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2008 2008 - Kicking It Up a Notch

Kicking it up a Notch Games in Education

Published by:

Sylvia Martinez Los Angeles, California, USA


Bio: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Sylvia+Martinez

Bio: Sylvia hasprogrammed and designed educational games for consumer and school markets. For 8 years she was executive producer at Davidson & Associates, the makers of Math Blaster, and designed games for all subjects and ages. She’s also been in charge of console and PC casual game design for adults and children, working in all aspects of design, development, manufacturing and publishing.

Presentation Description: It sounds like a simple idea– kids don’t like school”¦ kids like games, so if we sneak some educational content into games, won’t everyone benefit? This session will explore what’s right and wrong about this idea, and how educators can discern the difference between the hype and the promise. I believe that although some of the promise has been oversold, there is much to learn from exploring the educational promise of games in the classroom.


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Original (23:07 Run Time; .mov, 50MB)
iPod Video (23:07 Run Time; mp4, 34.3 MB)
Audio only
(23:07 Run Time; mp3, 11.1 MB)


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Prove It “Action Research as Catalyst for Change in Teacher Practice and Outcomes for Children”

Published by:

Elaine Newton, Nelson, New Zealand
Blog :http://elaineece.blogspot.com

Bio: Elaine Newton is a facilitator on the New Zealand Ministry of Education funded Early Childhood Education I.C.T. Professional Learning (ECE ICT PL) Programme. She works with teachers at ten early childhood services in the upper south island of New Zealand.
Bio link:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Elaine+Newton

Presentation Title: “Action Research as Catalyst for Change in Teacher Practice and Outcomes for Children”
Description: Discussion of outcomes for children, teachers and families at two early childhood centres that are engaged in action research focused on introducing I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technologies) into teaching and learning programmes (and a brief description of the ECE ICT PL programme, and some features of early childhood education in New Zealand).

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Original (19:42; mov, 14.9 MB)
iPod Video (19:42; mp4, 22.5 MB)
Audio only (19:42; mp3, 5.4 MB)

Supporting Links: References and links are on bio page and Elaine’s blog http://elaineece.blogspot.com/

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2008 2008 - Getting Started

Getting Started “Web 2.0 Tools to Amplify Elementary Students’ Creativity and Initiative”

Published by:

Jackie Gerstein Tucson, Arizona, USA
Website: http://jackiegerstein.wikispaces.com/

Bio: Jackie is a lifelong learner with a passion for all aspects of authentic education. She has an Ed.D., a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, a graduate certificate in Gifted Education, and is working on another Masters degree – this one in Technology in Education. She teaches gifted elementary students (or they teach her) and online Masters in Education courses. Visit Jackie’ Gerstein’s Professional Online Portfolio; to learn more about her also visit her Philosophical Views on Education in the 21st Century.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Jackie+Gerstein

Presentation Title: “Web 2.0 Tools to Amplify Elementary Students’ Creativity and Initiative”
Description: This presentation describes projects designed for students, ages 8 to 12, to use emerging technologies for engaging, thinking, learning, collaborating, creating, and innovating. It has its foundations in social constructivism whereby students drive their own learning experiences through educational networking using emerging technologies. An additional goal is using free, open-source, or minimal cost tools, so the project can be replicated.

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Original (20:40 Run Time; mov, 51.2 MB)
iPod Video (20:40 Run Time; mp4, 39.6 MB)
Audio only (20:40 Run Time; mp3, 8.1MB)

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Using Online Argument Role-Play to Foster Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn in a High School Composition Class”

Published by:

Richard Beach, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Blog: http://teachingliterature.typepad.com/

Bio: Professor of English Education at the University of Minnesota. He is author or co-author of Teaching Writing through Blogs, Wikis, and Other Digital Tools(Christopher Gordon, November, 2008), Teachingmedialiteracy.com: A Resource Guide to Links and Activities, and Teaching Literature to Adolescents.
Bio Link:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Richard+Beach

Presentation Title: “Using Online Argument Role-Play to Foster Learning to Argue and Arguing to Learn in a High School Composition Class”
Description: I describe the use of online role-play in a 12th grade high school composition class using a class blog and a Ning forum. In a role-play, students adopt fictional roles associated with competing positions associated with influencing a final decision on an issue. Students were highly engaged in a Ning role-play on the issue of student Internet access in their school because they were assuming different voices, writing to multiple audiences versus just the teacher, and developing arguments to make proposals for actual changes in the school’s Internet policies.


