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Tag Archives: BYOD

2013 Open Learning

Any Device Will Do! Best Practices of BYOD Implementation

Published by:

Presenter: Naomi Harm
Location: Brownsville, MN USA

Presentation Title: Any Device Will Do! Best Practices of BYOD Implementation

Presentation Description: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is more about instructional design and delivery, rather than tools, devices, or applications. Teachers who implement BYOD effectively also facilitate and nurture learning communities in their classrooms while recognizing the immediate needs of today’s digital age learners to collaborate, communicate, create, and think critically. This online webinar will model effective mobile teaching and learning scenarios to implement a BYOD program in your K-12 schools and classrooms. The session is designed to increase your understanding of BYOD in order to lead to greater student engagement in learning and to empower teachers to design and create new compelling and motivating lessons and assignments.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Blog: http://blog.innovativeeducator.us

2012 Visioning New Curriculum

Going One-to-One

Published by:

Presenter: Patrick Fogarty
Location: Brooklyn, New York, USA
Twitter: @fogarty22

Presentation Title: Going One-to-One

Presentation Description: “One-to-one computing” is more than another educational buzzphrase; it’s a movement whose proponents aim to make our classrooms resemble the workplace of today and tomorrow rather than the factories of the 19th century. It’s an idea developed through thirty years of trial and error by some of the most brilliant minds in technology and education, and luminaries ranging from Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to Harold Gardner and Salman Khan have contributed ideas small and large to its conceptual framework. It also creates for us the opportunity to engage our students on their level, as digital natives rather than classroom outsiders.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Please visit me at about.me/pfogarty and my blog at http://fogarty22.wordpress.com.