Sarah Sutter has published a 51 second teaser video for her K12Online09 week 2 presentation, “Show & Tell: Exhibit, Reflect & Critique with Blogs.”
Author Archives: wfryer
2009 PRECONFERENCE KEYNOTE:Going Global: Culture Shock, Convergence and the Future of Education
Presenter: Kim Cofino
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Twitter: @mscofino
Presentation Title: Going Global: Culture Shock, Convergence and the Future of Education
Presentation Description: Looking at daily life in foreign lands reveals a colorful spectrum of inspiring metaphors for the shifts we need to make in education. Often what we may find initially chaotic, disorienting and strange in other countries can actually spark new ways of thinking about teaching and learning. Through the voices of teachers and students from around the world, we’ll examine the unique aptitudes which allow successful expats to thrive in any environment. These are exactly the skills that future students and teachers will need to confidently enter the digital, global, converging, collaborative world of tomorrow – wherever they might be physically located.
DotSub Video Presentation Link
Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)
Link to presentation’s supporting documents:
Additional Information:
Twitter: mscofino
Questions for discussion:
What global experiences have you had in real life or online that influenced your thinking about education?
Are you, or do you know any, Third Culture Kids? Do you think they share any common characteristics that make them different from people who grew up in a single culture?
How are you connecting yourself, and your students, globally? What changes have occurred (for example: in mindset, attitude or outlook) as a result of those connections?
Also join the discussion about this presentation on our conference Ning!
Living History Teaser from Jane Ross
Here is the teaser video from Jane Ross for her upcoming session, “Living History.”
Technorati Tags:
history, k12online09, video, indonesia, dutch, culture
Teaser for Little Kids, Big Possibilities by Kelly Hines
Here is the teaser video for Little Kids, Big Possibilities by Kelly Hines.
Technorati Tags:
k12online09, k12online, teaser, video, animoto
K12Online09 Presentation Schedule Available
Our schedule of presentations for the 2009 K-12 Online Conference is now online and available! This schedule is linked from the following locations:
- At the top of our conference blog, in the header as the SCHEDULE link.
- In the right sidebar of our conference blog, as the “2009 Schedule” link above our archive links.
- On our conference Ning, as the main “Events” tab link at the top of each page.
- On our conference wiki, on the main homepage, on the “For Participants” page, and in the left sidebar as “2009 Schedule.”
Per the posted schedule, our 2009 K-12 Online Conference begins tomorrow at 12 pm GMT, which is 7 am EST, with Kim Cofino’s pre-conference keynote, “Going Global: Culture Shock, Convergence, and the Future of Education.” Use this link to view the exact time when the keynote will “go live” in your local time zone.
If you have not already, read Kim’s post from October 11th giving more background about what’s coming in her keynote.
Bookmark / favorite our 2009 Conference Schedule page! As presentations are published each day of our main conference weeks, links to those videos will be added to the conference schedule as well as posted here on our conference blog. (They’ll “go live” here on the blog first.) Presenters will also be adding embedded links to their videos on our conference Ning, and adding discussion posts for their presentations in our Ning forum.
If you have not already, please join our conference Ning to participate in discussions there throughout and following our 2009 conference.
Technorati Tags:
education, k12online, k12online09, schedule, school, technology
Slippery Rocks & Hard Places Teaser
Here is the video teaser for Dennis Richards‘ upcoming K12Online09 presentation, “Slippery Rocks & Hard Places.”
Teaser ~ Slippery Rocks & Hard Places: Twelve Bridges and Learning Matters from Dennis Richards on Vimeo.
Technorati Tags:
k12online, k12online09, leadership, teaser, video
Join us on Classroom 2.0 Live Talking K12Online09 Saturday
Tomorrow on Classroom 2.0 Live, organizers of the 2009 K-12 Online Conference will discuss this year’s conference which begins on Monday, November 30th with a pre-conference keynote by Kim Cofino. Here are the details of this FREE online meetup!
Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009
Time: Saturday, November 28, 2009 (9:00am Pacific/ 10:00am Mountain/ 11:00am Central/ 12:00pm Eastern)
Location: Elluminate –
Tips for first-time users in Elluminate are available.
The official description of the session (according to the Classroom 2.0 Live calendar entry) is:
The topic this Sat. will be “2009 K12Online Conference Update” with the K12Online Conference Co-conveners. Please join us as we are updated by the conference co-conveners about the latest news of the K12Online Conference live events, keynote speakers and conference presenters. More information and session details are at Classroom 2.0 LIVE is an opportunity to gather with other member of the community in regular “live” web meetings. Special thanks for this go to our sponsor, Elluminate, for providing the service that allows us to do this! Thanks so much for being a part of this community!
Hope you can join us for this discussion online, as well as for the K-12 Online Conference! Please remember (if you have not already) to join the K-12 Online Conference Ning, follow us on Twitter, friend us on Facebook, and subscribe to our blog!
Digital Writers’ Workshop Teaser video by Jackie Gerstein
Here’s the teaser video for Jackie Gerstein‘s upcoming K12Online09 presentation, “Digital Writers’ Workshop.”
Find more videos like this on K12 Online Conference
Technorati Tags:
k12online, k12online09, teaser, video, writing
“A Peek for A Week” – A Week in the Classroom Keynote Teaser
Here’s the teaser video for Rachel Boyd‘s upcoming keynote in the K12Online09 strand, A Week in the Classroom. Her presentation is titled, “A Peek for A Week.”
Find more videos like this on K12 Online Conference
Technorati Tags:
classroom, integration, k12online, k12online09, teaser, technology, video, web2, primary, elementary
Using VideoAnt Annotations to Provide “Audience-Based” Assessment to Students’ Video Productions Teaser
Here’s the teaser video for Richard Beach‘s upcoming K12Online09 presentation, “Using VideoAnt Annotations to Provide “Audience-Based” Assessment to Students’ Video Productions.”
Find more videos like this on K12 Online Conference
Technorati Tags:
k12online, k12online09, video, annotate, annotation