K-12 Online Conference organizers are pleased to announce the availability of both professional development and graduate credit options for our 2007 conference.
Conference participants will be able to electronically register for professional development and submit individual conference session reflections (as URL links or copied text) to the conference PD reflection archive starting next week, on Saturday, October 20, 2007.
Check out both the VoiceThread explanation as well as the entire K-12 Online Conference Credits wiki for more details. Members of the PD committee hope the provided rubric will assist you in reflecting on and benefiting from the different presentations in this year’s conference, as well as obtaining professional development credit for your participation in the conference.
A “printable” certificate including details of your participation and awarded credit for each session in the K-12 Online Conference will be available from the conference PD reflection archive, starting on October 20th.
Our culminating event, “When Night Falls”, a chain of 1 or 2 hour long Elluminate sessions stretching over a 24 hour period– a 24 hour continuous K12 Online coffee break– is only 2 weeks away beginning at 12:00 AM Saturday, October 27 GMT. You’ll find more information about “When Night Falls”here and here.
We need moderators for each hour of the 24 hour event!
What could be better than moderating a session of this 24 hour opportunity for participants of the 2007 K12 Online conference to gather in an Elluminate room to reflect and connect with friends, both old and new, about their experiences at K12 Online 2007? Please consider extending your conference participation by taking on this role.
What are moderator responsibilities?
moderate an Elluminate session for 1 hour (or more if you choose) — if you don’t know how to do that, we’ll teach you!
record the session– if you don’t know how to do that, we’ll teach you!
record reflections from participants on the “When Night Falls” wiki and write a summary of the conversations from your session.
encourage everyone to register their participation by entering their location and blog address on the Conference Attendr Map.
In the coming weeks, when night falls, the virtual K12 Online Ning community will rise, extending opportunities for conversations and collaboration. We hope you’ll become an active member when that becomes available.
K12 Online is about teaching and learning on the bleeding edge. But more than that, it’s about making personal connections with like minded educators from across the globe. Past participants have remarked that the best part of K12 Online is the people they meet and, in many cases, end up collaborating with. As a result of the personal connections you make with others while participating in K12 Online you can form your own intimate personal learning network. Teachers need teachers too. Take My Hand is one way you can find the teacher you need to learn what you’re interested in, in your own time, in your own way, on your own terms. Here’s how it works:
As you take in each presentation you will find a link at the bottom of the presentation post on the conference blog with the words Take My Hand. Click it and you will end up on a wiki page devoted to connecting knowledgeable educators with those that want to learn more about the content in the presentation you just took in. If you’re already familiar with the pedagogy, tools or issues raised in the presentation volunteer and ask those that are new to all this to take your hand (powerful learning follows when you teach what you know). If you’re being exposed to these tools, techniques and thoughts for the first time ask someone to take your hand and show you more about it.
You are encouraged to share email addresses, skype names, twitter accounts etc. so you can mentor and be mentored about the things you are most interested in learning and teaching. Take My Hand is the place to connect mentors and mentees. Please, volunteer, and get connected.
As you are listening to and reflecting on David’s wonderful pre-conference keynote as well as the presentations coming up the next two weeks, please take time to “tag the conference.” By adding some short HTML code to the end of blog posts you write, you will be virtually “flagging” your ideas so that others can easily find and link to them. Technorati is one website which aggregates blog posts under these common tags. As an example, this is a link to all the posts currently aggregated by Technorati which have been tagged “k12online07.”
The Hitchhikr website is an aggregator of blog posts about a wide variety of educational conferences taking place around the world. By clicking on the Hitchhikr link in this post or elsewhere on the K-12 Online Conference blog, you can view blog posts of other teachers about the conference and its presentations. Hitchhikr uses Technorati to index photos posted to Flickr as well as blog posts. To tag the K-12 Online Conference, add the following HTML code to the end of your blog posts:
In addition this year, following the lead of the 2007 National Education Computing Conference (NECC), we have created unique session tags for each presentation of the conference. These are visible in the right column of the conference schedule, which is one of our navigational links located at the top of each page of the main conference website. Just substitute the appropriate session tag for the text “k12online07” in the example above. It is a good idea to tag your posts both for the conference and for the session you’re reflecting on. So, the Technorati code to use to tag BOTH the conference overall AND David’s pre-conference keynote specifically would be:
Join David Warlick and the conference organizers this evening at 7pm Eastern (David’s timezone) in a free wheeling open-ended chat in Elluminate. During the chat you can ask David about his presentation, make new friends from around the world, or simply enjoy an engaging conversation. This is an opportunity for all presenters and participants to get together and discuss how we can “play with boundaries” in our classrooms and personal learning experiences.
The chat will take place in Elluminate, an online classroom environment. To join you simply click on the link below and after some software loads you will be dropped into the room with David. As a reminder, you will need a microphone to be able to take part in the conversation. A quick review of the tools will be given before we begin. Drop by up to 30 minutes before starting to practice if you like.
We will have other fireside chats with keynotes and presenters once the conference kicks off next week. Check here for the schedule.
David Warlick Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Blog 2¢ Worth — http://davidwarlick.com/2cents Bio David Warlick, a 30 year educator, has been a classroom teacher, district administrator, and staff consultant with the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction. For the past ten years, Mr. Warlick has operated The Landmark Project, a consulting, and innovations firm in Raleigh, North Carolina. His web site, Landmarks for Schools, serves more than a half-million visits a day with some of the most popular teacher tools available on the Net. David is also the author of three books on instructional technology and 21st century literacy, and has spoken to audiences throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, and South America. Twitter:@dwarlick
Presentation Title “Inventing the New Boundaries”
Special Instructions:
As you watch the video, during the first 24 to 48 hours, go to the session chat, register, and post questions, comments, and additions, as they occur to you.
If you use Twitter, then post comments, while watching, that would be of value to your followers.
If you blog or podcast about the session, tag your posts with k12online07 and k12online07pc.
I am writing an article about the three converging conditions. The outline is currently on a wiki page. It would be useful to me if you could go and insert any elements of the address or concept that resonated especially well with you.
Description: For decades, education has been an easy institution to define. It consisted of a set of accepted literacy skills, a definable body of knowledge, and the pedagogies for teaching those skills to willing students who were arranged in straight rows. Today, for the first time in decades (in generations of teachers), we are facing the challenge of changing our notions about teaching and learning to adapt to a rapidly changing world. We are struggling to rethink what it is to be educated, to reinvent the classroom, and redefine what it is to be a teacher and a student. There is much that has changed, and for much of it, we have responded to by attempting to ignore, filter, or to block it out.This presentation, by 30+ year educator, author, and technologist, David Warlick, will explore some of these changes and challenges and arrange them as a set of converging conditions that might just help us to redefine and retool the 21st century classroom.
Looking for Quick Answers about anything K12Online? Visit http://k12onlinehelpdesk.pbwiki.com The site contains FAQ’s, Links to Tutorials and How-to’s, as well as options for live help (both text and audio). In an effort to aid newcomers to the K12Online experience there are Guides available providing such things as proxy servers to aid in accessibility as well as suggestions for making the most of this year’s conference offerings. Not to be missed is the “Keep Connected” section that identifies tags being used, important websites, email addresses and web 2.0 link-ups. Feel free to also email the HelpDesk gang at k12onlinehelpdesk [at] gmail [dot] com.
You will be able to access the K12Online Help Desk from every presentation posted to the conference blog. Look for the link Access Help Desk at the bottom of every presentation post.