(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
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Tag Archives: education

2012 Student Voices

Mars Rover, Mars Rover, Send My Own Rover Over

Published by:

Presenter: Kimberly Herron
Location: Inman, KS, USA
Twitter: @herronfive

Presentation Description: Launch your students into developing space and science vocabulary and concepts as they follow current events of The Curiosity Rover landing on Mars AND design, build, and launch their very own rubber band powered rovers.

Mission: Design and construct a rubber band powered rover with lander that will carry a raw egg as a payload and does not weigh more than 300 grams. It must be launched from 5 meters high, land safely without damage to the payload, and automatically engage rubber band powered wheels to move forward 3 – 5 meters.

Through this project based lesson students engage higher level skills incorporating the scientific method with research, engineering, writing, math, vocabulary, and team work to successfully complete their mission.


2012 Announcements

K12 Online Conference 2012 Call for Proposals: Learn, Share, Remix

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The 2012 K-12 Online Conference is coming to a computer near you soon! This year’s FREE online conference will take place the weeks of Oct 22 – 25 and Oct 29 – Nov. 2, with a pre-conference keynote on October 15th. The 2012 theme is, “Learn, Share, Remix.” Educators and students worldwide are invited to respond to our 2012 call for proposals. Presenters create twenty minute, engaging video presentations shared during our two week conference. Please check out some of last year’s presentations. The organizer team for this year’s conference selected “Learn, Share, Remix” for our theme because it embodies many of the ACTIONS we can model as 21st century teachers and students. We all want to model lifelong learning. Our digital connections afford us amazing opportunities to SHARE what we are learning along the way. REMIXING is the process taking knowledge and using it in creative and innovative ways. Remixers build on the work of others. REMIXING can also include transforming the ways we teach and learn. In each strand of our conference this year, we hope presenters will explore and model ways we can learn, share and remix our professional development.

'Don't Squeeze the Mixter!!' photo (c) 2008, Robert Nunnally - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Deadline for proposal submissions is June 15th at midnight PDT. Selections will be announced July 15th. Ten presentations will be featured in each of our four strands for 2012, for a total of forty presentations.


Getting Started: Do you consider yourself a newcomer to the world of digital learning? This strand is for you. Presenters will focus on “the why and how” of using digital learning tools to connect with other learners, create new and exciting knowledge products, and engage students in an expanded learning process beyond the traditional “boundaries of the bell.” Practical classroom implementation ideas for beginners will be emphasized. Susan van Gelder is the convener.

Kicking it up a Notch: This strand amplifies ways new technologies can be used to transform classroom and personal learning. Rather than merely replicating traditional, analog-based learning tasks, how can digital technologies permit teacher-leaders to add greater interactivity, personal differentiation, and multi-modal exploration of curriculum topics? Presentations will explore innovative ways Web 2.0 tools can be blended together to help students create, collaborate, and share the knowledge safely on the global stage of the Internet. Jose Rodriguez is the convener.

Student Voices: This strand seeks to amplify voices of exemplary student leaders who use digital tools in their school communities as well as the larger world. Students can focus on specific project using technology to learn, outstanding classroom projects which have had a particularly positive impact on their and classmates’ learning, and/or recommendations for educators seeking to effectively use digital tools. A focus on project-based learning and service learning is welcome, but not required. Student presenters must be sponsored by an educator; permission forms will need to be signed by a parent for each presenting student. Ginger Lewman is the convener.

Visioning New Curriculum: As the age of paper-based textbooks adopted on multi-year cycles fades away, a new age beckons with a curriculum filled with multimedia resources and interactive simulations. This strand explores curriculum possibilities for accessing as well as sharing and remixing digital content. This will include OER (open educational resources) as well as commercial curriculum sources. What does the best “digital curriculum” today look like and what should it look like tomorrow? Should curriculum still be folded into “textbooks?” When should and how can teachers “flip” classroom learning? What’s your vision for innovative curriculum? Wesley Fryer is the convener.

We would love presenters to involve students and include student voices when appropriate in presentations. (Student participation is NOT required or expected, but is welcomed.)

The 2012 Conference: What’s the same?

  1. Price: Free!
  2. Basic format: Each weekday of the two weeks of the conference, four presentations (two per strand for that week) will “go live” / be published on our conference blog.
  3. Pre-Conference Keynote: Still the week prior to the “˜regular’ conference. this year it’s on October 15th.
  4. Presenters will share their presentation via a Ge.tt account. Strand conveners will handle the rest.
  5. Presenters are invited to include student voices and perspectives in their presentations in all strands.

The 2012 Conference: What’s different?

