(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
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Tag Archives: k12online

2016-17 Announcements

Calling All Educational Innovators for #k12online16

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Calling all educational innovators! This is the 10th year of the K12 Online Conference, a unique, FREE, entirely non-commercial and online professional development event focused on encouraging innovative idea sharing among teachers worldwide. We’re looking for educators at all levels who are willing to share a 20 minute video about innovative learning, projects, instructional practices or other ideas in 1 of four conference strands:

  1. Learning Spaces
  2. Student Voices
  3. Design Thinking
  4. Creativity

More details and the proposal submission form (which is not very long) are available on our 2016 Call for Proposals post, which we shared in April. You can also learn more about our conference on our Goals and Core Values page. The 2016 K12 Online Conference will take place again in October this year, but the deadline to submit a proposal is June 15th. Please share this post and our proposal 2016 flyer (PDF) with other teachers you know who could share a great presentation for our conference. Preparing a 20 minute video for our online conference with STRETCH you as a professional educator and encourage you to grow further, not only by reflecting on your own practice but also by connecting you with other educators with similar interests and passion for student learning! Please “take the plunge” this year and submit a proposal to present for K12 Online!


If you have any questions about presentations, submitting a proposal or the conference overall, please contact one of our volunteer conference organizers. The names and Twitter IDs of each of our conference strand conveners are also included in our proposal flyer (linked above.)We look forward to receiving your presentation for this year’s conference by June 15th!

2015-Beyond the Core

Teaching the 21st Century Musician

Published by:

Presenter: Thomas J. West
Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania

Presentation Description: The new Common Core Standards for the Arts contain many standards involving greater levels of creativity and independence for music education. These standards, coupled with preparing today’s students for an ever-shifting professional landscape that requires more independent and collaborative technology skills, presents America’s traditional secondary performing music ensemble programs with a challenge: how do we still provide high quality performing ensembles and develop the individual students’ musical and creative abilities. Thomas J. West explains how incorporating the SAMR Model of Technology Integration along with cloud-based methods of Blended Learning enables middle school and high school instrumental music students to take control of their own learning and become independent, well-rounded musicians capable of 21st Century Artistry.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
My website: www.thomasjwestmusic.com
My blog: www.thomasjwestmusic.com/apps/blog

2015 2015-Beyond the Core

Lesson Plan: The Worst Preso EVER!

Published by:

Presenter: Jon Corippo
Location: California

Presentation Title: Lesson Plan: The Worst Preso EVER!

Presentation Description: Do you need to: Embrace the 4Cs in your class? Get your students quickly up to speed on presenting or making slides in most any slide-making tool? Just want to do something that’s really fun with your class? Well, making The Worst Preso Ever is just what you need. This gateway-level lesson design idea will help you to go “uptempo” in your classroom and really embrace all the 4Cs with your students (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and TONs of creativity. This will be one of your “go-to” lesson plans, watch today!

Brief Description for iTunesU (235 characters max with spaces)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

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2015-Beyond the Core

Connecting Creativity

Published by:

Presenter: Erin Olson & Leslie Pralle Keehn
Location: Pocahontas, IA


Presentation Description: The Connecting Creativity series is a learning quest designed with concept and content convergence in mind, supported by meaningful technology integration. Each Connecting Creativity concept is designed so teachers can repurpose the idea to meet the needs of their students and the needs of their curriculum goals. The four monthly quests we will feature include opportunities for students to combine poetry, photography, design, video, and, of course, creativity. The numerous facets of visual arts and literacy converge in the highlighted quests. Additionally, Connecting Creativity is not only about meeting learning goals, it is about helping students see their world and share with their world.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

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2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Social Media for Continuous Professional Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Angela McDurmon
Location: Athens, Georgia

Presentation Description: The presenter attests to the benefits of using social tools for continuous professional learning.

Participants will learn to:

* Find educational conversations (discussion groups) to participate in on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Edmodo.
* Search for issues, content, and sites that are trending in social media platforms.
* Use common educational hashtags.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

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2015-Beyond the Core

Fairytale Compositions

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Presenter: Samuel Wright
Location: Daejeon, South Korea

Presentation Description: Grade 5 students embarked on a journey of composition that revolved around writing for characters, objects, places and more. They investigated music of other cultures, used iPads and developed their own iTunesU Course with work-samples showing their amazing creations from Chinese themes to Little Red Riding Hood.
In this video I will walk you through our lessons, student feedback and the creative process as well as the method I use to integrate iPads successfully into the music-storytelling-classroom. Visit Grade 5’s compositions on YouTube here http://bit.ly/1OtMfoj and leave your own discussions on our iTunesU Course ‘Fairytale Compositions’ as feedback – we would love to see what inspires your students to compose.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Music Educator and Apple Distinguished Educator

2015 2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Tackkling SAMR

Published by:

Presenter: Courtney Kofeldt
Location: West Chester, PA, US

Presentation Description: This presentation will provide information on the tool Tackk, and how you can use it as a springboard to get your students to the redefinition level of SAMR. It will also discuss the tools that easily integrate into Tackk such as Thinglink, Google Apps and various other tools. The examples provided can be used across multiple content areas.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

2015 2015-Beyond the Core

Beyond Teaching and Learning: Leaving a Legacy

Published by:

Presenter: Janine Campbell
Location: Dorr, MI, USA

Presentation Title: Beyond Teaching and Learning: Leaving a Legacy

Presentation Description: Janine Campbell presents a question –  “What happens when the school year is done?” What legacy have students left behind and what will they take along with them when they have gone? Explore these questions and more in this session that will provide examples for thinking beyond the 60 minutes or 180 days you have in a classroom and asks you to start building your legacy with students today.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


2015-Beyond the Core

Web Literacy Map Version 1.5: Read, Write, and Participate for a Better Web

Published by:

Presenter: W. Ian O’Byrne, J. Greg McVerry
Location: Charleston, SC


Presentation Description: The World Wide Web has become this generation’s defining technology for literacy. This technology facilitates access to an unlimited amount of online information in a participatory learning space. Multiple theories and years of research have investigated the literacy practices in these online and hybrid spaces. Yet, as early adopters, history’s first generation of “always connected” individuals do not have the knowledge and skills to critically explore, build, and connect online. Simply stated, students are often not provided with opportunities in school to practice the web literacies necessary to read, write, and participate on the web. The Mozilla Foundation and community of volunteers have worked to address this paradox by creating a Web Literacy Map. These efforts seek not to simply understand the web but to empower adolescents to help build a better open web.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
My blog is available at wiobyrne.com

2015 2015-Beyond the Core

Let’s Draw Some Attention: Digital Sketchnotes for Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Karen Bosch
Location: Southfield, Michigan USA

Presentation Title: Let’s Draw Some Attention: Digital Sketchnotes for Learning

Presentation Description: Interested in exploring how Digital Sketchnotes can impact learning for both you and your students? This session will introduce what you need to get started with taking visual notes, including an overview of the process, equipment and apps, hints and techniques, and a wealth of resources. Lesson ideas and examples from students will be featured as part of the session.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

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