Original (19.52; mp3, 18.2 MB)
Audio only (19:52; mp3, 18.2 MB)

Supporting Links:
Richard has developed the following resource sites for teachers interested in teaching media and digital writing:
media literacy
media literacy wiki
teaching digital writing

Written script for his audio presentation

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2008 2008 - Getting Started

Getting Started “What Did You Do in School Yesterday, Today, and Three Years Ago?”

Published by:

H Songhai Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Blog: http://songhaiconcepts.blogspot.com/

Bio: H Songhai teaches Media Literacy and Digital Archiving at Hope Charter School in Philadelphia and at the Delaware Futures college preparatory program in Wilmington, Delaware. He is a graduate of Philadelphia’s Central High School and Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Over the last 30 years, he has worked, studied and collaborated with many of the nation’s leading artists, writers and musicians including: Amiri Baraka, Askia Muhammad Toure, Etheridge Knight, Odean Pope, Byard Lancaster, Aschak, Richard Watson, Lamont B. Steptoe, Theodore Harris, Mbali Umoja, Elliott Levin and jazz bag pipe player, Rufus Harley.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/H+Songhai

Presentation Title: “What Did You Do in School Yesterday, Today, and Three Years Ago?”
Description: This presentation will look at some very practical ways that students can use cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras and a number of free Web based tools to document, organize and archive just about every important aspect of their high school career.

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Original (19:14 Run Time; mov, 68.9 MB)
iPod Video (19:14 Run Time; mp4, 48.9 MB)
Audio only (19:14 Run Time; mp3, 10.8 MB)

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “We Like Our Blogging Buddies: The Write Stuff with Blogging Mentors”

Published by:

Kathy Cassidy, Moose Jaw, SK, Canada

Bio: Kathy Cassidy is a grade one teacher at Westmount School in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada who is very interested in the ways in which technology can support and augment the learning in her primary classroom.
Bio Page:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Kathy+Cassidy

Patrick Lewis, Regina, SK

Bio:Patrick Lewis is an associate professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Regina, SK. He is a storyteller-teacher-researcher interested in good stories.
Bio Page:https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Patrick+Lewis

Presentation Title:” We Like Our Blogging Buddies: The Write Stuff with Blogging Mentors”
Description: In the winter of 2008, Patrick Lewis’s university class of pre-service teachers were blogging mentors for Kathy Cassidy’s grade one students. This presentation talks about that collaboration and the results of the research that was conducted about the effect this mentorship had on the students’ writing.

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Original (18:04 Run Time; mov, 104 MB)
iPod Video (18:04 Run Time; m4v, 100 MB)
Audio only (18:04 Run Time; mp3, 12.8 MB)

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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Throwing the Box Away”

Published by:

Barbara Bray, Lafayette, CA
Blog: Rethinking Learning

Bio: Barbara Bray writes a regular column on professional development for OnCUE, moderates the PDQs (Professional Development Quick Tips) for Techlearning.com, is President of My eCoach, and coach.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Barbara+Bray

Pat Lusher, Pinellas County Schools
Bio: Pat Lusher is the Supervisor of Academic Computing for Pinellas County Schools.

Cecelia Nauda, Pinellas County Schools
Bio: Cecelia (Charli) Nauda is EETT Grant Coordinator, Curriculum and Applications for Pinellas County Schools.

Donna Blanton, Largo, Florida
Bio: Donna Blanton, 3rd grade teacher at Pinellas Park Elementary.

Presentation Title:“Cross-Age Cross-Curriculum Projects Change Teaching Practice”
Description: 109 K12 teachers and eMentors at Pinellas County Schools, Florida developed six 6 week cross-age cross-curriculum projects for their EETT grant in 2006-2007. This presentation describes the professional development and resources necessary for successful projects. Learn how teachers collaborated with teachers from other grade levels and designed standards-based real-world activities that engaged all students in the learning process. Examples, strategies, and evidence will be shared.