  1. We are re-igniting a separate “student voices” strand this year.
  2. Each year we try a different or experimental strand. This year it is “Visioning New Curriculum.”
  3. We are calling on our community to get more involved as volunteers in this year’s conference.

How Can You Help?

  1. Spread the word! Share #K12Online12 via your social networking connections, blogs, email, and face-to-face with colleagues!
  2. Submit a proposal to present! We love first-time presenters. It’s a 20 minute recorded presentation. Screencasting tools are better than ever today. You can do this. Hundreds of educators worldwide want to hear your ideas and your voice!
  3. Encourage others to present! Each year many of our submitted proposals come after someone sends a personal invitation. If you know a teacher who should present, ask them to submit a proposal!
  4. Volunteer! Our 2012 Call for Volunteers form is also available.

Volunteers are needed for the following committees:

  1. Public Relations Committee
  2. Professional Development Committee
  3. Conference Preservation Committee
  4. Live Events Committee

Your participation and voice is essential for the continued success of the K-12 Online Conference! Please get involved and spread the word about this year’s conference. We’re looking forward to YOUR participation as we learn, share and remix together!

2011 Announcements

Afterglow Live Event: Join Us Monday Night, December 12th!

Published by:

Please mark your calendars and adjust your schedules to join presenters, participants, and organizers of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference in an “AfterGlow” Closing Live Event on Monday, December 12th at 6:00pm PT / 7:00pm MT / 8:00pm CT / 9:00pm ET. If you’re located outside North American timezones, please use this timeanddate.com link (2:00 AM Tuesday, December 13 GMT) to determine the event time in your local area. “The Afterglow” is a fun, celebratory event held in Blackboard Collaborate. It will provide opportunities for presenters to share the stories behind their presentations as well as give participants a chance to ask questions of the presenters. The Blackboard Collaborate session link is: http://tinyurl.com/cr20live. This link may be shared with others on Twitter, Plurk, blogs, etc. Please cross-post this information on your own blog, if possible, so we can amplify this live event and draw a big crowd of educators! (HTML code to cross-post is available.)

'Northern Lights' photo (c) 2008, Image Editor - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

The MC for the event will be Susan van Gelder, who will ask the questions of the panel members and facilitate the conversations among presenters and participants. The panel will consist of all of the keynote presenters for the conference, but all presenters are encouraged to join us and come prepared to “raise your hand to take the mic” during the session if desired. Everyone can contribute actively in the chat conversation. The webinar will be an hour long and not every presenter may have an opportunity to share. There is a possibility the conversation may continue after the ‘formal’ closing of the webinar into a post-show. Participation of the presenters is optional during post show as we know everyone’s time is limited.

In addition to joining our upcoming live event, we invite you to check out and comment on a special “backstories of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference” Voicethread. Several of our presenters have already chimed in. Please add your voice and commentary!

Organizers of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference wish to express appreciation to Steve Hargadon and the Classroom 2.0 Live community for providing the “virtual meeting room” for our Afterglow live event. We hope to “see you” virtually in Blackboard Collaborate Monday night! (Use this link for times if you’re outside North America) Please invite other educators you know to join us too!

2011 2011-Sandbox Play

The Power of Projects

Published by:

Presenter: Jennifer Wagner
Location: Murrieta, CA USA


Presentation Title: The Power of Projects

Presentation Description: There is POWER in online projects.
Come join the conversation as several projects are shared that demonstrate the “POWER” available in online projects.
Plus, the conversation will continue on at the resource page where you can share memories of past projects and share out project ideas!!
This session is geared more towards the elementary/primary classroom but there will be examples of secondary projects as well.

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

2011 2011-Level Up

Welcome to the World: Advancing the Digital and Physical Landscape

Published by:

Presenter: Connor Janzen and Benjamin Honeycutt
Location: Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Twitter: @OWProject
Facebook page:
 Open World Cause

Presentation Description: Our presentation is in an audience/keynote format to engage viewers with documentary footage of the Open World cause, project history and information and a resource medium for starting a similar fundraiser or initiative-based project with online tools such as social media networks. Additionally, we cover areas of special interest in terms of organizational management and focus.

iPod video –  mp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

2011 2011-Sandbox Play


Published by:

Presenter: Dr. Christopher Craft
Location: Columbia, SC, USA

Presentation Title: Sandbox Play Keynote: A Teacher’s Journey

Presentation Description: Take a look inside the classroom of Dr. Christopher Craft and explore what sandbox play practically looks like. Chris teaches kids in a variety of courses such as World Languages, Media Technologies, and Broadcast Journalism.


iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Dr. Christopher Craft is an award-winning classroom educator at CrossRoads Middle School in Columbia, SC. Dr. Craft has a B.A. in Spanish, an M.Ed in Educational Technology, and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Research. He has been teaching for seven years. He is most proud of his two daughters; the princess and the diva.

