Welcome to day one of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference! All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.
Day 1 presentations include:
Story Time Keynote:
The World’s Craziest Educational Videos Featuring ds106 by Jim Groom and Tom Woodward
Team Captains Keynote:
Playing in Public by George Couros
Story Time:
When Learning Becomes an Event! by Andy McKiel
Team Captains:
The World is My Classroom by Anne Mirtschin
Remember certificates for professional development credit are available this year! If you’re not already, be sure to follow us on Twitter and “like” us on Facebook. Also remember all video and audio presentations are available in iPad / iPhone / iPod touch compatible format in our iTunesU Portal!
Have a question you’d like our presenters to answer during our closing “Afterglow” live event? Please submit/share it and vote on questions submitted by others in our K12Online11 Google Moderator Poll.
Thanks so much for the iOS-compatible versions so we can experience the entire conference on our mobile devices…just to show how much we can do with them! 🙂
#ds106 #4life!
The conference is only two days old and for the first time I am able to stay current. Thanks so much for using iTunes U. I am in China and listening over the past four years has been very difficult. I am still using my VPN to get things off of this website but it is working beautifully. I have a better chance of getting my peers to participate over here if there are to issues. Again, thanks
Thanks SO much for sharing your feedback, Heather! We’re thrilled to hear our updated website and format for 2011 is working better for you in China. Hooray!