This is a growing list of frequently asked questions regarding the K-12 Online Conference. Please review this list before emailing the conference conveners with a question! 🙂
- When is the conference being held? The conference presentations will be published the weeks of October 23 and 30, but all of the presentations will be online for anyone to access in the future.
- Is there any cost involved? No, this online conference is free and open to anyone to view and comment.
- If I have an idea for a presentation, how do I submit it? You may e-mail your submission abstract to any of the three conference organizers. Please follow the guidelines on the SubmissionGuidelines page.
- What form do the presentations take? Please feel free to use your imagination! The only requirement is that people can view your work online. Obviously, the larger the file (i.e podcast or screencast) the longer it will take to download from our servers.
- How do I get my presentation to you? Once your submission has been accepted, we’ll let you know how to upload your work to our servers. (You will be notified of acceptance by Oct. 6, 2006)
- Who chooses what presentations are accepted? A committee of three people will be doing blind readings of each of abstracts and select the top nine in each strand.
- I hear there will be “live” sessions. How will that work? We will have weekly live Elluminate sessions so that conference participants can interact and ask questions of the Keynote speakers and other presenters. A link will be posted to the blog that will give you access to the weekly Elluminate sessions. If you are unable to attend the Elluminate chats, we will make an archive of the event available.
- How will I know what time to attend the online sessions? Other than the Elluminate chats all of the sessions will be pre-recorded for you to watch/listen to at your convenience. The Elluminate session times will all be published on the conference blog well in advance of each event. Watch the blog for more details.
Have another question you would like answered here? Please leave a comment!