwest University
    Kirkland WA

    I am looking forward to this Conference. Thanks

  20. Sandy England

    Curriculum Coordinator K-12 school
    Melbourne Victoria Australia
    Looking forward to this conference as a first time attendee.
    Thanks for all the hard work that you as organisers have given!

  21. Rob Rubis

    Always looking for new tools to buttress learning through the school library! I’ll be lurking throughout!
    Rob Rubis
    HS Librarian
    International School Bangkok

  22. Stewart

    I’m a math teacher in a highschool near the Denver are in Colorado. This is my first conference so I am hoping to understand how everything works. A bonus will be hearing some great content and making some important connections.

  23. Lisa Parisi

    Lisa Parisi
    Long Island, New York, USA
    Grade Five Teacher, default tech facilitator
    So excited to be able to participate in this conference…my first. Such excitement abounds. Glad to be part of it all.

  24. Ernie Easter

    Ernie Easter
    New Sweden, Maine
    7th & 8th Grade Teacher – All subjects

    I’ve been looking forward to this conference since I saw that David Warlick was doing the PreConference keynote.

  25. Cory Peppler

    I’m a high school English teacher near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I enjoyed many of the sessions from last year (after the fact), and I hope to be a more active participant this year.

    To the organizers: THANK YOU!! Keep it up!

  26. Jeff

    Jeff Mason
    Pensacola, FL US
    Biology Teacher

    My learning grew exponentially with last years conference. From the pre-conference chatter, all signs are pointing to an equally rewarding experience this year. Cheers!

  27. Anne Van Meter

    I was so overwhelmed last night at the fireside chat. So many people with so many good ideas all flying at me, I love thinking through the possibilities.

    I am a Classrooms for the Future coach in a small district near Philadelphia. We have 300 laptops just delivered to a loading dock… here we go!

  28. Leslie Carroll

    I am an elementary Instructional Technology Specialist in central Mass. always looking for new ideas. I am glad to see some administrative personnel checking in here as I believe the migration to new tools and ways of teaching begins with interested and invested leadership. It’s very tough to do it bottom up. Can’t wait to see some of the presentations.

  29. Kelly Rogers

    I am an instructional technology student. I plan to re-enter the classroom in the near future and needed to get up-to-date on how technology has changed the way I will teach. WOW! It is amazing all that I am being exposed to and learning. Just listening to David Warlick’s pre-conference speech has excited (and scared) me about all that students and teachers will be learning in the years to come. It is truly amazing!

  30. Scott Merrick

    Yup, a K-4 TechCoordinator at a great independent school in Nashville, Tennessee, and “teacher-in-residence at the Vanderbilt (University) Center for Science Outreach. I’m blogging, podcasting (Snacks4theBrain!) and SecondLifing up a storm. I’ll probably be in and out, at least as much asynch as synch 🙂

  31. Iain Cook-Bonney

    Hi all,

    Last year I dipped my toe in the waters of k12online, and this year I’m hoping to wade in a little further!

    Looking forward to the exciting line up of workshops and follow up sessions, and making new connections with people.

  32. Diane Cordell

    Teacher/Librarian, Fort Ann, NY (620 students K-12)
    In addition to elementary classes, I teach a high school Current Events class and provide information literacy instruction at all levels. I’m excited by the possibilities of an online conference and hope to find new concepts to ponder and skills to try out.

  33. Paul McMahon

    I was a teacher and Head of IT in Schools in Australia, the UK and Hong Kong for 25 years. I now work as a freelance consultant for schools in the region.
    I am doing my best to spread the work about the conference in this part of the world. Just got a great email from The International School of Macau who are going to set up a wiki with some links etc. Something is working! Yeah team!!

  34. Brian Heisey

    I am from York, PA. I am really interested in using cell phones in my science classes that I teach. If anyone out there has any ideas, please email me. This conference is awesome!!!

  35. Wesley Fryer Post author


    Liz Kolb’s presentation “Cell Phones as Classroom Learning Tools” will be posted on Monday, Oct 15th in the “New Tools” strand. She will be sharing some great ideas about cell phones for learning that should be applicable to you and your science students! 🙂

  36. Jane Lowe

    Hi I’m a Year 4 teacher starting to dabble in web 2.0 tools and integrate them into my teaching. I heard about the conference from a Blogmeister contact. I am looking forward to hearing many of the addresses.

