Presenter: Ben Rimes
Location: St. Joseph, MI, USA
Twitter: @techsavvyed
Presentation Description: Traditional story problems are dull. They’re usually disconnected from real world scenarios and learner’s experiences, and are presented in an artificial manner. Through the use of video, students and teachers can capture genuine moments of curiosity and real world examples for use in the classroom.
Aren’t ready to start filming yourself in the aisles of your local grocery store or park to point out interesting problems? You can easily use video to produce more scripted variations of traditional story problems, provide many open ended questions all tied to a common concept, or start to your flip your classroom with a blending of both teacher and learner voices.
I wanted to provide a mixture of both student examples, teacher examples, and a bit of my thought process for creating this story problems. It’s certainly not limited to Math, as video story problems would work very well for exploring conceptual science problems and reflective language arts of social studies learning. As we all struggle to adopt the Common Core State Standards here in the United States, it’s important to remember that publishing, collaborating, and sharing with other learners online is now a requirement at almost all levels of K-12 education. Giving students a way to share their voice while connecting real world situations to classroom studies is a positive step towards a more student-centered classroom where exploration and curiosity is encouraged!
Link to presentation’s supporting documents: