(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.

Category Archives: 2010

2010-Leading the Change

Creative Commons: What Every Educator Needs to Know

Published by:

Presenter: Rodd Lucier
Location: Komoka, Ontario, Canada
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: Creative Commons: What Every Educator Needs to Know

Presentation Description: Creative Commons is the most powerful mechanism for media development you’ve never heard of. In this presentation, you will discover how learners of all ages are gaining access to millions of free images, audio files, video elements, and written materials allowing the creation of unique multimedia products.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Rodd Lucier
Blog: thecleversheep.com
Twitter: @thecleversheep
Personal iOS Application

2010-Student Voices

Let Me Tell MY Story

Published by:

Presenter: Carol Broos
Location: Northfield, IL
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: Let Me Tell MY Story

Presentation Description: Mrs. Carol Broos has her students grades 5-8 talk about their projects within the music class. All files are found on musictechie.pbworks.com

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Presentation wiki: musictechie.pbworks.com

The main school website is www.carolbroos.com and the entire music curriculum is found on beatechie.pbworks.com. Carol’s blog focusing on music and technology is www.beatechie.com.

2010-Leading the Change

LEADING THE CHANGE KEYNOTELiderando el Cambio: Escuela 2.0, Educando la Participación

Published by:

Presenter: Dolors Reig
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Twitter: @dreig

Presentation Title: Liderando el cambio: Escuela 2.0, educando la participación  Leading the Change: School 2.0; educating in participation

Presentation Description: Open Social Learning, escuela y revolución cognitiva, social y creativa en la web. School and cognitive revolution, Social and Creativity on the web

Presentation with English Transcription:

DotSub Video Presentation Link

YouTube version (in Spanish / en Espanol)

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

Dolors Reig Hernández.

Docente, Consultora distintas Universidades / Centros / Empresas Educator, Consultant for various universities, business and other centers.

Experta en Comunidades, Social Media, Tendencias web, Innovación educativa.  Expert in online communities, Social Media, Web tendencies, and education innovation.

Blog: El caparazon

SlideshareFacebookTwitterBlog RSS

2010-Student Voices Asides

STUDENT VOICES KEYNOTEThe Life Practice Model: a real life example

Published by:

Presenter: Colby Ratzlaff
Location: Emporia, Kansas USA
Twitter: @ColbyRatz

Presentation Title: The Life Practice Model: a real life example

Presentation Description: Hear a freshman tell the educational story of the last 4 years of his schooling, from August 2006-May 2010, after his parents decided that traditional school wasn’t fully meeting his needs. Colby attended Turning Point Learning Center, an innovative public charter school in Kansas, utilizing 1:1 laptops, and Web2.0-infused Project Based Learning.


DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Online Portfolio:

Additional Information:
Twitter: @techmancolby

2010 Announcements

Week 1 Live Events on Sunday, October 24th #k12online10

Published by:

Week 1 of the FREE K-12 Online Conference this year will feature TWO live events. Please mark your calendars and RSVP on our Ning Events page so you don’t miss these opportunities to interact with our keynoters.

“K12 Online 2010 in Español,” a conversation with “Leading the Change” keynoter Dolors Reig of Barcelona, Spain, will take place on Sunday, October 24th from 8 am to 10 am PST on EdTechTalk. (Use this link to check your local time.) Please RSVP on our Ning Event, and link to the UStream channel as well as text chat area for the event on puentesalmundo.net/radioweb2.0.

Our second LIVE EVENT for week 1 will be in held in Elluminate on October 24, 2010 from 12 – 1 am GMT (NOTE: This is 7 pm EDT on Sunday, October 24. Please use this link to check your local time.)

This will be a conversation with our Student Voices keynote speaker, Colby Ratzlaff, who is a 9th grader this year attending Emporia High School in USD 253 in Emporia, Kansas, USA. Please RSVP for this event on our Ning, where you’ll also find the direct Elluminate Live link.

We hope you’ll plan to join our keynote speakers for these LIVE week 1 events!