Audio Presentation

Original (20:09 Run Time; mp3, 18.4 MB)

Supporting Links: Video Teaser; Cross-Age Cross-Curriculum Projects (summary) Blog Post with additional links, enhanced podcast, and PowerPoint presentation.

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2006- Overcoming Obstacles 2006- Pers Prof Development 2008 2008 - Getting Started

Getting Started “Traveling Through The Dark”

Published by:

Steven Kimmi Salina, KS, United States
Blog: http://expeintech.blogspot.com

Bio: Steven is a fifth grade teacher in Salina, KS. He graduated from Kansas State University three years ago, where he pursued many other majors before choosing on Elementary Education. He is the author of Experiments in Technology and In Transit(ion). He is in the process of creating numerous open source resources for teachers in his district and beyond. However, he is the parent of three children under four, so his time is…well, time is…of the essence.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Steven+Kimmi

Presentation Title: “Traveling Through The Dark”
Description: This presentation examines how to get started using educational technology through metaphorical analysis of William Stafford’s poem, Traveling Through The Dark. Through this analysis we will look at the obstacles teacher’s face, the process of implementing technology into the classroom, and the role that others can play in the process.

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Original (17:02 Run Time; wmv, 59.4 MB)
iPod Video (17:02 Run Time; mp4, 192 MB)
Audio only (17:02 Run Time; mp3, 11.4 MB)

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2006- Overcoming Obstacles 2006- Pers Prof Development 2008 2008 - Getting Started

Getting Started “Video-Conferencing It’s Easy, Free and Powerful”

Published by:

Brian Crosby Reno, Nevada, USA
Blog: http://learningismessy.com/blog/

Bio: Brian Crosby, an elementary teacher for 26 years, teaches sixth grade in Sparks, Nevada, and has infused technology into teaching since the 1980’s. While piloting a 1:1 laptop program, students in his class utilize many Web 2.0 tools including Skype, Fiickr, blogs and wikis. Brian teaches several popular tech classes for teachers in his role as a Nevada Writing Project Consultant.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Brian+Crosby

Presentation Title: “Video-Conferencing It’s Easy, Free and Powerful”
Description: Through this Quicktime video presentation attendees will learn how free video and audio-conferencing software can easily be utilized to both access and share learning opportunities with students globally. In addition attendees will acquire the knowledge and resources necessary to use this valuable educational tool.

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Original (13:24 Run Time; mov, 61.5 MB);
iPod Video (13:24 Run Time; mp4, 62.6 MB)
Audio only (13:24 Run Time; mp3, 6.3 MB)

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2008 2008 - Getting Started

Getting Started “Never Too Young”

Published by:

Sharon Betts Maine, USA
Blog: http://sharonsshare.blogspot.com

Bio: Sharon has been in education for over 30 years. Each of those years has brought her new ideas and challenges. She is presently the Educational Technology Coordinator for a K12 district in Maine. Sharon’s main responsibility is to the teachers and students of the district emphasizing professional development to enable them to fully use technology tools in transforming education. She has presented at national, state and local conferences in many learning areas including open source, 21st century technology tools and personal learning networks.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Sharon+Betts

Presentation Title: “Never Too Young”
Description: Teachers of our youngest students are often left behind when trying to implement new technologies into their curriculum. They may receive the “hand-me-down” equipment and issues related to teaching the youngest classrooms are not addressed through in-service. This presentation demonstrates 3 web 2.0 tools that are ideal for transforming learning to students in the early grades: Voicethread, Dipity and Blogging. The presentation consists of a screencast with a supporting wiki for links, examples and extended resources. Authentic student projects will be used in the demonstration and information given on implementation strategies for the teacher.

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Original (20:02 Run Time; mov, 72.6 MB)
iPod Video (20:02 Run Time; mp4, 56.7 MB)
Audio only (20:02 Run Time; mp3, 11.2 MB)

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