  37. Ronda

    I saw the online conference from a RSS feed to Dean Shareski’s blog. I am a pre intern in Saskatchewan and look forward to this conference.

  38. Chris Dahl

    Signing in on the guestbook for K12Online07. I’m a media specialist in the twin cities area of Minnesota. Looking forward to learning as much as I can. Thanks!

  39. Yolan Mistele

    I discovered the conference this summer while partcipating in the CSLA School Library Learning 2.0 course. I am a retired HS LibrarianTeacher from Wisconsin. I’m still active with our state organization, WEMTA, and have been continuing my life-long learning.

  40. Heather Davis

    HI, I teach Year 5/Grade4 at an international school in Beijing, China.
    Just found out about the K12 Online Conference while reading about the Learning 2.0 Conference in Shanghai. WOW!!!!!!

  41. Edie Walker

    I teach 6th grade Math/Science/Technology at South Gate MS Magnet in South Gate CA. We are a part of LAUSD.
    This is my first conference. I’m ready to be overwhelmed by all of the wonderful info that will be presented

  42. Raenette Taljaard

    I’m teaching in Auckland, New Zealand. Some of us have just attended the uLearn ’07 conference and gone back to school brimming with ideas and inspiration. This is sure to add to what we’ve seen and heard. Our biggest challenge is to convince the administrator to let us out! (of the boundaries of the school firewall, that is!)

  43. Nancy Scofield

    Hi, I’m Nancy Scofield. I teach 11th and 12th grade English at Rye High School in Colorado. I also teach an online technical writing class for Pueblo Community College.

    I’m really excited for this year’s conference. David’s pre-conference keynote was awesome, as was the live chat with him on Tuesday evening. If this conference is even HALF as good as last year’s, it promises to be amazing. This conference is an incredible resource and learning opportunity, and a chance to “meet” and collaborate with other educators from all around the world. It doesn’t get any better than this.

    Many kudos to the organizers and presenters. Thanks for all you do!

  44. chris harbeck

    Hi My name is Chris Harbeck and I am a math teacher in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. Last year I had the privilege of hosting part of When Night Falls. The people I met during those 2 hours are a huge part of my network of k12 friends today. If you are looking for a way to participate in the k12online try hosting one of the Eluminate sessions. I am looking forward to talking to many of you in those sessions. Have a great week and Viva K12online!!

  45. Fiona Banjer

    Brisbane, Australia
    Early years teacher currently teacher librarian, 30 minutes out of Brisbane.
    Committed to integrating ICT in the early years classroom and trying my hardest to encourage others to do so as well!

  46. Aaron Kammerman

    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    I’ve been teaching for 10 years at a residential treatment center.
    I am also a student in the Instructional Design Education Technology Master’s program at the University of Utah.

    What a great idea for a conference. Go to sessions at my leisure, and add my voice when I want. Thanks for the conference.

  47. Lucy Miller-Ganfield

    Lucy Miller-Ganfield, President of Students Working To Advance Technology at http://www.swatweb.net

    I am presently directing SWAT from Singapore. I also teach part time at the Singapore American School and write for Reading Plus and Snap Trap Magazines.

    Will there be any presentations by students?

    Thank you for this wonderful learning adventure!

  48. Phyllis Bartosiewicz

    This is such a wonderful event. With all of the budgeting woes of many school districts, this allows everyone to participate in an exciting, cutting-edge conference. I am delighted to be able to participate. I teach computer and information literacy to middle school students in Michigan, so the content of this conference is extremely valuable to me. Thank you, all, for putting this together.

  49. JMitchell

    This is the first time I have ever been a part of an online conference, and I really enjoyed it. I think that it is such a valuable asset to educators worldwide! More companies and programs should think about putting their conferences online for others to be a part of.

  50. Patty Jordan

    I feel like I am in kindergarten. I am having trouble downloading sessions I want to see. I am just “wandering around the room” checking out every blog or video I can actually get to. I have so many more questions than answers! I am feeling very curious! I finally found some really interesting info from Jason Hando and now I am trying to find Ning and join.

