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2014 2014-Stories for Learning

Augmenting Interest in Reading with Augmented Reality

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Presenter: Kyle Dunbar
Location: Alexandria, VA USA

Presentation Description: Through screencasts, presentation tools and videos of interviews with teachers and students, I will share examples of students creating videos about books they are reading that are linked through the Augmented Reality app Aurasma. Viewers will hear about students drafting their videos, recording their videos, linking their videos, and watching each other’s videos using the Aurasma app. Teachers and students will share how creating these augmented reality apps have encouraged reading in their classrooms, helped students find books they want to read and has sparked an interest in presenting books in new and interesting ways. Teachers and students will also give advice about the best ways to use augmented reality in the classroom as well as make suggestions about how you can use Aurasma in your classroom or school library.

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:
TLP Project

Seeing Auras, Through Aurasma, That Is!