This year we will once again be presenting the K12 Online Echo. It is hosted on EdTechTalk and will take place once a month on Tuesday at 2:00 am UTC or Monday evening in North America: 10:00 pm AST, 9:00 pm EST, 8:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm MST and 6:00 pm PST). Each show will feature one presentation from the K12 Online Conference with time to watch the presentation together as well as time for a discussion with the presenters.
Our first guests, on November 23 / November 22 in North America, will be Paula Naugle and Jan Wells. We will feature their presentation: Seeds to Success with Skype from the Week in the Classroom strand. This is a great opportunity to learn more about how to get involved in projects like theirs. We are lining up guests for future shows. Let us know who you would like to see featured. Just add your comments.