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2010-Week in the Classroom

Web Conferencing – Can We Chat?

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Presenter: Kim Caise
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: Web Conferencing – Can We Chat?

Presentation Description: Web conferencing refers to a meeting, presentation or gathering online using a web platform and web cam. As a former campus instructional technologist, I conducted several web conferences with students. I adapted the tag line from Joan Rivers who was known for saying, “Can we talk?” and changed it to can we “˜chat’. Web conferencing includes chatting, the use of web cams, and a variety of other resources and tools that can be incorporated to enhance the web conference.

This presentation includes resources, tools and ideas for ways you can implement web conferencing with your students. The resources shared will help make your web conference sessions meaningful and easier to manage. There are many educators that use this strategy to connect with educators around the world. Don’t be afraid to jump in and use web conferencing with your students.

Research shows when students perform for an audience larger than their teacher and peers, the quality of the work produced is higher and the learning that occurs as a result is richer. Web conferencing is a way to expose your students to a larger audience and expand their horizons. Web conferencing allows you to bring world cultures into your classroom or go on a virtual field trip without ever leaving your classroom. Knock down the walls and bring the world to your students – one web conference at a time.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Twitter/Plurk: kcaise
Blog: http://kcaise.wordpress.com