(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
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Tag Archives: professionaldevelopment

2015 Announcements

HOW Have You Used the K12 Online Conference for Professional Learning?

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Since the K12 Online Conference began in 2006 nine years ago, there have been more than 360 presentations from around the world, all recorded and archived. Hundreds of educators have joined in, not only for their own professional learning but also to share these resources with other educators in their own schools/districts and online.

“Just in time learning” has become an essential part of learning for many teachers. Knowing this, several years ago, I began using the archived presentations from the K12 Online Conference for professional development in the Madison School District (Phoenix, AZ). The quality, and wide variety of topics, provided a rich menu for teachers to pick from, allowing them to build their own learning. It opened a new door for teachers, showing them they could use resources, such as the archives from the conference, to learn and keep up with the latest practices and tools for effective technology integration.

Have you, or anyone in your learning environment, ever used the K12 Online Conference for professional development or professional learning? Was PD credit given, and, if so, how were hours or points determined? If it was informal, please share how it took place (who participated, what did you view, how was it organized, whether participants were able to earn re-certification hours, etc.). Please share your story with us so others can benefit from what you have done. Please use this form to submit your experiences. Even if you haven’t actually implemented your idea but have a suggestion/idea to share we’d love to have you submit the form also. View the submitted responses and take on the challenge of of trying one or more of these strategies in your school/district/country.

Kim Thomas, 2015 K12 Online Conference PD Facilitator