(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.

Yearly Archives: 2011

2011 Announcements

Afterglow Live Event: Join Us Monday Night, December 12th!

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Please mark your calendars and adjust your schedules to join presenters, participants, and organizers of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference in an “AfterGlow” Closing Live Event on Monday, December 12th at 6:00pm PT / 7:00pm MT / 8:00pm CT / 9:00pm ET. If you’re located outside North American timezones, please use this timeanddate.com link (2:00 AM Tuesday, December 13 GMT) to determine the event time in your local area. “The Afterglow” is a fun, celebratory event held in Blackboard Collaborate. It will provide opportunities for presenters to share the stories behind their presentations as well as give participants a chance to ask questions of the presenters. The Blackboard Collaborate session link is: http://tinyurl.com/cr20live. This link may be shared with others on Twitter, Plurk, blogs, etc. Please cross-post this information on your own blog, if possible, so we can amplify this live event and draw a big crowd of educators! (HTML code to cross-post is available.)

'Northern Lights' photo (c) 2008, Image Editor - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

The MC for the event will be Susan van Gelder, who will ask the questions of the panel members and facilitate the conversations among presenters and participants. The panel will consist of all of the keynote presenters for the conference, but all presenters are encouraged to join us and come prepared to “raise your hand to take the mic” during the session if desired. Everyone can contribute actively in the chat conversation. The webinar will be an hour long and not every presenter may have an opportunity to share. There is a possibility the conversation may continue after the ‘formal’ closing of the webinar into a post-show. Participation of the presenters is optional during post show as we know everyone’s time is limited.

In addition to joining our upcoming live event, we invite you to check out and comment on a special “backstories of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference” Voicethread. Several of our presenters have already chimed in. Please add your voice and commentary!

Organizers of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference wish to express appreciation to Steve Hargadon and the Classroom 2.0 Live community for providing the “virtual meeting room” for our Afterglow live event. We hope to “see you” virtually in Blackboard Collaborate Monday night! (Use this link for times if you’re outside North America) Please invite other educators you know to join us too!

2011 Announcements

K12Online11 Day 10 Presentations: 9 December 2011

Published by:

Welcome to day ten of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference! All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Week 2 Presentation Strands: Sandbox Play and Level Up

Day 10 presentations include:

Sandbox Play:
Playing with the 4 C’s in an Elementary Classroom  by Paula Naugle and Jan Wells

Sandbox Play:
Screencasting 101: First Steps to creating “On Demand” tutorials and presentations  by Lorna Costantini

Level Up
Gaming to Learn by Learning to Game  by Leigh Zeitz

Level Up
Edmodo”¦.Connect, Collaborate, Create!  by Martha Lackey

Level Up
iCreate vs. iConsumption by Scott Meech

Remember certificates for professional development credit are available this year! If you’re not already, be sure to follow us on Twitter and “like” us on Facebook. Also remember all video and audio presentations are available in iPad / iPhone / iPod touch compatible format in our iTunesU Portal!

Have a question you’d like our presenters to answer during our closing “Afterglow” live event? Please submit/share it and vote on questions submitted by others in our K12Online11 Google Moderator Poll.

2011 2011-Level Up

iCreate vs. iConsumption

Published by:

Presenter: Scott Meech
Location: Chicago Suburbs, Illinois, USA
Twitter: @smeech

Presentation Description: Many argue that the iPad is the premiere consumption device at this time but it isn’t very good at creating. I want to walk through some thoughts to battle that thinking. Creating on the iPad is different but it is an effective creation device. The very nature of the device itself and how we interface with it provide for a uniquely creative environment. Effectively creating on the iPad requires a different workflow from traditional computers. Once users get proficient with that workflow, the iPad becomes an amazing creation device!

iPod video – mp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Please check out IEAR.org, EdReach.us, and SMeech.net to learn more about my work with technology and education.

2011 2011-Sandbox Play

Screencasting 101

Published by:

Presenter: Lorna Costantini
Location: St. Catharines Ontario Canada

Presentation Title: Screencasting 101

Presentation Description: This presentation is suited to those new to screencasting. Viewers will learn how to use screencasting to become a “Teacher on Demand.” This session will guide viewers through the use of screencasts to deliver engaging content for online learning as well as learning extensions in face-to-face classrooms. They will discover the advantages of recorded tutorials, illustrated lessons and just-in-time learning using screen recording software including many free online tools. Viewers will be able to apply these concepts to creating their own online instructions and presentations for and with their students. The free screen recording software Jing will be featured in this course. You will also be introduced to the concept of the “flipped classroom” and examples of how it is being used.

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

2011 2011-Level Up

Edmodo: Connect, Collaborate, Create!