  51. Wesley Fryer Post author

    Patty: We’re so glad you’re participating in the conference and exploring what is available! Have you checked out the wiki page for first timers? It is located on:


    If you can attend the Fireside chat on Saturday, you’ll have a chance to chat live with other participants as well as presenters, and pose any questions you want. Info about the Fireside chat and other live events for the conference is on:


    Also, we have a help desk this year that is standing by with volunteers to assist you as you have questions. The link to the help desk is at the top of blog pages and directly:


    I hope your experiences with k12online this year are enriching and rewarding. You mentioned Ning, we are planning to open a Ning for the conference after the final live event, “When Night Falls.”

    Enjoy the conference!


  52. Ann O

    Ann Oro – New Jersey USA – I teach K-8 computer classes and middle school math. I purchase, repair, connect computers and software in the building and teach local teachers in alternate route program about technology.

    I’m really enjoying the sessions. The are giving me a lot to use and share with others.

  53. Margo Jantzi

    Gifted Education Teacher Grades K-5 Virginia, USA

    I’m enjoying doing a Voice Thread Poetry Pizzazz project with my students this week.

  54. MaximM

    Ann Oro – New Jersey USA – I teach K-8 computer classes and middle school math. I purchase, repair, connect computers and software in the building and teach local teachers in alternate route program about technology.

    I’m really enjoying the sessions. The are giving me a lot to use and share with others.

  55. Bonnie Muir

    Bonnie Muir
    Technology Curriculum Specialist
    Salt Lake City, UT

    This has been awesome. I am revisitng sites this weekend, catching up on presentations. thanks to all presenters and those who helped organize this event.

  56. Stephen Kapulka

    Can’t wait to read more on the site. I’ve been integrating podcasts, blogs,skype, etc. In my classroom this year and I am looking forward to hearing how others are doing the same.

    Any grade six teachers out there who would like to collaborate with my class via technology?

  57. Clive Dawes

    I work in an international school in Hong Kong.

    I’ve really enjoyed following the progress of this conference and have now managed to finish downloading the available content to disseminate to colleagues.

    Well done to all those involved!

  58. Carolyn Foote

    Great to see so many people here and some of you trying the conference for the first time!

    I’m really interested in how people found out about the conference, so thank you for sharing that, as well!

    The sessions I’ve watched so far have been incredible–I feel like I’m watching some of the best teachers in the world.

    The greatest thing about the conference–is I’ll be able to finish sessions at my own pace and they’ll be here waiting for me!

    Happy conferencing!

  59. fulny

    Learned so much last year, can’t wait for this year! I am a K12 Technology Integration Specialist in Massachusetts. Web 2.0 tools have greatly influenced and enhanced my learning. My favorite tools for collaboration and learning (no special order) Skype, Twitter, Second Life, Blogs, Wikis, iChat, Flickr and Google everything.

  60. jeffmason

    * Jeff Mason
    * Northwest Florida, USA
    * Teacher, Gifted Program for Academically Talented Students, gr.3-8
    * I know from the previous 2 K12Online conferences, that this will be the professional development highlight of my year.
    “To infinity and beyond!”

  61. Yolan Mistele

    I’m looking forward to attending this year’s conference even though I’m a retired teacher librarian living in Northern WI.

  62. Terry Smith

    As the conference gets underway, I’ll be joining in to say hello, ask questions, and share learning experiences with everyone. Project based learning is one of my favorite ways to teach.

  63. Janet Montgomery

    I’d really like to connect with other folks using technology for teaching – especially teaching art and art education. Looking forward to this conference- it is my first, too.

    Appalachian State University
    Art Department

  64. Heather Dowd

    Hello! I am Heather Dowd in Illinois, USA. I am a former high school physics/math teacher. I am currently an instructional designer at a community college trying with all my might to introduce faculty to web 2.0 and how it can help their students learn. I’m looking forward to gaining more ideas for how to encourage teachers to use web 2.0. Thank you!

  65. Nicky Nicholson

    Hi. I’m Nicky Nicholson from Nelson, New Zealand. I am an Assistant Supervisor at Atawhai Playcentre. I have just return from Ulearn 08 in Christchurch, where I heard about this Online Conference. I’m really a beginner in this area but am very interested in learning from others so obviously excited and experienced in this field.

  66. Margo Jantzi

    Greetings from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I’ve just transitioned from Gifted Education to be the Library Media Specialist at a brand new school, Cub Run Elementary. We have 550 students in Grades PreK-5. I want to learn concepts for nurturing these diverse 21st century citizens. Networking with other visionary lifelong learners is thrilling!