Remember the twenty presentations in our “Student Voices” and “Leading the Change” strands will be published here, on our conference blog, starting in 9 hours at 12:00 PM GMT Monday, October 18. Refer to our complete conference schedule for more presentation information. If you have not already, please join our Ning and also follow @k12online on Twitter!

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2010 Announcements Asides

K12 Online Conference on iTunesU

Published by:


K-12 Online Conference on iTunesU

The K12 Online Conference organizers are pleased to announce  that once again the conference will be available on iTunesU! The conference now has two Collections on iTunesU: a video collection which can both be subscribed to and downloaded to your mobile device. Click on the link for the collection you want to subscribe to and it will open iTunes for you. Presentations will be added to our channel as they are published according to our conference schedule.

In iTunesU, two options are provided to download multiple episodes: GET TRACKS and SUBSCRIBE. We recommend you choose SUBSCRIBE, since it permits you to download new episodes automatically as they are published. Subscription options are available in our iTunesU channel for each year of the conference. (Eventually we’ll add ALL 150+ presentations to our collection!)

All of the presentations are available as video recordings, and as time permits, our “archivists committee” will be adding past years’ presentations into the collections. Special thanks to the Arizona State Department of Education, Arizona State Universitythe IDEAL Community, alt^I (Applied Learning Technologies Institute) and Apple for facilitating our access to iTunesU!

A linked image for “K12 Online on iTunesU“ has been added to our right sidebar. After clicking the direct link to our iTunesU Collections,  iTunes should launch on your computer and take you to our collection page within the Arizona IDEAL eLearning Platform, in the Professional Development category.

If you do not already have iTunes installed on your computer, you can download it free from Apple.

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2010 PRECONFERENCE KEYNOTESharing: The Moral Imperative

Published by:

Presenter: Dean Shareski
Location: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
Twitter: @shareski

Presentation Title: Sharing: The Moral Imperative

Presentation Description: This keynote looks at the new obligation of sharing for educators. With stories from the a variety of sources, the fact that we now have the ability to teach and share beyond our classrooms is moving from “nice to do” to “necessary to do”. See if you agree.


DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Connect with Dean:
Blog: Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech
Twitter: @shareski


Teaser – Inside ITGS: Cyber-Students Share their Connected Learning #k12online10

Published by:

Julie Lindsay and Madeleine Brookes have published a teaser video for their upcoming K-12 Online Conference presentation with students, “Inside ITGS: Cyber-Students Share their Connected Learning.” Julie and Madeleine are presenting in our “Student Voices” strand during week 1 of our conference, October 18-22, 2010.

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2010-Keynote Announcements

Fireside Chat with Dean Shareski #k12online10

Published by:

As we have in past years of the conference, for the 2010 K-12 Online Conference each week we’ll feature a “live event” including our keynote speakers. For our pre-conference week, which starts today, Dean Shareski will join us for a “fireside chat” in Elluminate on October 15, 2010 from 12am to 1am GMT. Before deciding you can’t be up that early, please use this timeanddate.com link to verify the DATE and TIME in your local area. This will be the evening of Thursday, October 14th in North America: Specifically 8 pm EST / 7 pm CST / 6 pm MST / 5 pm PST.

Please RSVP for the event using the entry on our Ning Events Calendar. The direct Elluminate link for the session is also provided there.

Hope you can join us for this open discussion of Dean’s pre-conference keynote!

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2010 Announcements Asides

Marketing Flyer for the 2010 K-12 Online Conference #k12online10

Published by:

A one page PDF marketing flyer for the 2010 K-12 Online Conference is available. Please share this far and wide! While we don’t want to waste trees and “being digital” is great, it can also be helpful to post printed versions of this on your library bulletin board, in the teachers’ lounge, and in other locations where educators will see it.

K12 Online 10 Flyer

If Scribd (the site hostsing this embedded version of our marketing flyer) is blocked in your location, you can alternatively download this file directly from our site.

Many thanks to our public relations committee for putting this together!

Please retweet and cross-post this on your own Twitter account, blogs and other websites!

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