(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
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Author Archives: coordinatortwo


K12Online09 Day 6 Presentations: 14 December 2009

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Welcome to day six of the 2009 K-12 Online Conference! All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Today’s presentations include:


KEYNOTE: BRINGing it OUT a Notch
Diego Leal

Telling the World: Flat Classroom Student Summit in Practice
Julie Lindsay


KEYNOTE: A Peek for a Week – Inside a Kiwi Junior Classroom
Rachel Boyd

To Those Who Want to Rock-Don’t Suppose Compose!
Carol Broos and Carol Vrotny

Comunicacion 2.0 en el aula
Pilar Soro 

Presentation links on our 2009 schedule page should be updated by 12:15 GMT today.

If you need assistance during the conference, please post your question in our conference Ning help desk forum category. If you can answer or offer suggestions to any of the questions posted there, please do! If you are a first-timer to our conference, please read the “Getting Started” page on our conference wiki.

A page containing web feeds from the conference is available, including updated links for our 2009 audio podcast and video podcast channels. Podcast channel links should be updated by 12:30 pm GMT each day of the conference.

Information about opportunities and procedures for receiving professional development are available on the PD page of our conference wiki as well as in our Professional Developing conference Ning group.

Subscribe to our Twitter Channel, Facebook page, as well as conference blog post and comments in your feed reader.

Accessibility has been and remains extremely important to organizers and presenters in the K-12 Online Conference. At some point during or after the conference, please complete our accessibility survey. We value your input and encourage you to participate fully in the conference as well as share it with others in your school and community.

2009 2009-Kicking It Up a Notch

Telling the World: Flat Classroom Student Summit

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Presenter: Julie Lindsay
Location: Beijing, China
Twitter: @julielindsay

Presentation Title: Telling the World: Flat Classroom Student Summit

Presentation Description: The world is their audience, literally, when high school students embark on a Flat Classroom Project. As a culmination to the 12-14 week global collaborative project students have the opportunity to present their research and findings in real time through a virtual classroom. Guests internationally are invited to attend and ask questions and interact with the students. This experience goes beyond the usual classroom sharing model and promotes awareness of the scope of a global audience, confidence in public speaking and enhanced cultural exchange. This session shares highlights from recent Flat Classroom Student Summits and provides a pedagogical approach that allows safe collaboration and sharing and pushes the limits of classroom experience into a blended 21st century and Web 2.0 model.
This session will showcase best student work from the Flat Classroom project and show how students present their research and learning to an international audience. Using a virtual classroom, students from around the world present to their peers and to educators and guests and field questions. The aim of this session is to show how powerful an online learning community is and how Web 2.0 tools can support and enhance the learning experience globally. Participants will be exposed to tools and methods for facilitating this style of online showcase.


DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Julie blogs at E-Learning Journey’s
Follow her on Twitter

2009 2009-Kicking It Up a Notch


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Presenter: Diego Leal
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
Twitter: @qadmon

Presentation Title: BRINGing it OUT a notch

Presentation Description: The amazing innovation we are seeing in many classrooms around the world still has a small impact, when compared to the size of our educational systems. How do we bridge the divides to go bigger? This presentation will explore some divides, from a Colombian perspective, and will propose some ideas that could help in bridging them.

La fabulosa innovación que vemos en muchos salones de clase alrededor del mundo todavía tiene un impacto pequeño, en comparación con el tamaño de nuestros sistemas educativos. ¿Cómo creamos puentes para cerrar las brechas y crecer más? Esta presentación explorará algunas brechas, desde una perspectiva colombiana, y propondrá algunas ideas que pueden ayudar a crear puentes para cerrarlas.

DotSub Video Presentation Link

YouTube version (Spanish / Espanol only – no translation)

Blip m4v direct link (video file)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Twitter: qadmon
Blog: http://diegoleal.org/blog

Questions for discussion / Preguntas para discusión

  • ¿Qué brechas observa usted en su entorno? ¿Usted ha experimentado alguna brecha de primera mano? / Do you see any divides in your own environment? How so? Have you experienced a divide first-hand?
  • ¿Qué saltos piensa usted que puede llevar a cabo para atender esas brechas? / What kind of ‘jumps’ can you do in order to do something about those divides?
  • ¿Cuáles son los aspectos de nuestra visión que debemos repensar, si quisiéramos superar las brechas? / What aspects of our vision need to be thought again, if we want to overcome the divides?