Published by:

Presenter: Martha Lackey
Location: Midlothian, TX   76065
Twitter: @lackeym

I will show and discuss ways for using Edmodo in a 2nd grade bilingual class. My main focus will show how using 21st century tools can prepare students globally for the 21st century!

iPod video – mp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
I am a 2nd-3rd grade bilingual instructor and campus technology liaison. I help 1st and 2nd year teachers with basic computer skills required by our district. I also help teachers integrate the use of 21st century technology skills into their curriculum.



2011 2011-Sandbox Play

Playing with the 4C’s in an Elementary Classroom

Published by:

Presenter: Paula Naugle and Jan Wells
Location: Metairie, LA, U.S.A. Meriden, KS, U.S.A.
@plnaugle and @janwells

Presentation Title: Playing with the 4C’s in an Elementary Classroom

Presentation Description: Paula and Jan are going to outline the steps they took to become innovative teachers. They will explain how their classes use the 4C’s (creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication) to complete various projects. By sharing what they did, they are trying to encourage other teachers (you) to do the same. They want other teachers to realize that reaching out is the first step. They will give you ways to find other classes to connect with and how to find some projects to get started.

iPod videomp3 audio

Additional Information:

Twitter @plnaugle
Skype plnaugle

Twitter @janwells
Skype mrs.wells4

2011 2011-Level Up

Gaming to Learn by Learning to Game

Published by:

Presenter: Dr. Leigh Zeitz
Location: Cedar Falls, Iowa USA
Twitter: @zeitz

Presentation Title: Gaming to Learn by Learning to Game

Presentation Description: Gaming has a place in education. As we explore the world of gaming, we realize that gaming is actually based upon learning theory. Gaming can be used to create authentic problem-based learning opportunities that support and nurture 21st century skill. This presentation shows the connection between gaming, brain-based research and developing 21st century skills.

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Dr. Z Reflects

2011 Announcements

K12Online11 Day 9 Presentations: 8 December 2011

Published by:

Welcome to day nine of the 2011 K-12 Online Conference! All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Week 2 Presentation Strands: Sandbox Play and Level Up

Day 9 presentations include:

Sandbox Play:
Tools to help you and your students create, produce and publish by Valerie Burton

Sandbox Play:
Everything Apps for the K12 Educator!  by Naomi Harm

Level Up:
Making Learning Fun In Spite of the Technology by Kay Tibbs

Level Up:
Creating a self-grading quiz in Google Spreadsheets by Kern Kelley

Remember certificates for professional development credit are available this year! If you’re not already, be sure to follow us on Twitter and “like” us on Facebook. Also remember all video and audio presentations are available in iPad / iPhone / iPod touch compatible format in our iTunesU Portal!

Have a question you’d like our presenters to answer during our closing “Afterglow” live event? Please submit/share it and vote on questions submitted by others in our K12Online11 Google Moderator Poll.

2011 2011-Sandbox Play

Everything Apps for the K12 Educator

Published by:

Presenter: Naomi Harm
Location: Brownsville, MN

Presentation Title: Everything Apps for the K12 Educator

Presentation Description: Everywhere you look, people are talking about mobile learning devices. How can we use them and their apps to assist educators with their day to day instruction and immediate and mobile assessments? How can we harness the power of this exciting new technology to better meet the needs of ALL of your students in your classroom?

Join us for this exciting, fast-paced look into the world of “Everything Apps for the PreK-12 educator!” We will explore and review apps with the following focus areas and a whole lot more!:

*Communication and Assessments
*Educator and Student Productivity
*Digital Stoyrtelling
*eBooks and Digital Textbook Creations
*English and Language Arts
*Math, Science and Social Studies
*Cloud Storage

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Naomi Harm, Master of Education in Professional Development, ME-PD, best known as an 21st century educational technology literacy specialist, enthusiast and guru welcomes every opportunity to share her expertise and best practices relating to technology infused teaching and learning environments. Her dynamic career focus includes many exciting and cutting edge jobs which include: an Intel National Senior Trainer, SMART certified trainer, and manages her own “Innovative Educator” 2.0 consulting corporation. Naomi provides customized staff development technology workshops, grant writing expertise, and designs and delivers online graduate course work for universities. She also has a well-known specialty and expertise area of delivering motivational international keynote presentations focusing on emerging technologies, 21st century skills and assessments, 21st century administrative leadership, peer coaching, mobile learning technologies, project based learning, and inspired and transformative educational technology leadership. Naomi is truly passionate about building global relationships with educational technology leaders, while engaging in meaningful and collaborative conversations to meet the needs of today’s diverse learners.

2011 2011-Level Up

Creating a Self Correcting Quiz Using Google Forms

Published by:

Presenter: Kristopher Redman / Kern Kelley
Location: Newport, Maine

Presentation Title: Creating a Self Correcting Quiz Using Google Forms

Presentation Description: This presentation takes users step by step through the process of creating a self-correcting quiz using Google Forms.

iPod videomp3 audio


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
For more information about visit me on www.kristopherredman.com