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Tag Archives: environment

2013 Building Learning

Energy 101: KidWind & the SHS Chevy Volt Project

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Presenter: Dan Whisler
Location: Sterling, KS

Presentation Title: Energy 101: KidWind & the SHS Chevy Volt Project

Presentation Description: In this presentation I will use a presentation with videos imbedded to share how our energy-related projects combine STEM-related concepts in a PBL environment to help create a more student-centered learning experience. Real-life studies help make connections and create relevance for students. Through their study of these energy-related projects, students are exposed to environmental and economics lessons not possible simply by using a textbook. Videos will include me presenting background information (presentation) to help explain the projects along with videos of students working on various projects in the classroom to demonstrate the PBL approach being used.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

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