Julie Lindsay
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Blog: http://123elearning.blogspot.com/
Presentation Title
“The 21st Century Educator’s toolbox: Developing a Professional Learning Environment”
Julie Lindsay is Head of Technology and Director of E-Learning of International School Dhaka, Bangladesh. In 25 years of education her experience and qualifications have spanned four countries (including Australia, Zambia, and Kuwait) and two main curriculum areas (Music, ICT). She recently completed a MA in Educational Technology Leadership and is currently a member of the ISTE International Committee and the ICT curriculum specialist for ISTE’s Learning and Leading magazine. As an international educator Julie has a vision and a commitment to educational technology that includes fostering global citizenship and life long learning. She has presented at international conferences on digital literacy and Web2.0 objectives including blogging and podcasting, and is an exponent of online and one-to-one learning ideals in the classroom. Her personal blogs can be found at http://123elearning.blogspot.com/ and http://elgg.net/julielindsay/weblog
and online portfolio at http://julielindsay.wikispaces.com/
A Professional Learning Environment (PLE) is a place or places on the Internet where learning and interaction with others takes place using available online tools. It is a collection of resources and tools specifically chosen by the individual to be used during the average working day and for recording or documenting the journey of learning professionally and also personally if desired.
Why set up a PLE?
- Store pertinent information
- Show professional development
- Share personal experiences
- Share resources: socialbookmarking, online images and multimedia files
- Blog and interact
- Collaborate with educators around the world
Every professional educator needs online spaces for portfolio development and fostering interaction and collaboration. This presentation will look at online tools that can be used to collate and present resources, to invite community interaction and contributions and to use as a platform for personal expression. It will take the perspective of the educator who has needs for storage of ideas and tools, self-promotion, collaboration and access to other educators online. Using freely available Web 2.0 tools every educator can develop a Professional Learning Environment to complement their educational objectives.
Visit the wiki link below and discover many Web 2.0 resources for developing a PLE and a chance to offer your opinion and thoughts about this topic.
Supporting Link
Julie, your presentation was excellent. Thanks so much for sharing with us. I haven’t looked at your wiki yet, but I can tell that it will be a wiki that I look at often and I plan to share it with the students in my Technology in Education class. Thanks
Pingback: Notes from Millie D » 21st Century Educator’s Toolbox in Developing a Prof. Learning Environment
I always love your presentation videos and the various tools that you share with us. Web 2.0 resources excite me immensely,and I am sure our entire community of providers and knowledge seekers would love it too. What more could any e-Learning marketplace want!