Presentation Title: Desarrollo Profesional Docente y TIC
Presentation Description: Analizamos el qué, el por qué y el cómo del Desarrollo Profesional Docente Asistido por las TIC desde la visión de los docentes de habla hispana y en el marco de la Reforma de la Educación Básica
Presentation Title: Don’t Fear the Cloud, Embrace It and Leverage It!
Presentation Description: The new wave in education is all about cloud computing. The 2010 K-12 Horizon Report listed cloud computing as something districts need to adopt in the next 1-2 years. So, why do districts still fear the cloud? This presentation will list some possible reasons as well as why you should be leveraging this technology in your school!
Presentation Description: Nicolas Gutkowski, a middle school student from Virginia, describes his experiences in fifth grade when given the latitude to direct his own learning on his wiki.
Presenters: Monkia, Jim, Jessi, Hans, Morgan, Lucas, Cristan, Noah, Chase, Aaron, Gus, Andria, & Austin (with help from educators Monika Hardy and Jim Folkestad) Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, USA Link to the students’ teacher’s K12Online Ning Profile page
Presentation Title: Students Redefine School
Presentation Description: We believe that education is the vehicle to social change everyone craves. We believe that personalization is now possible in public school, because of the connections to people and info the web now allows. We believe that the process of learning how to learn, amped by the personalization digital equity allows is the new standard.
In the lab, we are experimenting with ways to facilitate personalized learning and ownership. We believe learning and self-constructing is natural, but most people need to break out of habits focused on following rules. Experimentation means doing, and doing breeds mistakes. Risk of failure blinds many to their potential. We believe playing it safe today is a greater risk.
Presentation Description: Teachers and leaders are planners by nature. You have to make sure your students and teachers are ready to learn, have the tools they need, and have enough time to be successful. Sometimes though, you can spend more time planning than you actually spend doing. Learn how to streamline you technology goals, build capacity in your school, find strength in collaboration, and promote change by planning less and doing more.
Presentation Description: Over the past three years, international educators and global collaboration experts Kim Cofino and Julie Lindsay have together run workshops within schools that are designed to open doors to new modes of teaching and learning and focus on the learner (teacher and student) as a communicator, collaborator and creator. A hands-on approach is emphasized in the workshops with opportunities for learners at all levels to explore, discuss and model 21st Century pedagogy using digital tools. The focus of the workshop is for participants to design an engaging, technology-rich, collaborative project to implement in their classroom. This presentation will share via video the methodology of the “Create the Future’ workshop and focus on participants as they work through the challenges presented during the two days.
Presentation Title: Inside ITGS: Cyber-Students Share their Connected Learning
Presentation Description: Inside ITGS is about classrooms globally coming together to form an online learning community for the IB subject Information Technology in a Global Society. Madeleine Brookes from Western Academy Beijing and Julie Lindsay from Beijing (BISS) International School, both in China, explore the impact of virtual communication and collaboration and feature the students from pioneer classrooms in a rare face-to-face meeting. It is through their eyes, as cyber-students, that we will learn more about how to use emerging technologies and build stronger more effective learning communities.
Presentation Description: Clever Teachers 2.0
Virtual environments and especially, new teaching practices require better trained and informed teachers and especially the development or integration of creative strategies and sensitive when facing a learning environment. What we call a teacher giving witty able to meet the challenges of education 2.0
Docentes Ingeniosos. 2.0
Los entornos virtuales y en especial, las nuevas prácticas pedagógicas requieren de docentes mejor formados e informados y sobretodo del desarrollo o incorporación de estrategias más creativas y sensibles a la hora de enfrentar un ambiente de aprendizaje. Lo que estamos dando a llamar un docente ingenioso capaz de enfrentar los retos de la educación 2.0
Presentation Title: C^4: Leveraging The Power Of Blogs And Wikis In Student Learning
Presentation Description:
An integral part of my Physics classes is the use of web 2.0 digital tools such as wikis and blogs among others. In this presentation my 9th grade students share their experience in the use of these tools and the positive impact these tools have had on their learning.
The students relate how the class wiki encouraged collaborative learning and information sharing by facilitating communication among the members of the class. One of the major advantages of using the wiki is that the students became engaged in conversations with one another outside of the classroom that enhanced and deepened their understanding of our class topics.
They talk about being empowered as learners in taking the lead in moving us all to the next step in our physics learning experience. And I do mean us. Through the wiki and their blogs I become a co-learner with the students, able to guide where appropriate, but also learning from what they bring to the conversation. It’s a conversation unlike a typical class conversation, because we are all on an equal footing.
The students describe the additional collateral advantages coming from blogging such as improvement in their writing skills and an awareness of the importance of being a reflective learner.
The presentation wiki ( includes a transcript of the presentation with relevant links to published demonstration of their immersion in critical thinking, collaboration, effective communication, and creativity.
Presentation Title: Connected Learning Communities (CLC): Learning and Leading in the Digital Age
Presentation Description: Professional learning communities can engender much-needed meaningful collaboration and learning among educators — collaboration that leads to improved practice, greater student achievement and positive school reform; collaboration now further enabled by the affordances of current technologies.
As a result of this presentation participants will understand the dispositions and skills required to become self directed learners in a participatory culture, to engage in inquiry-driven learning, to share ideas and expertise in global ever-growing sustainable personal/professional learning networks as well as situated and virtual learning communities.