  67. Pat Hensley

    Pat Hensley from Greenville, SC.
    I am a retired high school special ed teacher; educational consultant; and Univ. instructor to teachers getting a master’s in Special Ed.

  68. Kelly Kroese

    Hello! My name is Kelly Kroese
    I’m located in Buffalo, New York, USA

    I am a library student participating in this conference as part of a school assignment.

    I am intrigued by this project; it seems like it was a huge undertaking! Thank you to the volunteer organizers. I look forward to participating.

  69. Nalin Abeysekera

    Hello,I am Nalin Abeysekera from Sri Lanka-a nice island in indian ocean.I am a lecturer at Open University and online teacher.Marketing is my subject and i want to market online learning in sri lanka..!!!

  70. Lorie Lee

    I am an Elementary Technology Facilitator in Seminole County, FL. I am looking forward to my first online conference. I attend FETC every year and have been to a few NECCs. I am Macmom on Plurk and Twitter.

  71. Cathy Nelson

    My Name is Cathy Nelson.
    I live and work in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!
    I am a teacher-librarian at the middle school level.
    This is my 3rd K12 Online Conference and so totally the inspiration for my blog–actually just this week I celebrate my blog’s 2nd birthday, and am looking forward to many more of both (birthdays and K12 Online Conferences) to come! I feel like I have been evangelizing the conference to friends and coworkers. They think K12 OL must be paying me or something.

  72. Carmen Hartzell

    I am a professional development coordinator for a career technical school in Ohio. This is my first experience with K12 Online Conference. I am ten years into my career in education and have been reenergized with technology this year. I have tasted the kool-aid and it is good!

  73. Anne Van Meter

    I found this conference last year, my first as a Pennsylvania “Classrooms for the Future” technology coach. I’m expecting to be re-amazed and inspired.

  74. Traci Wood

    My name is Traci Wood, from Andover, KS. I am a senior at Fort Hays State University taking classes virtually. I am excited to see what I can learn at this conference.

  75. Elaine Farrar

    I am a Instructional Technology Resource Teacher in Northern Virginia. This is my eleventh year in this position. Wish I had known about this conference two years ago when it first happened. Glad to be here this time though.

  76. Brian Fitches

    I am in Central Victoria, Australia have just taken up a position coaching other teachers in the use of web 2.0 and I’m hoping to lift my own skills.

  77. Sheila Adams

    I’m a first timer to the conference and looking forward to it. I am a 7th grade (Standard 5) science teacher on the seacoast of New Hampshire, US.

  78. Samantha Skeen

    I am a high school teacher in Ravenswood, WV. I teach students with special needs, primarily learning disabilities. I am also working toward an endorsement as a TIS (technology integration specialist). I am excited about this conference and love the flexibility that it provides.

  79. Kathy Rice

    I learned about this conference last year and watched EVERY SINGLE presentation. It changed my thinking and the way I work with technology! It was the most mind blowing conference I have every attended – virtual or in person. I am eagerly awaiting tomorrows presentations.

    I am a teacher-librarian, media specialist working in British Columbia, Canada. I work closely with classroom teachers to help infuse technology into their teaching. This year our school is participating in a provincial project revolving around Universal Design’s for Learning. It certainly is an exciting time!

  80. Ali Gallagher

    New position as the Education Technology Specialist at a 8th-9th middle school in Park City, Utah. Looking forward to learning ways of helping teachers use technology in their classrooms.

  81. Kate Ter Haar

    I work with alternative high school students and at risk youth. I am trying to engage students and teachers in learning through the use of technology. Web 2.0 is the new chalk!

  82. Cindy Marston

    I’m an Academic Technology Facilitator for an Upper School. Rolled-out tablets to our Middle School this year, and will be doing Upper School next year – lots to do to get ready, not the least of which is to reframe our thinking. Looking forward to great ideas and meeting folks that can share experiences.

  83. Stephen Kapulka

    Hi – I teach sixth grade science in Massachusetts – I’m looking for classrooms throughout the country and world to link up with for collaboration – using Skype and Epals – I would like to collaborate on curriculum items such as climate change and Earth Science.
    Please email me and let me know. Teaching right near Woods Hole – I also want to brings some scientists into this collaboration as well.
    I have been up to this point having difficulty finding willing classrooms. Help!

