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K12 Online Conference » October 23, 2013

Daily Archives: October 23, 2013


K12Online13 Day 3 Presentations: 23 October, 2013

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Welcome to day three of the 2013 K-12 Online Conference! All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.


Day 3 presentations include:


Alan Hudson: The planning and development of a free online resource – “˜A Trifling History of the Moving Image’

Bill Fitzgerald: Bread and Butter: Civilization, Toast, and Open Content


Tricia Fulgelstad: Making and Sharing Fugleflicks (student-created, art-related movies)

Leslie Pralle Keehn: 5 Themes of Geography: Local to Global

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2013 Open Learning

The planning and development of a free online resource – ‘A Trifling History of the Moving Image’.

Published by:

Presenter: Alan Hudson
Location: Wells, Somerset, UK

Presentation Title: The planning and development of a free online resource – “˜A Trifling History of the Moving Image’

Presentation Description: Virtual worlds can be used as exciting environments for learning and can be automated to enable students to learn when they want, alone or with their classmates. Virtual world environments can give students a more immersive and engaging experience than other online resources. New Synthetic Theatre has been running for over a year with its first two shows, “˜Ninety Nine Percent’ and “˜Jabba Jabba Jabba’, and the third show “˜The Flood’ the story of the deluge in Gilgamesh, is currently being developed.

The next show to be created “˜A Trifling History of the Moving Image’, a free show funded by Kick-starter, will be a 3D animated lecture in which the students’ avatars help tell the history of story telling and how changing technologies have changed the way we tell stories. Beginning with bards around the campfire and ending in 3D movies and New Synthetic Theatre. The sound track will be made collaboratively using voices of contributors from around the world, emailed and then edited together.

The K12 video will explain the techniques and principles behind New Synthetic Theatre and how these will be applied in “˜A Trifling History of the Moving Image’. Kickstarter funding will eliminate the need for paid tickets, making the system more inclusive and allow teachers and students from anywhere in the world to learn together and use the resource anytime they like needing only a computer and an internet connection.

This could be the first of many open-licensed, shareable online resources within New Synthetic Theatre.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Alan Hudson began in IT as a programmer and then later worked as a lecturer at various UK Universities, mostly at London Metropolitan University teaching IT multimedia and E-Learning, He also makes stained glass windows and lamps and is a freelance developer working mostly in Second Life. He has worked on a number of large Second Life projects including “˜The 3D Warehouse’ and New Synthetic Theatre.

See alanhudson.org

2013 Open Learning

Bread and Butter: Civilization, Toast, and Open Content

Published by:

Presenter: Bill Fitzgerald
Location: Portland, OR, US

Presentation Title: Bread and Butter: Civilization, Toast, and Open Content

Presentation Description: This presentation takes an initial idea – how to make butter in 15 minutes – and traces how to bring this initial concept into a set of openly licensed resources that can be used in a World Cultures class. The session is focused on process, so the techniques described can be used across grade levels.

The session covers planning, with an introduction to licensing and publishing.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:


Additional Information:
We have covered the process of authoring open content and licensing works in additional detail in these blog posts.

2013 Outside Learning

5 Themes of Geography: Local to Global

Published by:

Presenter: Leslie Pralle Keehn
Location: Blairsburg, Iowa, USA


Presentation Description: In a year-long focus on the 5 themes, students first developed local, personal videos that put them out in the community. We shared this project with other districts, publishing their videos and viewing videos of other classrooms as well. Later, they Skyped with a gentleman from India, living in South Africa, who traveled around the poorest regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. With him, they learned about and discussed the 5 themes along with the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, taking their learning global. Finally the year-long study culminated in the students producing projects based on personal interest in other countries around the world, using the 5 themes video format from the beginning of the year.

Follow the journey of 7th grade students in rural Iowa who took the 5 themes of geography from local to global as they learned about and connected with cultures around the globe, incorporating creation, connection, collaboration, and change along the way.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

2013 Outside Learning

Making and Sharing Fugleflicks

Published by:

Presenter: Tricia Fuglestad
Location: Arlington Heights, IL


Presentation Description: Do you ever wonder if your students own the learning? They definitely would if they created the teaching resources. Fugleflicks are student-created, art-related movies made by kids for kids to teach something about art. Not only do these short entertaining resources inform our school population but those involved in creating them have a tremendously rich learning experience. Take a look behind the scenes into our process for movie-making with small groups, full classes, and the whole school. Find out how we share what we make with authentic audiences to raise the level of craftsmanship and engagement.
There are many takeaways from this presentation regardless of what you teach as you learn to put your students in the director chair, use their creativity, and apply curricular content for the benefit of all.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Fugleflicks wiki and Index (includes tutorials for creating green screen effects and animating in Keynote):