(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
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Author Archives: ginger.lewman

2011 2011-Level Up

Get Out of the Classroom with Virtual Field Trips

Published by:

Presenter: Jayme Linton
Location: Hickory, North Carolina, USA

Presentation Title: Get Out of the Classroom with Virtual Field Trips

Presentation Description: We all know that field trips can be incredible educational experiences for students, particularly students with limited backgrounds. However, with the current budget crunch, field trips aren’t always feasible. In this session, you’ll learn how to create a field trip experience for your students without leaving the classroom. Come explore resources for designing virtual field trips that will engage your students and give them new experiences. No permission forms or bag lunches required.

iPod video         mp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:
Jayme’s Symbaloo


2011 2011-Level Up

Creating ePortfolios with WordPress

Published by:

Presenter: Dana Watts
Location: New Delhi, India
Twitter: @teachwatts

Presentation Title: Creating ePortfolios with WordPress

Presentation Description: Imagine a world where students are no longer judged by a lone essay, an individual transcript, or single letter of recommendation. ePortfolios allow students the ability to showcase their life-long learning and potential for growth well beyond the confine of the classroom walls. ePortfolios have the potential to transform the way educators access student readiness for future courses, advancement and college admissions.

Using a blog platform as the launching point for an ePortfolio, provides students the ease of sharing their knowledge with a platform that is easily transportable from one academic year to the next, from one school district to the next, one country to the next. In addition, a blog allows students the freedom of expression and power to control who and what others are reading about them on the web. Teaching students to have a handle and take control of their digital footprint is essential to their digital literacy skills.

An ePortfolio created in WordPress is a simple tool we can provide students to begin to have a place to analyze, create, evaluate and reflect on their learning as they travel on their journey of learning. This presentation illustrates the ease of creating an ePortfolio in 8 simple steps. Come play in the sandbox of blogging, and see how many doors we can open up to help celebrate learning with our students.


iPod video – mp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents





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2011 2011-Level Up

Welcome to the World: Advancing the Digital and Physical Landscape

Published by:

Presenter: Connor Janzen and Benjamin Honeycutt
Location: Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Twitter: @OWProject
Facebook page:
 Open World Cause

Presentation Description: Our presentation is in an audience/keynote format to engage viewers with documentary footage of the Open World cause, project history and information and a resource medium for starting a similar fundraiser or initiative-based project with online tools such as social media networks. Additionally, we cover areas of special interest in terms of organizational management and focus.

iPod video –  mp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

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2011 2011-Level Up

Technology as an Ally in the IB Science class

Published by:

Presenter: Antonio Amaral Cunha & Silvana Meneghini
Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Presentation Title: Technology as an Ally in the IB Science class

Presentation Description: The “Flipped Classroom” strategy involves using some type of technology to provide instruction to students before coming to class and using class time for more higher level thinking and interaction. This strategy is being used by one of ur IB Science teachers through a collaborative Google Doc. Such an approach has been beneficial to students as we look at the IB learner profile and it has also been beneficial to the teacher in terms of covering IB requirements.

iPod videomp3 audio

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2011 2011-Level Up

LEVEL UP KEYNOTEGet RIPped: Rigor, Innovation, and Passion

Published by:

Presenter: Carol Broos
Location: Northfield, IL

Presentation Title: Get RIPped: Rigor, Innovation, and Passion

Presentation Description: I’m Carol Broos, a recently retired 4-8 grade music teacher. I taught 33 years of general music in the northern suburbs of Illinois. I wanted my students, no matter how bad it was in school, to open the door to the music room and walk into a garden of possibilities. In 2004, a MIDI lab was installed with headsets, so students were able to personalize their experiences as well as share with each other. I was no longer the director on the podium, but the students moved at a quicker pace and learned to create and compose music at a faster rate. They loved to share their compositions and a new culture was born with this individualized instruction. I could enable EVERY student to be engaged and demand more from each student. My gifted and talented students were ALLOWED to move at the pace they wanted and incredible projects were produced and created. Rigor was now an important aspect of the class, which gave birth to innovation. So, let’s get Ripped – Rigor, Innovation, and Passion. You will hear from students how rigor, innovation, and passion are the backbone of creating and learning.


iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
The entire 21st century music curriculum is found on http://beatechie.pbworks.com Carol Broos also has a blog www.beatechie.com and is one of the top music education blogs.