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K12 Online Conference » October 27, 2014

Daily Archives: October 27, 2014

2014 Announcements

K12Online14 Day Six: October 27, 2014

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K12Online2014-500x500Welcome to day six of the 2014 K-12 Online Conference! All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Week Two has begun and with it two new strands: Passion Driven Learning and STEAM. So much to think about. You can always come back to view sessions you missed or those you want to see again. Everything is archived.

Don’t forget to try playing the game created by Kevin Hodgson!


Today’s sessions:


The keynote for this strand is presented by Joy Kir: Passion-Based Learning

Connected Learning Through Google Apps by Jennifer Bloomingdale


Keynote: coming soon

Programming in Primary  by Sam Patterson

If you’re not already, be sure to follow us on Twitter and “like” us on Facebook. Subscribe to our email list if you’re not already receiving email updates from us. Also remember all video presentations are available in iPad / iPhone / iPod touch compatible format in our iTunesU Portal! If you tweet about the conference please use the Twitter hashtag #k12online14.

2014 2014-Passion-Driven Learning

Connected Learning Through Google Apps

Published by:

Presenter: Jennifer Bloomingdale
Location: Schuylerville, New York, United States

Presentation Title: Connected Learning Through Google Apps

Presentation Description: This presentation will focus on specific how-to’s of Google Apps that support Connected Learning for teachers and students. Learn which features of Google Apps help students create, collaborate and share their work.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2014 2014-STEAM

Programming in Primary

Published by:

Presenter: Sam Patterson
Location: Palo Alto, CA

Presentation Description: Join Sam to talk about how we can start in k-2 teaching students to program using blockly code. Sam will demonstrate using Scratch Jr and Hopscotch on the iPad to support content area learning.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2014 2014-Passion-Driven Learning

Passion-Based Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Joy Kirr
Location: Elk Grove Village, IL

Presentation Title: Passion-Based Learning

Presentation Description: What IS “passion-based learning?” It goes by many names, but it is authentic, student-driven time given during school hours. It is used to engage students in their learning, and let them know that their interests and inquiries matter. Once you start, you will find it permeates the rest of your teaching hours.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

“About Me” Web Address – http://joykirr.wix.com/portfolio

“About Me” bio: I currently teach 7th grade English Language Arts in a suburb of Chicago. I was first a special education teacher working with deaf & hard-of-hearing students, and next became a reading specialist and National Board Certified. I’m on my 20th year of teaching, but it’s always like my first!