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Tag Archives: coaching

2014 2014-Stories for Learning

My Journey With Technology

Published by:

Presenter: Cassidy Hall
Location: Moscow, ID
Cassidy Hall on LinkedIn


Presentation Description: In my presentation, I share my perspective on technology integration in the k-12 environment through lessons learned throughout my sixteen-year transformation from tech savvy classroom teacher to technology integration specialist. My roles as English teacher, library media specialist, technology coach, and instructional coach and the many professional development programs I’ve experienced have all been pivotal in developing the philosophy I have today concerning technology integration. Every successful step I’ve taken along the way has been dependent on building relationships, and those that were unsuccessful lacked the vital support from teachers, students, parents, administrators, and staff to make technology integration successful. I’ll transform the lessons I’ve learned into easy guidelines to follow as you take on the challenge of embracing technology in k-12 classrooms.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


Additional Information:

2011 2011-Team Captains

Coaching for ICT Integration

Published by:

Presenter: Anne Fox
Location: Aarhus, Denmark

Presentation Title: Coaching for ICT Integration

Presentation Description: In this session you will find out why coaching is an effective professional development tool and how the VITAE course could help you become an ICT integration coach. You will do this by using six Web 2.0 tools to access and review the material of this session and decide on your first SMART goal.

You will do this by learning by doing and in order to access the necessary links you should have the following ScoopIt page open at the same time: http://www.scoop.it/t/vitae-course

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
My blog isĀ http://annefox.eu