K12Online09 LAN Party for September 26, 2009

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We hosted our first in a series of virtual LAN parties this past Saturday at Edtechtalk.

The schedule for the first LAN party was as follows:
Matthew Needleman Film School

Alec Couros Open,Social,Connected

Mark Wagner “Wiki While You Work (Basic)”

Kathy Cassidy “We Like Our Blogging Buddies: The Write Stuff with Blogging Mentors” “Using Web 2.0 Tools in a Grade One Classroom”

All audio and text chat can be found at Edtechtalk.com/k12online09

Please join us for our next LAN party on Tuesday October 20th, 2009 at 6pm EDT at the Edtectalk.com Webcasting Studio.


K12OnlineConference 2009 Live Events Committee

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We are pleased to announce our live events committee team for 2009!!! Our chair is Drew Buddie an educator from the U.K.  Members inlude Peggy George a retired elementary school principal  from Arizona, Susan Van Gelder an educator from Montreal Canada, Kim Caise educator from Texas,  and Lisa Durff a k12 teacher from Maryland. Also in a supportive role are worldbridges webcasters Jose Rodriguez, Jeff Lebow and Doug Symington.

Our committee will be coordinating the live events component of k12online conference. This will include our Pre-Conference; Virtual LAN Parties and Fireside chats.  As well as live events during the conference itself at Edtechtalk and new Second Life venue.  We will give you updates in the next several weeks. Our first event will be a LAN party for Saturday September 26th, 2009.  We will feature previous k12onlineconference presentations from 2006-08. Details coming soon.  We welcome your suggestions and look forward to a great conference.


K-12 Online Conference 2009 Webcast on EdTechTalk

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Join the K-12 Online Conference 2009 convener team on the Thursday night session of Edtech Brainstorm with Doug Symington and friends at http://edtechtalk.com/live this week, on July 30, 2009. This weekly meeting takes place at 9pm – 10pm Eastern, or 1 AM GMT on July 31st. (Use this World Time Server link to view the time in your local time zone.) We will be discussing our progress in preparing for this year’s conference, including the call for presentations (open through August 16th) and our soon-to-be released call for committee volunteers this year.   Come and find out what the K-12 Online Conferenice is all about, and help us brainstorm about some changes to our live events for this year!!!

Specifically, we will discuss the possibility of offering a “September Lee Baber Jamboree” webcast with EdTechTalk, which would feature some of the best presentations from past K-12 Online Conference years. Dave Cormier wrote the post, “The First Annual Lee Baber Jamboree – Win a community” back in March, and those thoughts along with our K-12 Online Conference Convener discussions about having live events this year which involve EdTechTalk, Ustream, and synchronous backchannel discussions as we watch and listen to conference presentations together are the background for this online meetup on July 30th. As conveners we’ve discussed these possibilities, but we think it would be great to share these ideas with others to get feedback and suggestions. If we have a K-12 Online Jamboree (possibly on Saturday, September 26th) it would provide us a chance to try out the Ustream and EdTechTalk configurations we’re considering using in December during the weeks of the actual K12Online09 conference.

Please join us on EdTechTalk this coming Thursday if you can, and also feel free to share comments, thoughts, and ideas here as comments on the blog.

2009 Announcements

K12Online2009: Conference Theme and Strands

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As we get prepared for the summer (Northen Hemisphere), we  are ready to announce our conference theme and strands for 2009.  This year our conference theme is “Bridging the Divide”  and our four strands will be  Getting Started, Week in the Classroom, Kicking It Up a Notch, and Leading the Change.  This year we are also looking at including presentations in Spanish and those produced by students– More information will be shared about this soon.  Look for regular updates here on the K-12 Online Conference blog! As conveners we are now meeting weekly to work on plans for the 2009 conference.  We will be releasing the 2009 conference  call for presentations to coincide with NECC 2009.  On behalf of the K12OnlineConference 2009 team, thanks for stopping by!