Louise Maine Punxsutawney, PA, USA
Blog: http://hurricanemaine.blogspot.com
Bio: Louise Maine is a biology teacher and a site reviewer for TeachersFirst. She was featured in Edutopia magazine on use of wikis (August/September 2008). Her conference presentations include class wiki use at the One-to-one Conference at Penn State University in April 2008, and featured as a model teacher by the State of PA for the Classrooms for the future coaches bootcamp, October 2008.
Bio Page: http://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Louise+Maine
Presentation Title: Overcoming Entropy
Description: In Science, entropy is the course of events towards disorder of a system. In new ideas or models, early adopters have the spirit and the energy of innovative ideas. This is the case with 21st century skills. In order to continue innovation and change the course of education, the momentum of change needs to overcome entropy. Reflection of lessons learned in creating change has brought to light successful and unsuccessful ways to balance energy and entropy as well as several barriers and thoughts that should be considered.
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