  84. Jane Lowe

    I teach Year 4 in a suburban public school in Perth Western Australia. My class and I have been involved in quite a few collaborative projects with students and teachers in many parts of the world.
    I Am attending this conference because since discovering the world of Web2.0 and building a PLN my PD has been nearly all online.

  85. Peggy Monroe

    Hi. I am an education technology trainer in the Shawnee Mission School District in Kansas. I am just connecting for the first time with the K-12 online conference, so this is new! I definitely want to learn about the new tools that are out there for use in the classroom.

  86. Meli Launey

    Hi! My name is Meli Launey and I am from Chets Creek Elementary in Jacksonville, Florida. I am very excited about learning more about web 2.0 tools to use with my 4th grade ELA class. We have a very active blog which includes 4 homeroom classes.

  87. Cathryn Myers

    Greetings. I am an Instructional Technology Teacher in Richmond, Va. This is my first experience with k12onlineconference.

  88. Pam McLeod

    I’m a Technology Director in New Hampshire. Getting together with some teachers tomorrow to show them K-12 online conference videos – I learned so much by watching them last winter!

  89. Sarah Dennison

    Hi, I’m the Office Computer Techology Instructor at James Rumsey Technical Institute in Martinsburg, WV and this is my first time on the k12onlineconderence. I am excited about seeing what all is available.

  90. Izad Majid

    I’m a Computer Studies teacher at Pengiran Anak Puteri Masna Secondary School, Brunei. I am just excited as everyone as this is my first time. An opportunity I could not resist and since this is held online, I am looking forward to the possibilities of learning from the Edutech experts.

  91. Rhona Polonsky

    Teacher Librarian here from Jakarta International School. The timing may be difficult for me to join. All sounds very exciting.

  92. Margo Jantzi

    Margo Jantzi

    Cub Run Elementary School, Penn Laird, Virginia

    Library Media Specialist
    592 students PreK-5

    Love using Web 2.0 tools for great learning outcomes with our students: Voicethread, skype, xtranormal text to video animations to name a few

  93. Patty Jordan

    Well you see my comment from two years ago about wandering around! I have learned so much from this conference each year. I plan to participate more this year with comments. Next year my goal will be to CONTRIBUTE. I think I go beyond a few of my peers with “using ” technology, but I am definitely not in the 21st century yet as I am not creating or contributing on a regular basis. That is my goal for the coming year and I hope this conference will support that idea!

  94. Patty Jordan

    I just commented a couple of paragraphs of stuff I thought was important. I am really frustrated. I cannot decipher the code words that have to be typed to make the words appear. I am having to ask my high school student daughter to type them in. I really see different characters than are posted. I am looking forward to participating! I have leasrned so much the last two years of this conference!

  95. Chris Paton

    I am hoping to attend this year. I have been lurking the previous years!

    I am teacher at a high school in Greenland and studying for a MA in “ICT and Learning” at Aalborg University in Denmark via the internet.


  96. Tania Sheko

    I’m Tania Sheko from Melbourne, Australia. I’m a teacher librarian and have also taught English, German and French. I hope to have time to check in and enjoy all the ideas and resources, as well as meet new people. It’s great to be present online when geographical distances prevent real attendance.

  97. Linda Garland

    Hi, I’m a teacher librarian in northern British Columbia in a Grade 8-12 school in Chetwynd. I teach English 9 and often many other subjects from Social Studies to Career and Personal Planning. I view this as a wonderful chance to start making connections and to get some ideas about how to incorporate global learning into my classes. Already I’m excited and hope to be able to get time for all the resources and connections.

  98. Sylvia Wilson

    After reading these posts, I am looking forward to learning how I, as an elementary librarian, can bring 21st century skills into my classroom in West Virginia!

  99. Britt Gow

    I look forward to participating in the K12 online conference in 2010. I am a science and maths teacher from a small rural school in SW Victoria, Australia and Ultranet Lead User.

  100. Sieva Kkozinsky

    My name is Sieva Kozinsky, I’m based in the San Francisco area and I’m very excited to participate in the next conference. When I was a student I started a company called StudySoup to help educator self-publish and curate content into an awesome digital format for students.

    This will be a great learning opportunity!

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