Find out more about Chris at www.christophercraft.com or read his (infrequently updated) blog at www.crucialthought.com. Find him on Twitter at @crafty184.

2011 2011-Team Captains

Lead the World

Published by:

Presenters: Vicki Davis, Julie Lindsay with Curt Bonk, Anne Mirtschin, Judy O’Connell, Dean Shareski, Don Tapscott, David Warlick, Flat Classroom conference students – Doha Qatar, Suffern Middle School (Peggy Sheehy and Marianne Malmstrom), Mt. Carmel High School (Suzie Nestico), Phoenix School (Betsye Sargent), West Tisbury (Valerie Becker), and Flat Classroom Students
Location: Camilla, GA and worldwide
@coolcatteacher, @julielindsay and @flatclassroom

Presentation Title: Lead the World

Presentation Description: Students are the greatest textbook ever written for each other, yet, many schools close the book on learning outside classroom walls. After five years of global collaborative classroom excellence, this presentation first uses voices from the keynoters, students, and teachers around the world that have been part of the Flat Classroom projects and conferences to share how education has fundamentally changed through a beautiful medley of voices. Then, hear from Vicki Davis, co-founder, about the 7 principles that can take your classroom global and the current challenges and misconceptions surrounding what it means to globalize your classroom. We hope you’ll join this journey of learning and thank all of our keynoters, students, and teachers, for sharing their voice in this move towards excellence in global education.

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Vicki Davis and Julie Linsday co-founded the Flat Classroom Project in November 2006. In the five years since, more than 5,000 students from age 4 and up have joined with other classrooms around the world to collaborate in projects like The Flat Classroom Project, the Digiteen Project, ‘A week in the Life’ Elementary Flat Classroom Project, and the Eracism Project and the founding of a non-profit to run their conference and face to face events.

Their work and public sharing of pedagogy on their blogs has led to their recent book, Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds from Pearson Publishing coming in January 2012.

You can follow Vicki at @coolcatteacher and Julie at @julielindsay and the projects at @flatclassroom.

2011 2011-Story Time

What If the Story Changed?

Published by:

Presenter: David Jakes
Location: Naperville, Illinois, USA

Presentation Title: What If the Story Changed?

Presentation Description: This presentation is about changing the story of what we do, the challenges behind that, and examples of what that change might look like. The presentation is based in a very simple idea I’ve been exploring lately, and one based in rethinking the way in which both individuals and organizations respond to new thinking and new ideas. The presentation will challenge your thinking about traditional perspectives on education, and offer insights on how we might rethink these. I’ll begin with an introduction and then offer a series of vignettes that explore the story of change, all centering on rethinking how we approach the design of new ideas with a very simple approach you can use today. Please join me as I explore changing the story…

iPod video “” mp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Contact me | dsjakes at gmail dot com
Read what I think | strengthofweakties.org
View my presentations | jakes.editme.com
Follow me | twitter.com/djakes
See my photography | flickr.com/jodotorg
Old Skool Web | jakesonline.org
See my Web library | bit.ly/jakesresources
See my experiences | linkd.in/djakes
Skype me | david.jakes

2010-Kicking It Up a Notch

Shhh!!! The Students are Learning: Being an Effective Classroom Facilitator

Published by:

Presenter: Clif Mims
Location: Memphis, TN, USA
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: Shhh!!! The Students are Learning: Being an Effective Classroom Facilitator

Presentation Description: Be a facilitator of learning rather than a deliverer of information. Develop strategies for managing a classroom where students can have a leadership role and the teacher becomes the classroom coach. Strategies and practical tips for designing and implementing units will be shared.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

Blog: Clif’s Notes
Twitter: @clifmims
Facebook: Clif Mims.com
Plurk: @clifmims

View my educational resources and join my PLN and let’s learn together.

2010-Week in the Classroom

Aplicaciones Didácticas de la web 2.0:Buenas prácticas

Published by:

Presenter: William H. Vegazo Muro
Location: Lima,Perú
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: Aplicaciones Didácticas de la web 2.0:Buenas prácticas

Presentation Description: Experiencias pedagógicas con las webtools tales como el Podcasting, los webinar, la Radios educativa, la Red Social; los blogs educativos; las wikis para desarrollar la capacidad de la Comprensión de la información en el área de CTA con los alumno(A)s en la I.E Fernando Carbajal Segura 6039 de Lima Perú.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Facebook : William Vegazo
Twitter : educador23013
skype : educador23013
Blog: http://elmundodelaciencia-educador23013.blogspot.com/