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Tag Archives: wikis

2011 2011-Sandbox Play

Tools to Create, Produce and Publish

Published by:

Presenter: Valerie R. Burton
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Presentation Title: Tools to Create, Produce and Publish

Presentation Description: This presentation demonstrates how to use a variety of tools for teachers to help engage students and for the students to produce creative work. We examine the uses of:
1. Google Docs for collaboration, Google Forms to gather information
2. Weebly.com for ePortfolios and easy websites
3. Wordle.net for avatars, presentations and prior knowledge assessment
4. Kidblog.org for student blogs
5. WordPress.com for an assignment blog
6. Edublogs.org for a class blog
7. Photopeach.com for photomovies
8. Audacity for podcasts
9. Screenr.com for how to videos
10. Twitter.com for updates
11. PBWorks.com to create on online classroom
12. Wallwisher.com to gather ideas and other online tools

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Blog: http://2blog2share2learn.edublogs.org/
Presentations Site: http://msbisonline.weebly.com/

2010-Week in the Classroom

The Top Ten

Published by:

Presenter: Rebecca Pilver
Location: Willington, CT USA
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: The Top Ten

Presentation Description: See how Web 2.0 tools and 21st century literacies are woven into a project-based Language Arts unit. In this video you will learn about the learning activities that led up to the culminating product, The Top 10 Wiki. The Top 10 unit is aligned to standards, big ideas and essential questions, and integrates a variety of instructional strategies both off line and on line. Although the work you will view was done by 4th grade students, this model could be applied across the grade levels.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Twitter: @rebpilver

2010-Student Voices

C^4: Leveraging The Power Of Blogs And Wikis In Student Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Dolores Gende, Chris P., Cyrus G., Emily H., Eric M. Paxton S., Pippa T., Puja M.
Location: Dallas, TX, USA
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: C^4: Leveraging The Power Of Blogs And Wikis In Student Learning

Presentation Description:

An integral part of my Physics classes is the use of web 2.0 digital tools such as wikis and blogs among others. In this presentation my 9th grade students share their experience in the use of these tools and the positive impact these tools have had on their learning.

The students relate how the class wiki encouraged collaborative learning and information sharing by facilitating communication among the members of the class. One of the major advantages of using the wiki is that the students became engaged in conversations with one another outside of the classroom that enhanced and deepened their understanding of our class topics.

They talk about being empowered as learners in taking the lead in moving us all to the next step in our physics learning experience. And I do mean us. Through the wiki and their blogs I become a co-learner with the students, able to guide where appropriate, but also learning from what they bring to the conversation. It’s a conversation unlike a typical class conversation, because we are all on an equal footing.

The students describe the additional collateral advantages coming from blogging such as improvement in their writing skills and an awareness of the importance of being a reflective learner.

The presentation wiki (http://bit.ly/ac7kcf) includes a transcript of the presentation with relevant links to published demonstration of their immersion in critical thinking, collaboration, effective communication, and creativity.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Personal Homepage
Blog: Journey in Technology
Twitter: @dgende